You can but it is not wise. And because of this, I would probably advise against it for most people. I'll soon be getting a few mollies, so would they live happily alongside the zebra danios I already have or should I put them in a separate tank? You can put Comet and Shubunkin Goldfish with koi fish. You can usually squeeze them by in a 20 though. Try. Platies Temperament. Conclusion. 0 0. Avoid keeping mollies and platies. However, when you try to put them together in your home aquarium, you will run into some problems. There is some overlap here, and it helps to know exactly which species of gourami you have. Source(s): have goldfish in 55 gal aquarium. Furthermore, they are active fish and breed rapidly. If you did have dwarf frogs in a larger tank you should have lots of hiding places for the frogs. Zebra danios can survive in varying tank conditions as they are a thorough breed. I know mollies are tropical and zebra danio are not, but my room is always so warm that my tank is constantly at 25' celsius (about 77' fahrenheit) anyway, and my fish have always been fine. Which means you can have a school of danios and one or two small goldfish living in a 50 to 60-gallon fish tank. Their differences are enough to make keeping them together quite difficult. Both species of fish are great beginner fish, and choosing one or the other is largely dependent on what type of tank you would want, but putting both of these beginner fish together would be a mistake. Make sure Guppies are all the same gender. But, never put a baby or fancy little goldfish with koi in a tank. Since black moors and other goldfish enjoy socializing with their peers, they tend to get along very well mollies. Thanks Their suitable tankmates are other non-aggressive small species. MOLLIES ARE GOOD TOO I HAVE 10 MOLLIES AND 8 GOLDFISH IN ONE TANK. Suckermouth Catfish. You can go to 75 degrees, but it shouldn't be higher. You can go to 75 degrees, but it shouldn't be higher. Goldfish also are high level waste producers. Anyways, you can keep mollies with cichlids, it really depends on the species. However, it would be a better move to temporarily house your betta in a quarantine tank if you have one. Especially if you have a pair. Platies are social, peaceful fish that does best when kept in small groups. There is, however, a tiny window of opportunity where both fishes could live together, but we still advise against it to save yourself from any headaches. Goldfish like their water cold around 60F or under. The … For these reasons, you need to remove the mollies and put them in another tank. What is important if you are going to keep mollies and guppies together, is that you buy them in the correct ratio. And they can live in a 10 gallon. As such, they need to have their water parameters very, very carefully checked. Yes, you can put fish and turtles into the same aquarium, but there are a TON of strings attached. Molly fish have been reported to bully goldfish causing injuries. I recommend getting between two and three female fish for every male fish, and this for both species. Planting an aquarium with a Betta in it should also not be an issue. Thus, even if the temperature of the content of these species coincided, it would not have been possible to keep them together – the angelfish would offend goldfish. For that reason, we’ve put together a shedload of fish tank care and maintenance tips in all posts in here to help you hone better fish keeping skills. Golden Orfe (ILeuciscus idus) You can barely differentiate between a Golden Orfe and a Golden Koi fish when they swim. Go to Tank — AquariaWise • Fish • 10 Different Types of Molly fish—Can They Mate, Live Together They are large and strong enough to live with koi. 3. Platies are small, peaceful fish that get along with all their tank mates, provided those tank mates are also peaceful. The ideal temperature for goldfish is 70 degrees. As such, they need to have their water parameters very, very carefully checked. In either case, there shouldn’t be any aggression involved, as they are all … Mollies like their water warm around 70F or warmer. Aquarist. Mollies are actively moving sphenops types, so to successfully keep a group, you will need a 13-gallon capacity tank (50 liters) to avoid crowding and comfortably grow your mollies with a stable biotic balance in their habitat. Yes you can. If required, add few air stones in the tank so that when the water starts heating up, the optimal amount of oxygen is available to the fishes. (and guppies breed like crazy)---Try platys which are just like mollies but tinier. For these reasons, you need to remove the mollies and put them in another tank. Although both are tropical varieties, goldfish love cooler waters, while guppies like it when put in a tank with toasty warm water. Goldfish enjoy colder water than what mollies would find comfortable, but this isn’t the only reason why these two aren’t a good combo. They will make good tank mates, but there are a few things you should be aware of before you put them in the same tank. Southern Platyfish. White Cloud Mountain Minnows. So can you keep goldfish and guppies together? Mollies need a temperature of 78 to 84 degrees. Gold fish can'nt stay with Rosy barb. How Will Frogs and Goldfish Get Along? Molly fish diet is described omnivorous, meaning it is easier to maintain as it can feed on any food available. The ideal temperature for goldfish is 70 degrees. Angelfish. Some people even use smaller snails as a food source for their goldies. Can Mollies and Guppies Live Together? If you put ANY other fish than goldfish into any container, the other fish are going to either eat the goldfish or get eaten by the goldfish. I would go with 5-7 Platies with a 2-1 f/m ratio (added over a couple of weeks). Aggressive fish like barbs. Oscar. Aggressive fish should not be kept with mollies as they’ll pick fights and injure your molly fish. Just because when I had 2 comet goldfish