I’ve fallen in love with these cute pets from the moment I saw them. Dwarf mexican crayfish comes both from Mexico and the USA. Cichlids, for example, have been known to eat these crayfish! The Procambarus alleni originally comes from Florida / USA, but the color form “Ghosthead” was grown in the aquarium. So, if you want to keep guppies with ghost shrimps make sure you are keeping the smaller ones. Betta Ich is caused by an external parasite. Introduction . They prefer standing or slow-moving water that’s on the warm side. These amazingly transparent fish have become super popular with hobby aquarists. That means it will wait for a chance to catch and eat the crayfish (or any smaller fish), and then eat it. Once you see bunches of eggs attached to the female’s legs, transfer it to a separate tank with a sponge filter and air pump. In other words,  the ghost shrimp and the fish will get along without too much problem. But you should bare in mind several peculiarities. This is a blue alleni with a very light, almost white-transparent colored head, which is somewhat reminiscent of the Procambarus clarkii “Ghost” from the drawing. I basically transform make crayfish tank and introduce the orange crayfish with the blue. If you don’t have good tank mates, ghost shrimps can be chased or attacked. There are many kinds of barbs but not every type is suitable to keep with ghost shrimps. Bamboo shrimps are filter feeders i.e. as do the 3 plecos, 2 corys, 1 uds cat, 1 feather fin synos. Also if I don’t end up getting a bigger tank what are some good species for a 10 gallon? This is a very serious matter. Common Names : Ghost Catfish, Glass Cat. They need a very peaceful environment to survive happily. It prefers places with slow water flow or standing bodies of water. Tank Mates that Will WorkAs it seems, there are fish that may be put in a fish tank with blue crayfish and survive. Vampire Shrimp tank mates can include others of their kind as well as other freshwater aquarium shrimp the likes of Bamboo Shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, and Ghost Shrimp. This applies to almost every fish. Ghost shrimp behavior. In addition, the crayfish are slow hunters so they are not likely to go around chasing the shrimps. The dwarf crayfish has been in there for a while and has never bothered my ghost shrimp nor my endlers Hi everyone. The rope fish (scientific name: Erpetoichthys calabaricus) are a long freshwater fish that are often confused with an eel or snake. They don’t eat the shrimp at all!” I thought that was amazing and perfect for my tank. Compatibility and tank mates. Size : 2.5 - 3" (8 cm) pH : 6 - 7. Be sure to keep lots of hiding places in the tank. Electric blue crayfish care for aquarium fish tanks. The crayfish itself isn’t large. I’ve fallen in love with these pets. Keeping dwarf crayfish with betta fish can definitely be tricky and may end up in a dead fish or a dead crayfish. So make sure you have a tight lid to prevent them from climbing outside the tank. So, even if you give your ghost shrimps the best environment possible, if they get eaten or die of by their tank mates or die of stress, the environment will be of no benefit. As far as being in with fish: I once got the bright idea of combining the crayfish tank and the feeder fish tank. Nerite snails in particular have nice zebra like stripes which make them pretty to look at. This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice.”if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acuariopets_com-large-leaderboard-1-0')};report this ad. At least a group of 10 ghost shrimps is recommended to keep together in a tank. These shrimps originated from Japan and has a peaceful temperament. Then, expect to wait up to 24 days for the eggs to hatch. I'm partial to the orange variety, myself. Everything said about the chili rasboras also applies to scarlet badi as well. They are very easy to look after and their maintenance is easy too. The disease is pretty much curable and less fatal. Fire Eel (20cm) 2. Black Ghost Knife Fish (10 cm) 3. Hi everyone. So I plan on getting a dwarf Mexican crawfish and was wondering what tanks I could put in with him. Do note this is for owners who have nano shrimp tanks i.e. It will grow to be about 20 inches long, which means it couldn't even turn easily around in most 50-gallon tanks. But, only the small guppies can be kept with ghost shrimps as tank mates because guppies are not very peaceful. Here are some of the ideal tank mates for ghost shrimps:if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acuariopets_com-box-2-0')}; As ghost shrimps are very small most of the time they cannot defend the attacker and get physically harmed. So, never think as they are small they can be ideal as