A butterfly is a flying insect that has four wings. Types of Butterflies in Florida About 160 butterfly species are native to Florida, while around 200 species migrate through the state. The fore wing has 11 or 12 veins; veins 1A and 2A are separate. The Gossamer Wing Family consists of small butterflies, many brightly colored. Whites and sulphurs have three pairs of walking legs, unlike the brush-foots with their shortened front legs. The caterpillar rests in this leaf nest during the day and comes out at night to feed. The six butterfly families categorizing 18,000 butterflies species is a tremendous help in learning to identify and understand butterflies’ role in their environments. Pipevine Swallowtails (Battus spp.) My policy always is, “Start in your own backyard and work your way outward”. There may be more than 15 species of blues found in the park. Danaidae (milkweed butterflies) -- adults are reddish-orange with black and white markings. There are seven families of butterflies under the Rhopalocera suborder. There are about 18,500 known species of butterflies worldwide. They range in color from browns, grays, and oranges. The North American Metalmarks are small butterflies with wingspans of 5/8 – 2’’ (16 – 51mm) wide. Most are quite small, and in my experience, quick. By learning the key characteristics of a butterfly family, you can spot an unfamiliar species that belongs to the group. The Nymphalidae family of butterflies includes many well-known species such as the Monarch, Emperor, Admiral and Tortoiseshell butterflies. The Nymphalidae family of butterflies includes many well-known species such as the Monarch, Emperor, Admiral and Tortoiseshell butterflies. The caterpillars eat plants whose roots are pungent and as a result the caterpillars are foul tasting, making them distasteful to predators. The family Hesperiidae, or the skippers, often considered as butterflies, have significant morphological differences from butterflies and moths. The Metalmarks (Riodinidae) Family – There are about 100 species worldwide with 90% in the Americas and the Caribbean; 24 species in North America, 2 species occur in the East Coast region. Most are brown or gray, with white or orange markings. Butterflies are currently, with some arguments, placed into the following six families: Hesperiidae. Swallowtails fall into four general groups. The cabbage white is much more widespread, and probably the most familiar member of the group. When someone asks me how to learn to identify butterflies, I always recommend starting with the swallowtails. The true butterfly superfamily contains 5 families of butterflies: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Riodinidae, and Nymphalidae. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Milbert’s tortoiseshell. Giant Swallowtails (Heralides spp.) Nymphalids (Nymphalidae) Family- often called Brushfoots. Take a closer look, however, and you will see the first pair is there, but reduced in size. Butterflies and moth belong to the order Lepidoptera. T=Tazewell. Your backyard is a good place to start. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, thoughtco.com/learn-butterfly-families-1968213. Keep up the good work – Bryan from Australia. Butterflies are nearly worldwide in their distribution.… Should you see a medium to large butterfly with these tails on its wings, you are almost certainly looking at a swallowtail of some kind. HI, Bryan – Thank you for contacting me and your much appreciated and kind words. They are furry with big friendly eyes. Thank you for fighting the good fight down under. Many times plants or animals are put in categories and given a name and that’s where knowledge about a species ends. Butterfly identification gets trickier with the family Lycaenidae. … This large, diverse family includes these major groups: The Skippers Family – There are about 3600 species of Skippers worldwide; 280 in North America north of Mexico, 60 species live in the East Coast region. World: Holarctic region: Neotropical region: Afrotropical region: Oriental region: Australia n region: HESPERIIDAE: 4 … By learning the key characteristics of a butterfly family, you can spot an unfamiliar species that belongs to the group. are blackish. They are high to low elevation species. Naming or categorizing isn’t all there is to know about a plant, animal or human. I watched a Black Swallowtail caterpillar with an orange osmeterium in my garden. Known as "Skippers," containing relatively small, fast-flying species. The caterpillars secrete a honey-like substance, which the ants eat. The butterfly families classifications are based on body structure, wing vein patterns, color, what they eat and how the butterfly sits, perches or flies. Birders call this the “jizz” of a bird. Although you might be unfamiliar with their names, you've probably seen some whites and sulphurs in your backyard. Tiger Swallowtails (Pterourus spp.) Pollinator Syndromes: How to Predict Which Flowers Insects Will Like, North American Butterfly Association http://www.naba.org/, Butterflies and Moths of North America: Collecting and Sharing Data about Lepidoptera–link to photos http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/taxonomy, Regional Checklist’s – for around the North and South America and the Caribbean http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/checklists, Hosts: The Hostplant Database https://www.nhm.ac.uk/our-science/data/hostplants/search/index.dsml, Butterflies of the East Coast  by Rick Cech and Guy Tudor, Butterfly Photographer’s Handbook by William B. Folsom, Caterpillars in the Field and Garden: A Field Guide to the Butterfly Caterpillars of North America – covers western caterpillars, Caterpillars of Eastern North America by David L. Wagner, Caterpillars of Western North America – I could find  book that covered caterpillars of the western part of North America, Peterson First Guide to Caterpillars of North America by Amy Barlett Wright (suitable for use with kids), Peterson’s Guide to Eastern Butterflies by Paul A. Opler and Vichai Malikul, Peterson First Guide to Butterflies and Moths by Paul A. Opler (suitable for use with kids), Hi Donna, very refreshing website. Enjoyed reading your intro and our need to categorise things. We have started with the Hesperiidae, or Skippers, as it is one of the families with the least information and photographic records. There are 250 species identified in the East Coast region of North America (Maine to Florida). The North American Metalmarks are mostly shades of brown, gray, or rust. The ants protect their food source from predators who want to make a meal of the caterpillar. The main families of butterflies are as follows: The Nymphalidae family has around 6,000 species of butterflies and include monarchs, admirals, emperors, and tortoiseshells. Black Swallowtails (Papilio spp.) It is believed there aren’t any new species of butterflies to identify in the East Coast region of North America. Learning butterfly families helps with identification of species in several ways. The White caterpillars feed on host plants in the mustard family. The families which we call butterflies are generally those with brightly coloured day-flying species. The six families of butterflies include: Swallowtails, Whites and Sulphurs, Hairstreaks and Blues, Metalmarks, Nymphalids and the Skippers. All the caterpillars of this family have an osmeterium, a forked, foul-smelling organ behind the head, which the caterpillar can raise when it feels threatened. The caterpillars vary widely in appearance and feed on a wide variety of host plants. This is the largest butterfly family; it includes the fritillaries, admirals, emperors, and tortoiseshells. Moths are divided into many families that have different morphological characteristics. Lepidoptera (/ ˌ l ɛ p ɪ ˈ d ɒ p t ər ə / LEP-i-DOP-tər-ə, from Ancient Greek lepís “scale” + pterón “wing”) is an order of insects that includes butterflies and moths (both are called lepidopterans).About 180,000 species of the Lepidoptera are described, in 126 families and 46 superfamilies, 10 percent of the total described species of living organisms. Compared to most any other butterfly, a skipper has a robust thorax that may make it seem more like a moth. The Papilionidae include the large and colorful Swallowtail, Apollo, and Birdwing butterflies. Butterflies look at the world in a totally different way than we … Black Swallowtail caterpillars usually feed on plants in the carrot family. The host plants for Tiger Swallowtail caterpillars are mostly deciduous trees. Butterflies are members of the Rhopalocera suborder. Many of the caterpillars are specialists and feed on specific hostplants, which can help in identifying a species. Butterflies and moths are members of a taxonomic group of insects called Lepidoptera. Harvesters – One specie in the East Coast region.
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