There is a two week waiting period before the insurance kicks in and you have your choice of three deductibles. Do dog toenails grow back? Please review the very important Help Disclaimer, If you enjoy or are benefiting from our website and you like to shop at Amazon, you can help support Riley's Place by visiting and purchasing through our Dog Shoppe!>. I worry about walking him because I’m not sure how sensitive his toes are with just a thin layer of nail protecting his quick. Yvonne, Could you please tell me what food it is that you are feeding Meeko, and seems to be the right one! Riley is now seven years old and up until the past six or eight weeks he broke one or two nails in that time frame. As for declawing Snoopy please please please don’t do that. How painful on a 1-to-10 scale? Sorry I didn’t see your post earlier. Thank you very much for any help you can send. I have Pomeranian and I think he snagged his toe nail on something because it is breaking off at the base and under it there is a little spike. (not easy to find with no poultry or poultry binder used). SLO is not a fatal disease. If in fact that’s the case he’s likely in serious pain so I hope you won’t wait too long to get him to the vet. We rely on his walks to keep his nails short. Riley spent most of last summer laying on the floor, he didn’t want to do anything because of his pain. Be sure and take your dog on regular walks, too, as this can help keep their nails trimmed down naturally. You might also check with your local humane society and cat rescues. (Yes… that’s how much snow we are having…. I cannot fault her for the way she handled Riley’s SLO. On my husband’s request, I did ask our vet about what I considered an extreme measure of removing all his toenails as an alternative to lifelong medications. Nails: All dogs have them. Why Are My Dog’s Toenails Falling Off? Try to examine the paw, if they will let you. ... My greyhound is limping and favoring her back right leg. Again more than one way to look at things, as always. His coat is a tiny bit on the dull side which is not normal for him at all. One of the number one reasons dogs lose their nails is because they are too long. In order for the SLO to go away permanently they have to remove the nail bed which is the same procedure as declawing a cat. At this point I started to feel that something else was going on and I wrestled with that feeling and the human conclusion wire crate reason for the broken nails. There are other pet insurance companies but my research found that Healthy Paws has the best coverage without limitations on how much per lifetime. Do you know why it is so important to trim your dog's nails? Secondly, long toenails can hamper a dog’s ability to walk or run efficiently. First I’d like to say I’m very impressed with you and I’m commending your vet for jumping into action and taking such good care of your Meeko :). There are many different signs to look for that will indicate your dog has lost a nail, including: If you notice any of the above, it could mean your dog has lost a nail or is suffering from a broken nail that may fall off eventually. My pitbull has been diagnosed with SLO.. I was getting serious about taking him off but something stopped me. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. He’s lost almost all of his nails now. German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Labs, Pit Bulls, Gordon Setters, Greyhounds and other large breed dogs are all supposed to be susceptible to SLO. I called and went in every time she lost a nail and every time a quick wouldn’t heal and again they told me there is no disease that would cause this, her nails just need to grow out and I just needed to be patient. Add to that a dog’s nails are all on their feet which they must use all four of to get around. They can turn a sound paw into a splayed foot and reduce traction, and they can cause deformed feet and injure the tendons over an extended period. Sometimes you will find a cut, foxtail, insect stinger, or another foreign object that may be causing them discomfort and pain. Their response was that they didn’t need the photos, the verbal description could only mean one thing, that Riley had SLO and that we should start treating him immediately. I wouldn't say it's common, but it's the most common reason for multiple nail loss.” Vasculitis is inflammation in the small blood vessels in the toe and toenail and can lead to poor blood supply that affects the nail. They may know of other ways to help people in your situation cover vet costs. We continue to give Riley his SLO meds in the hopes of preventing more SLO flare-ups, we were told he will need to take his SLO meds until he dies. “Gosh, I think it’s variable, but I would say at least a 7,” says Jennifer S. Pendergraft, DVM, MS, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist and assistant professor of dermatology and otology at Colorado State University’s James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital.Therefore, please use extreme caution if your dog suffers a toenail injury. I just posted the story about Riley’s newest medical issues today which is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and IBD is possibly auto-immune, however this is not a sure thing because other things like genetics and allergies may be involved. This is exactly what we did but boy … were we ever WRONG! Here is one to get you started called Vaccinating Your Dog. I just followed the instructions I’d previously gotten from the vet and we contributed the break to him having mis-stepped and caught his foot on the wire