tank mates for ghost shrimps: Even though very small in size, scarlet badis can be very aggressive. Can one keep crayfish in a community tank together with other fishes? I really believe that these pets deserve more care and attention from us. This species can be kept in large community tanks as long as you do some planning in advance. Like all snails, nerite snails are slow moving and wouldn’t affect the shrimps too much. You’ll also learn how to create the perfect environment for mates, how to introduce tank mates and much more! On the plus side, they are a tough breed and can survive well in the harshest conditions. That’s why I am writing articles to share my shrimp keeping knowledge with you. Then, expect to wait up to 24 days for the eggs to hatch. Care Level : Moderate. Not likely but still possible. … Hence, I wouldn’t advice any fish to be used as tank mates for ghost shrimps, except for the breeds that I highlighted above. But, only the small guppies can be kept with ghost shrimps as tank mates because guppies are not very peaceful. If you have both males and females in your tank, breeding should occur soon enough. Check with the store clerk about whether a species with be a good Ghost Shrimp tank mates before purchasing. they only way it will work is if the Crayfish is comfortable/safe. Any fish that are aggressive such as Barbs, Mollies, Serpea Tetra, Betta, etc. There is a small chance that the ghost shrimp might attack the chili rasboras due its small size. Feed the tank species properly with the right amount of food so that the other tank mates don’t chase or fight for food with the ghost shrimps. Clown pleco. It is important that ample hiding places such as rockwork, driftwood, or PVC pipes be provided. Vampire shrimp, bamboo shrimp. Dwarf Frogs. answer #2. Care Level : Moderate. ghost-shrimps shrimps tank-mates. Compatibility and tank mates. There are many types of rasboras but you have to choose the small ones for keeping with ghost shrimps as the small ones seem more peaceful. Its chelae are small and it can hardly hurt anyone with them. Ghost shrimp are a pretty underrated addition to the aquarium and can be as exciting as watching a fish move around. They need clean water and a little bit of care to survive properly. Ghost shrimps are very peaceful and delicate creatures. Serve as food when the Goldfish is hungry (sometimes) and serve as algae eaters. The minimum tank size for a common pleco is 100 gallons – yes, that’s the minimum size. 1 Male/Female Pair of Ghost Crayfish - 2 to 3+ inches (We guarantee a very high-quality, breeding age young adult male/female crayfish pair for this listing) 1 Juvenile Ghost Crayfish - 1+ inch (A younger and smaller variant of Ghost Crayfish at a lower price than our young adult specimens. The only other real way you can tell if when you add the shrimp. Cory Catfish tank mates can be Amano Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp and Ghost Shrimp. Now that you are at the end of this article, you’ve got a clear idea about the ideal tank mates for ghost shrimps. As I mentioned, aggressive and big fishes that have big mouths are not good to keep with ghost shrimps. You can use rocks, cholla wood, driftwoods with lots of holes in it. They don’t harm or attack any mates around them, but they do get attacked sometimes if you don’t have the right tank mates for them. Cory catfish are small in size and very peaceful species. Get The ULTIMATE E-Book On Betta Tank Mates! Keep Your Pet Crayfish with the Right Fish Only. Often ending up getting picked on or eaten by larger tank inhabitants. If aggression problems arise, be prepared to return the fish, or at least have another cycled aquarium ready to relocate the new arrivals. Tank mates includes: 1. Rainbow fish (3 cm) 5. So, you should add fish that live in other parts of the tank to avoid any problems. Dwarf Crayfish. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acuariopets_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; Behavior: Peacefulif(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acuariopets_com-leader-1-0')}; Tetras are hardy schooling fishes and they are ideal for every type of tank. Besides knowing what tank mates are good for ghost shrimp, you also know which breeds are best to avoid. Technically speaking, the Dwarf Crayfish encompasses a few different freshwater species. Finding suitable tank mates is always a tricky affair, especially when it comes to shrimps. Although it looks intimating, dwarf crayfish actually has a nice temperament, at least in most cases. So, when considering tank mates, it is important to not only research on whether other fishes or aquatic creatures can eat ghost shrimps, but also vice versa. Also, always be prepared for the