Coeliac disease; Cerebral palsy; Chagas disease; Chickenpox; Chlamydia; Chlamydia trachomatis; Cholera; Chordoma; Chorea; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Circadian rhythm sleep disorder; Colitis; Common cold; Condyloma; Congestive heart disease; Coronary heart disease; COVID-19; Cowpox; Crohn's Disease; Coronavirus; D. Dengue Fever; Diabetes mellitus; Diphtheria; Dehydration Though it is possible for a man to develop breast cancer, women are much more likely to within their... 2 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). If you want to relieve stress, try these: breathing exercises, yoga, massage, work out, nutritious food. Rare Endocrine Genetic Diseases. Hormones produced and stored by the thyroid gland affect the functioning of various body parts. In the United States alone, one million women experience an acute attack of PID every year and 100,000 become infertile as a result. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Pelvic inflammatory disease: (PID) is the most common yet serious complication - outside of the HIV virus (cause of AIDS) - of sexually transmitted diseases . However, it is recommended to discuss with your doctor before starting or stopping any medicines or supplements. Health tips for women: Let us know how a woman can keep her heart, mind and body healthy. These hormones regulate the bodys metabolic rate, heart and digestive systems functioning, brain development, control of muscles, bones, and mood maintenance. Vaginismus. Endometrium is the lining layer of the uterus which sloughs off with each menstruation. Know How Sugar Can Cause Health Problems During Pregnancy, True Story: How A Woman With Bilateral Tubal Block Conceived Through IVF, Having Irregular Periods And Abdominal Pain? Alpha-thalassemia x-linked intellectual disability syndrome. Regular exercise makes our heart healthy, increases muscles and bones strength, and still remove health problems. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples.Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Learn about Paget's disease of the nipple, a rare type of breast cancer Pancreatic cancer Learn about cancer of the pancreas, a large gland that's part of the digestive system Panic disorder Learn about panic disorder symptoms and treatments Parkinson's disease Learn about Parkinson's disease symptoms and treatments Pelvic organ prolapse DISEASES OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 1. If you are concerned about medicine or procedure, talk to him about it. Lung Diseases List. Get the latest public health information from CDC: (link is external) Are you looking for information on very rare diseases? Talk to your doctor on issues related to your health. The thyroid disorder affects the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of the neck below Adams apple. The following resources look at lung diseases in women and their relationship to smoking, as this is the major preventable risk factor. Premenstrual Syndrome: Premenstrual Syndrome: Also called PMS -The effects of this disorder ranges from minimal discomfort to severe, disruptive behavioral and somatic changes. Read this article to find out about five important health tests that women need to get done every year. Apart from this, you can do activities like running 1 hour 15 minutes a week or playing tennis. A lower respiratory infection is an infection in your airways and lungs. Persistent genital arousal disorder. It is essential to discuss the issues related to breastfeeding and pregnancy-associated osteoporosis with the expert. Besides, awareness and regular screening of symptoms are essential ways to reduce risk. This section talks about the essential aspects of women’s health by focusing on the many health diseases and conditions prevalent in women. Know From Gynaecologist, Top 5 Health Tests Every Woman Must Take Yearly, Bloody Tears During Periods, A Rare But Possible Condition, How Much Sugar Is Too Much During Pregnancy? You cannot avoid it altogether, but you can control it by knowing how to reduce its effects. Genital Herpes. Most women do not know that intercourse during pregnancy is allowed by gynaecologists only if there are no complications in pregnancy. But it is a cancerous disease that can be avoided or cured at the right time. If a breast lump is felt, it is imperative to have it checked by a certified physician to determine whether it is benign or malignant and whether it may affect your future cancer risk. Cervical cancer is the cause of 11.1 per cent of all cancer-related deaths. Park your car away from your destination. Lung Disease U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health, 2010 Provides an excellent overview of the three main lung diseases in women: asthma, COPD and lung cancer. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. The Lung Association is here to help. Diverticulitis. According to one study, women have ten times more thyroid than men. Follow a heart-healthy dietIf you want to keep away from heart stroke, diseases and other heart problems, you must follow this diet. Vaginal diseases can cause uncomfortable symptoms like itching, burning, and pain. Exercise every dayThe more active you are, the better it is for your heart health. Sweets and sugar can be very attractive but it can be equally harmful for pregnant women. If lung disease is taking your breath, you do not have to deal with it alone. Exercise is essential to losing weight. A woman’s body changes once they hit puberty, become pregnant, during pre-menopause, and menopause. Disorders related to infertility include uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, and primary ovarian insufficiency. Menstrual Cups have a major advantage over conventional pads and tampons; it is a hygienic, long-lasting and eco-friendly product to use for women. Female reproductive system diseases Endometriosis – a condition involving colonization of the abdominal/pelvic cavity with islands of endometrial tissue. Use this head-to-toe guide to learn more about a woman's symptoms and signs, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, breast lumps, menstrual cramps, and weight gain. Eat more and more fruits and vegetables. Cut down on heavily processed food, sugar, salt, and saturated fat. Gestational Diabetes see Diabetes and Pregnancy. Breast cancer is not only growing at a rapid pace but has also overtaken all other cancers to emerge as the most common cancer among women. According to an SRL Diagnostics report, 20 per cent of women were found positive for thyroid antibodies, compared to 15 per cent of men. To keep you abreast about all significant women-related health problems, we bring some well-researched articles by experienced medical practitioners and contributors. There are many types of lungs diseases which need to be taken care of in time as they may lead to fatal conditions. For this, you lose weight slowly (1-2 pounds a week) - be active and have a good diet. Female Infertility. How Women Can Manage Emotional Health and Overactive Bladder While Isolated at Home — and as States Reopen Menopause and Chronic Health Risks After My Hysterectomy, I’m Living My Best Life ... 