crate. I must agree with your vet on this, Other possible tests could be a deep skin scraping of the nail beds to look for a mite called Demodex. Get her a good bone to chew on instead :) Contact your vet if it is bleeding profusely or really bothering them. When the meds worked it just proved the derm vet was right so no biopsy was needed. This will seal the … The medications we give for SLO are not considered harmful and if they didn’t do the trick we’d have to move onto something else. We had good success with with Wholesome Blend Grain and Poultry free. Nail and claw dystrophy can occur as the result of a trauma, infection, or abnormal formation, to name a few. First it was hypothyroidism, then it was his bi-lateral hip dysplasia and now this! I don’t want to take a chance that something might not play nice with his meds. Next Question Why is my dog losing toenails? I won’t go into my own personal opinion on painting a dog’s nails. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping, the vitamins and new food continue to do the trick. what’s really involved in declawing a cat, Feeding Your Dog: Commercial Pet Food Revealed, Understanding Dog Bite Behavior or Don’t Blame the Dog When it Bites, German Shepherd Helps Locate Owner Who Died in a Car Accident. If he doesn’t know what it is, insist that he consult with a dermatology vet – they are the ones in the know about this disease. The supplements (vitamin e, niacinamide and his salmon oil) I order online from Puritan’s Pride and Vitacost and they’re very cheap. We now give him Henry Schein Omega Tri-V Caps in place of the Salmon oil but Riley is not currently nor has he had any flare-ups since the first one and so his protocol changed after a couple years in remission. The quick is very tender (which is one reason SLO is so painful because the quick is exposed) it’s like having an open wound on your own body. In fact, a dog breaking off the occasional nail is not unusual, but if you notice your pooch seems to be losing nails on a more frequent basis, it's time to take a trip to the vet. Hasn’t she been through enough. Sometimes a nail will "shed off", especially if it grows too long. I’m excited about this… He let me touch his paws and toes the other day!!!! There are two nails in the process of coming off and soon will be painful for him. He was on Medicam for the first week, but is doing well enough that we haven’t had to refill the prescription. I showed them articles from the internet and now they want to amputate one of her toes to run tests. The medications he takes are specifically for his SLO and so far he’s not had another flare-up. Vaccinating Your Dog. Dogs are quite similar to humans in the sense that they can have weak nails that break off because of environmental factors, or even genetics. I’m hoping a nice soapy bath and fluff job will fix that right up! I learned awhile back that the cost of meds pretty much goes right along with the cost of living, it’s geographical in many cases. So far he has completely lost 7 of his toenails. Contact us! Yeah, it’s been heartbreaking here the past couple of months. Like humans, dogs can break a nail from time to time without them even noticing it. I don’t think anyone can say for sure if you and Meeko will be on a merry-go-round or not. Once a dog’s system has been compromised other auto-immune conditions can continue to crop up but once SLO is into remission it’s not like shutting a door on the feet and opening another one to another body part. Tears for my Sammy! Poor Riley. It is also important to keep in mind that each dog is different, and some may be more at risk of losing a nail than others. If your dog won't leave it alone, you may need to get a cone or muzzle. Published: 04/29/2018, edited: 04/06/2020. He was put on tetracycline and Niacidamide three times daily along with an Omega 3 supplement once a day. In dogs, there is an interesting nail disease called symmetric lupoid onychodystrophy/onychitis (SLO) that should be considered when a dog is presented with the following clinical signs: onychalgia (pain), oncholysis (splitting of nail), or onychomadesis (nails falling off).What was previously considered a pathognomonic histopathologic pattern noted in nail biopsy specimens from affected dogs is now know… You can get these by visiting Google Images and searching, then print out a few pics. You can wrap your nail and treat it with antibiotic cream, it still hurts but at least you can take steps to protect it from being bumped or otherwise irritated. In the last five weeks she has broken 8 more nails and now three out of hour of her feet are infected where she lost the nail, because they did not have her on the right antibiotics. You can reduce your risk of losing a toenail in the future by keeping your feet clean and your toenails smooth and short. Broken Toenails may be more Serious than Your Dog Just Being a Klutz, one potential danger in the use of wire crates for your dogs, he must have caught his foot between the crate wires, this photo is from a post on German Shepherd Home, Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy also known as SLO, What We’ve Learned About Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy. This could be though because his paws are so tender, he doesn’t want me to touch them anymore. In most cases, a lost nail will grow back over a few months. Before you do anything else, evaluate the severity of the injury. Short toenails are critical to your dog’s health and soundness. All of us who have dogs with SLO need as many resources as possible in order to best help our furkids