possibility the new additions to the aquarium won’t work. Put 2 doz+ feeder minnows in with the crayfish (who was about 5" long at the time). Aquarium Crayfish Tank Mates. The best options are: These are small in size and peaceful like ghost shrimps. This is even more crucial … Here is a list of fish safe for adult Cajuns: Fancy guppies Some male dwarf crayfish might exhibit aggressive behavior but is the exception rather the norm. Suitable Tank Mates. Another type of shrimps that can coexist peacefully with ghost shrimps is the bamboo shrimps. But if you have a small tank then don’t forget about the bioload. Do not keep Dwarf frogs and crayfish together. So, even though they are small they are forbidden to keep with ghost shrimps. The male will pin the female down to mate, after which she 'saves' the sperm to later fertilize up to around 60 eggs. If there are unsuitable tank mates in the crayfish tank, no matter how perfectly you set up the tank, your crayfish can get eaten. So, never think of keeping them with ghost shrimps. Once you see bunches of eggs attached to the female’s legs, transfer it to a separate tank with a sponge filter and air pump. as Crayfish are not hunters, they are not even carnivores, discussions about the position of the fish in the tank are mute. answer #2. Clown Loach (4cm) 6. If you intend to grow a shrimp colony, you will need to plant the tank well so that the shrimplets can stay out of sight from the endler. mine grew to 6 inches, nose to tail add 3 inches for the claws. Will not bother tank mates and should be kept with other peaceful fish. In this CoralFish12g video I unbox one of the most beautiful creatures I've kept yet. Crayfish are normally added to the tank when they are small but once they reach a certain maturity size, they are best taken out and put in a solitary confinement with one crayfish per tank or in groups with only your pet being the single species. Fastest Way To Cycle Shrimp Tank – How To Tips That Work →. Clown pleco. I would get a bigger tank if it does need more space. Often, aquarium crayfish are too territorial and aggressive for fish like black mollies, sword tails, Corys and Otocinclus. They do well with other peaceful fish species. As it reaches adulthood, the Orange Ghost Crayfish will become relatively territorial, so it may behave aggressively towards other animals in the tank. Avoid putting them together if you don’t want your cherry shrimps to become ghost shrimp food. unless taught/forced, cray only eat the dead and dying in your tank. The crayfish can wreck havoc in the tank. Some ideal snail types for ghost shrimps are: You don’t have to take care of shrimps at all. SAE (5cm) They can also become more dangerous to other small breeds if the space becomes too clutter, thereby making it easy to ‘grab hold’ of other small shrimps or shrimplets as food. By nature, tetras are not aggressive and easily mix with other species. They’re often called many different names interchangeably. Pleco (8cm) 7. At full size, a scarlet badi will not pose too much problem to a ghost shrimp. Ghost Shrimp stay very small and are usually sold as food for other fish, but can be a great addition to your Goldfish’s tank. The Chiloango River and Ogun River are where you can find a hig… They are highly recommended to keep with ghost shrimps as they are peaceful species and mind their own business. Fishes with a large mouth to gulp the shrimp in a single instance. Glass catfish inhabits in Thailand and Indonesia rivers, prefers some streams and rivers with slow water flow, where the fish inhabits in a school and catches fish flowing by. I have routinely see how ghost shrimp are more aggressive around cherry shrimp, especially when they are sharing a small space. List of Ghost Shrimp tank mates Amano shrimps. Choosing proper Ghost Shrimp tank mates is a very important consideration when keeping these small translucent invertebrates. These are absolutely stunning tank mates to add to your tank. It has always been a desire for most Betta lovers to breed from their favorite Betta pair. if this continues you will see your ghost shrimps jumping out of the tank. Introduction . Many like to keep guppies as ghost shrimps tank mates. There are many types of snails and the small ones are always recommended to keep with ghost shrimps. You’ll learn about 68 different tank mates that can live with your betta, as well as fish to avoid. Except maybe Ghost shrimp, Amano shrimp, Bamboo shrimp, and Vampire shrimp, these species can grow bigger than Brazos Dwarf ... all freshwater snails are also not a good match to be crayfish tank mates. So, it is recommended to keep a group of them together in a tank. Mexican dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus patzcuarensis).The