5 Common Autoimmune Diseases That Affect Women Time to Talk About Urinary and Fecal Leakage Female sexual dysfunction can occur at any stage of life. In this race of managing a successful professional life, health takes a backseat in most cases, leading to health repercussions. Some of these changes can influence or develop disorders, conditions and diseases affecting the functionality of the reproductive system. The article also includes a list of rare diseases in children, and lists of bone, blood, and skin diseases … Sexual dysfunction is difficulty experienced by an individual or a couple during any stage of a normal sexual activity, including physical pleasure, desire, preference, arousal or orgasm.According to the DSM-5, sexual dysfunction requires a person to feel extreme distress and interpersonal strain for a minimum of six months (excluding substance or medication-induced sexual dysfunction). Sleep disorders involve an interruption in sleep patterns that lead to distress and … Absence/hypoplasia of tibia, polydactyly, retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst, and other anomalies - See Tibia absent polydactyly arachnoid cyst. But women in early menopause have more chances of weak and brittle bones than their female counterparts, who have a late menopause. These help in preventing several serious issues. Your doctor can help you stay healthy with the help of your medical history. Read about various health topics including menstruation, pregnancy, cholesterol, heart health, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc., which are now a common syndrome in women. v. t. e. This women's health related article is a stub. Then try exercising 300 minutes a week. Do 2 to 4 hours of moderate activity a week, such as brisk walking or dancing. Endocrinologist are the unsung heroes on the front lines, solving the puzzle of these unique conditions and helping those affected regain hormone balance. Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer see Infertility. Diverticula are small lumps that can form in the large intestine and generally cause no … Fibrocystic Breast Disease see Breast Diseases. Persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm or pain — that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner — are known medically as sexual dysfunction.Many women experience problems with sexual function at some point, and some have difficulties throughout their lives. When all these symptoms are found in a cluster, the first step is to take the Hemoglobin (Hb) test to ascertain haemoglobin levels. Uterine Leiomyomas. Osteoporosis in WomenWomen with perimenopause have a 56% increased risk of osteoporosis in their 70s. Pinpoint signs and symptoms in the Symptom Checker for women using MedicineNet's illustrative guide. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Absent breasts and nipples. Postpartum Depression causes severe mood swings and exhaustion. Instead of refined flour, switch to pasta made from wheat. The second-most common infectious or parasitic disease for women in the world is HIV/AIDS. 18 per cent of the population aged 31 to 45 have been found positive for thyroid antibodies. This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. Common STDs in women include Chlamydia, genital herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, syphilis, and gonorrhea. Your doctor may recommend screening tests to check your health and the right treatment options. Aromatase deficiency. Breast Cancer in WomenIn most cases, breast cancer cells form a tumour that can often be felt as a lump or seen on an X-ray. Difficulty in conceiving a child after trying for a considerable period of time can … Early menopause is a springboard for many health conditions in women, and osteoporosis is one of them. A list of autoimmune diseases and their symptoms Medically reviewed by Nancy Carteron, M.D., FACR — Written by Jesse Klein on June 29, 2020 Skin and connective tissue Womens Health And BreastfeedingConsuming a healthy diet with enough calcium and vitamin D makes no need to take vitamin supplements while breastfeeding. Reduce stressIf you take stress or stress, it can affect your health. Keep your weight in controlIf you keep weight under control, you are at a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Women’s unique physiology poses distinct challenges in the prevention and management of heart disease. ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma. Lung diseases list given here will help you to get an idea of the possible lung disease and to get immediate treatment to avoid dangerous consequences. Blockage in fallopian tube is one of the leading causes of infertility. Choose whole grains, try a brown rice instead of white. It is necessary to be aware of the fact that most breast lumps are not cancerous. This section talks all about the essential aspects of women’s health by focusing on the many health diseases and conditions prevalent in women. Addison's disease. 17 Diseases That Are More Common in Women Than in Men 1 Breast Cancer. Absence of vagina - See Vagina, absence of. When it corroborates with the symptoms, a differential diagnosis of anaemia can be made. 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With rapidly increasing disease incidence, particularly among women under 50 years of age, women need to step up surveillance and screenings. Also, focus on increasing your power and strength. Know what effects it can have on them. They are referred as reproductive system diseases. Vulvodynia. Visit the doctor from time to timeCheck your body regularly. Female Infertility. Here is a true story of a woman who tried hard to conceive but couldn’t due to tubal blockage. While there is no one specific cause that leads to an ovarian cyst turning dangerous for health, lifestyle factors may play a role in adding to risk, High risk pregnancy does not mean that you have to worry, only proper vigilance is the key to a healthy and happy pregnancy phase.
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