and you’ve just helped all of us with your input! Ok, I’m done with this crap, and went on my own research hunt that very night and I’m still kicking myself for not doing so sooner! German Shepherd Tracks Down Help for Owner Needing Immediate Medical Attention, Pilots'n'Paws – Rex – Honorary Marine with the Power to Heal, Police K9 Returns to Work After Losing Leg to Cancer, Dogs Die from Rat Poison Exposure in Columbus, Wisconsin. Tetracycline was never mentioned for Riley, we use the doxy as do many many others. Help Can be Found by Reading Existing Posts and Comments. The vet suggested that I put her on a omga fatty acid n she has been on it for several months. I also suggest that you read the articles on rabies shots and vaccines. K9 Handler Let's His Family Dog Starve to Death! Take care, Brenda! Hi Bailey Mom all ways toenails breaking off about one a week. I don’t have the answers, but I wonder if it might help to try NZYMES® Sprouted Granules from Excessive nail-biting may also be a medical-related issue. Omg my pit bull Sammy has lost 6 nails 5 on the left front and 1 on the right foot. Untreated it can lead to total lameness! Sterilize the infected area, if your dog will let you near it. It’s a credit card dedicated to pet care and vision & dental care for people. I’ll share the link though, might get some good feedback that will prompt me to try it. Another is about to fall off anytime now. Where are you getting the tetracycline? I would love to hear from others who are going through this with their dogs. As long as you keep the order of toes consistent, this will be a good maintenance schedule, giving every toe a trim every 16 days. While catching the nail can cause breaks or fractures, occasionally an entire nail will pull out from the root, resulting in a lost nail. Our vet at the time advised us to not do the biopsy and when she explained why it sealed it for us to not do it especially with the derm vet’s phone diagnosis. But her nails have been cracking n breaking off. If you get treatment for him, he should be fine. If your dog seems to be breaking nails for no reason or something doesn’t seem right about their nail loss, please read on. It looks like there’s an enormous amount of information on this one single website. I thought it was no big deal. I’m going to start by reading all the posts on the Cooper Project website. I started wearing children’s socks on him to protect his toes but he is an expert at pulling them off. Hope your girl is doing much better now. That’s a lot of sedation! Is this bad? It would be nice to see and hear what others are doing for their pups. Heck, it’s not unusual to break a nail, right? Because the nail is such an important part of movement, grasping, and defense, any nail or claw … He’d happily go on a walk and be excited about it, but I’m not about to intentionally put him through pain to do it. In fact some dog breeds, like the Great Pyrenees, have 22 of them. Thank you for article about s.l.o. It seems to me that by putting superglue on your dog’s nails is only going to prolong the nail falling off at which point they start to get some relief. Through research online, we finally found out about this SLO, and believe this is what we’re dealing with, as well as food allergies. Make sure the paw is completely dry before bandaging is done to prevent any further infection of the surrounding toes. Any vet bill over $200 you get six months to pay interest free but remember if that bill isn’t paid in full by the due date you will be charged interest from day one. We have an appointment w/ the vet tomorrow, and plan to go armed with info that may finally help our sweet girl. From what you’ve told me and your vet (finally!) They walk through grass, snow, mud, sand — whatever — and this all rubs on the injured nail area, I can only imagine how much this hurts. I know it will be difficult to keep your lab from going after the area, however, try your hardest!!! Contact your vet if it is bleeding profusely or really bothering them. Please reread my posts on this because they will tell you about making sure to get niacinamide (no substitutions) and give you other info. Your pooch will be ok long as you get him to the vet and on the meds and supps he needs! Have a look at this link: Is Nail Polish Bad for Dogs? If that doesn't stop it, then the dog may need to be seen by a … NOTE: If your dog is showing signs of this illness and your vet doesn’t look at SLO as a possibility, don’t be too hard on them. They told her to skip these because the only thing this could be is SLO, that there’s no point in putting Riley through these other tests and that we should just start treating it immediately. I sincerely hope your dog is under veterinary care and treatment for his/her SLO. The Vet, after we lost the 8th nail now believes it is SLO, and states that once it is done with the feet SLO can start attacking other organs and parts of the body. For the last year, we thought he was having front hock issues and he was wearing supports: now we realize that perhaps it was the beginning of him having sore toes and avoiding to walk on them. I switched internet providers and it took a while to get them back up and running. Our hearts hurt for Riley’s pain and we’re not happy that he’ll need lifelong medication to control his SLO, but at least I found the cause and he hopefully will be ok if we can get it under control quickly. Two vets told me he couldn’t have broken anything in his foot because he would not be able to walk on it. I’d given her photos to email them as well. OK, so, you can't train your dog not to