and 3 minnows my goldfish ended up eating the minnows,because they were small and skinny. When you're buying a Platy, make sure to get at least a pair if not more. Their body characteristics are almost the same as a Koi fish. Could you possibly post a picture so I, or another member on here could properly identify them for you? Fancy Goldfish Aquarium That is why you have to be careful and selective when it comes to choosing the fish species for your aquarium. In an emergency, for example, if your betta tank filtration system failed, theoretically, you could put your betta in your goldfish tank for a day or so while you replace the filter unit. Mollies need a temperature of 78 to 84 degrees. Aquarium Size . FISH CONSIDERATE on August 12, 2017: I have a fish tank that holds at least 40 gallons. Gouramis are tropical fish. Joined Jul 22, 2009 Messages 1,830 Reaction score 0 Location East Yorkshire. Reactions: 1 person. They come in all colors, shapes, and sizes for you to choose from. Goldfish also are high level waste producers. Environmental Needs. Fish on October 07, 2017: Hi, I really do not recommend Minnows. Zebra danios are relatively faster swimmers and will beat the goldfish for pace – so you can take that the zebra danio’s survival instinct [when up against a ‘bloodthirsty’ goldfish]. For a 40 Gallon keep only 3-4 Goldfish and 3-4 Guppies. I really like Mollies though and love black Mollies. Additionally, you need a bigger tank since they can quickly grow around 30 centimeters in length. Better combination will be Gold Fish, Koi-Carp, Tiger Shark , Angel and guppies. White cloud minnows are another cold water fish species that make good companions for goldfish, they can even grow up together. Not only that but you don't need that many guppies! Having a colorful school of dainty fish species living together! Goldfish and Guppies can be kept together happily, but you need to make consideration for both. When it comes to fish, there can never be enough of them. As far as the tank set up is concerned, you can put the discus in planted tanks but, the plants should be able to tolerate the high temperatures. The goldfish can't stay in warm water and the mollies can't stay in cold water so either way one will get sick and eventually die. In most of the cases, the unfrequented water parameters are the problem. They love to swim with one another through plants, hiding under leaves, and resting at some points. That's 3. Ben M Formerly pest control. Mollies need 30 gallons. This does not mean that one prefers a mai tai and the other likes tea: It means gouramis need warmer water than goldfish can stand. Check out whether guppies and mollies can live together.) For one, it requires a strict maintenance schedule and heavy filtration because they, together with goldfish, produce a great deal of bioload. The fish you can have, together with your single Betta are: Cory Cats, Rosy Red Minnows, Guppies, Hatchets, Mollies, Plecos, Platies, Loaches, Rasboras, Suckermouth Catfish, Tetras, and Swordtails. So a good situation would be buying 2 male guppies, 2 male mollies, 6 female guppies and 6 female mollies when you are starting with no fish. I wouldn’t put goldfish in anything less than a 30 gallon aquarium. Then, you need to get the proper water filters and safe accessories. 0 0. 1 male to 2 females. Goldfish are temperate fish. I have a filtration … 1 decade ago. Also know, can guppies mollies and Platies live together? Because they are peaceful goldfish tank mates, you don’t have to worry about them hurting your fish – but you still get the benefits of algae removal. Keep the temperature (buy a heater) at 22-23 C. This is a good temperature for both of them. While it may seem tempting to house them together, Goldfish and GloFish are not suited to the same environments as one another. Why Should You Not Keep Goldfish and GloFish Together? They can all swim together, or they can break into groups separated by breed. Mollies and goldfish can't live together is what everyone is telling you. Please separate them ASAP. You also need to make sure that the tank is at an even level on the stand, or else it might crack. ... Goldfish. Keeping Guppy Fish and Goldfish in the Same Tank. 3 platys (1 male, 2 female) 3 guppies (1 male, 2 females)- I know you lost one. These two fish have very similar habits, diets, and needs. Basically, you need to get a lot of things right, and perhaps be a little lucky, in order to really make it work. A friend of mine that has been keeping livebearers for nearly 30yrs refuses to buy Mollies because they are so susecptable to getting sick. Naturally, therefore, keeping the guppies and goldfish together in one fish tank would mean you have to maintain a temperature balance between what the guppies need and what the goldfish … Unfortunately if you are stocking Goldfish you probably won’t have live plants and dwarf frogs really enjoy live plants. You, however, need to make some changes to your aquarium if you want to pair it with your goldfish. Can You Keep Bettas And Goldfish Together Temporarily? What fish can you put with platys? The location is important — you have to set the aquarium in an area without direct sunlight, or it will cause excess algae, and you have to place it where you can easily manage it for cleaning and changing the water. Whether you like guppies, tetras, barbs, or danios, we all can agree a group is always better than one. Many aquarists keep goldfish or angelfish in small aquariums, but small volumes can limit growth and lead to health problems. • Temperature. you can keep the barbs, mollies, angel fish and guppies together.. you can get different types of goldfish to put tails, black moors etc.. If you plan on buying a new tank, you ought to pick one type of fish and rehome the other. As you can see, Neon tetras and goldfish are vastly different. Mollies and Guppies can live together.
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