lose their nails, but there are a few things you can do to ensure it doesn't happen on a regular basis. Hugs to Riley (and his Mom!) A little over a month ago she broke a nail. Funky looking nails are the least of my worries right now. I have noticed a huge decrease in his pain level over the last few weeks. I immediately printed and faxed three of the articles I found to our vet so she’d have them when she got in that morning. In most cases, a lost or broken nail is no big deal. She explained this procedure is no different than declawing a cat and had I known what’s really involved in declawing a cat I would have NEVER declawed a single cat we ever owned! As long as it doesn't break off, exposing the nerve and/or making the nail bleed, everything should be fine. I wasn’t overly worried this morning but tonight I’m finding that this disease is uglier than I originally thought and the more I research the more scary it becomes. You’re very welcome, happy to be of help. The longer this disease is allowed to attack him, the longer he’ll suffer and the more chance there is that it will do damage that may cause him to go lame. I don’t know if that’s the case or not with your vet but in any case it sure isn’t justification to patronize and blow you off in my mind and we should not have to do their jobs for them either. Try to examine the paw, if they will let you. I noticed one of her toenails is pointed upwards at a 45 degree angle while all the others point straight ahead. Two x-rays and a flouroscopy later it was confirmed — there was in fact nothing broken or disjointed. I didn’t care how many vets couldn’t find anything wrong, my gut told me there was more to this than anyone had seen so far. The nails highest up on a dog's front feet, known as the dewclaws, tend to break most often. All I can say is it wouldn’t hurt to try! Sedating has significant dangers and as often as a dog needs their nails clipped that’s a lot of sedating even if it’s the “twilight sleep” kind where they’re not really out just kinda floaty. I wasn’t about to disregard the idea without checking to see if it was a viable option. This will make your life a whole lot easier down the road, and will help you provide your pup with better care. One had corn (another no-no), and the 2nd has brewer’s yeast which triggers his ear infections. The lamb and rice variety. She did her research and by the next morning, had answers for us as to what was going on and had a plan of action for us to help him. I’m not aware that coconut oil is helpful specifically for SLO but it can be very beneficial all around. Isn’t there another way to diagnosis it without cutting off one of her toes? She didn’t know what SLO was, I researched and gave her what she needed and she immediately went into action to confirm it and to find out what to do about it. after reading all this, I am worried sick about snoopy…..I am on a fixed income and can not afford high vet bills and medication each month, Snoopy is a small dog, 10 lbs, about 5 years, a Boston Terrier / Mini Doberman crossbred……his nails has been breaking off to the quick for past few months…one at a time….I thought it was because I hadn’t had them trimmed as often, they would be long….but even after I had them trimmed, they would still break off…..all his toes even the side toe has been broken off….I also thought maybe he was chewing them off….he licks his paws all the time…I had bought some of the vet’s spray called, Yuck…and he still licks his paws…..the whit claws are red at the quick before they break off….but they don’t bleed , at least not yet…I am planning to have his teeth cleaned this month, so I will ask the vet to see if he has this SLO, God I pray that he doesn’t…I will be crushed, I cant afford the medication…..not even for my own self I cant afford any meds…but, thanks for all this info, now I do understand…Oh one question……if I did have him declawed, would the CLO go away? My dog is losing his toenail!! Today she lost another nail. Total recovery takes some time, as the nail needs to re-grow so to completely cover the vulnerable quick. And…. But there comes a point where enough’s enough and had your vet done some research and consultations with other vets he might have been able to diagnose Lilly sooner. As for the dremmel, Meeko’s reaction doesn’t surprise me. If you feel you absolutely must paint your dog’s nails, I hope you’re using pet nail polish and not human nail polish. It sounds like you don’t have the right medication and/or supplements to me but I’m not a vet. It happens, and there are plenty of things you can do to clean it up and help it heal. It was not worth it to us to have them lob off a toe/tip causing more pain to Riley and add potential complications (surgery is surgery when it come to dangers of surgery) more long term possibly lifelong painful issues that come with amputation. You are welcome to come back here if you have any more questions. How do you now trust those same doctors to save your fur child? This variety is giving him a higher dose of glucosamine and MSM, so it’s possible that it could also be the reason for his reduced pain levels as well. There is more information on this on page 3 of this article; The Role of Breed in Canine Skin Disease and Brittle Nails in Dogs. From what I’ve found, the medical community cannot yet point a finger at any one reason a dog gets IBD but auto-immune is in the mix as a potential. I’m not sure if that is the medications working or the fact that now that the nails are off, they are not pressing on his quicks.
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