Mexican dwarf crayfish is a favorite among crayfish keepers due to their captive-bred orange variation (Cambarellus patzcuarensis var. given a careful selection of you crayfish, covered in a thread, within this section. So They originate from Central and West Africa in countries like Cameroon and Nigeria. Tank mates can also include freshwater snails like Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Ramshorn Snails, Mystery Snails, Gold Inca Snails, Ivory Snails and Nerite Snails. YES guppies and ghost shrimp can definitely live together, and they actually make fantastic tank mates. Good tank mates are important if you want to keep your ghost shrimps alive and survive for a long time without getting stressed and killed. Don’t be tempted to purchase one just because it looks interesting. If you are able to choose the ideal tank mates for the shrimps, you will see your ghost shrimps the most active and living the fullest. Thus ghost shrimps can peacefully live in the bottom area. 5. They won’t harm your Goldfish in any way. Patzcuaro is from Cambaridae family, Cambarellus species. This article suggests some tank mates that are compatible with ghost shrimps. You’ll also learn how to create the perfect environment for mates, how to introduce tank mates and much more! Whatever you call them, al… They are not good tank mates for ghost shrimps even though small. Blood Parrot (8cm) 4. As I already mentioned, not all tetras are good for keeping with ghost shrimps and ember tetra is one of them. Your email address will not be published. Unfortunately, there are 2 potential downsides you need to be aware of: This is one of the smallest freshwater aquarium fish in the world. These crayfish occupy the water column underneath. The most popular breed is the Dwarf Mexican Orange Crayfish, probably due its colorful shell. Affiliate Disclosure Betta Care Fish Guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Maintaining other creatures with aggressive invertebrates is typically a big no-no. The scariest thing this crayfish can do, is put up his chelae viciously, but as a rule, it runs away at any sign of danger. Ghost shrimps are peaceful and very sensitive. However, even with ample space, there is no guarantee that the crayfish will not act in a territorial manner attacking and even eating their tank mates. It is very important that people know how to take care of them properly. To breed ghost shrimp, start by making sure you have at least 1 male shrimp for every 2 females in the tank. I will highly recommend you to keep ghost shrimps in a separate tank if you have this option. This is why you have to ensure everything around them on how they need it for making the tank suitable. To breed ghost shrimp, start by making sure you have at least 1 male shrimp for every 2 females in the tank. Origin / Habitat : Asia, Borneo. Besides this, regularly try to feed the guppies so that they don’t chase your ghost shrimps. But the best ones for a ghost shrimp tank are: Tetras should be kept in a group of at least 15-20 to thrive without any stress. Black Ghost Knife Fish (10 cm) 3. Hopefully, these seven choices are pretty safe most of the time. That is why keep the tank heavily planted and decorate it for making enough hiding spots for the ghost shrimps. Ghost Shrimp Tank Mates. As detailed in my article on how many ghost shrimps per gallon, you can have around 6-8 shrimps per gallon. A good rule of thumb is to select peaceful fish that could not possibly fit the 1-inch inverts in their mouth. Close • Posted by 1 hour ago. Avoid larger or aggressive fish at all costs. I am listing below some small fishes that you should never think of keeping as ghost shrimps tank mates. Thai micro crabs. You’ll learn about 68 different tank mates that can live with your betta, as well as fish to avoid. I have been keeping aquarium pets such as shrimps, snails, crabs, crayfish, etc. Dwarf Crayfish (from the genus Cambarellus) are the smaller versions of standard crayfish you see in the fish-keeping community. my CAE lives a happy and stress free life. Aquarium crayfish are not good tank mates for tropical community fish. With a few exceptions, most fishes eat shrimps. Do note that these snails are capable of climbing fish tanks walls. The small size of the Cajun Dwarf crayfish has its pros and cons. If you see them crawling at the bottom, it is a need that they are not getting enough food from the filters. Hence, they will be more able to accommodate fish as tank mates. Hence they can help to keep the tanks clean, which is another plus point besides being decorative. https://acuariopets.com/what-are-the-suitable-tank-mates-for-crayfish Blood Parrot (8cm) 4. Make sure to always research tank mates before adding them to your tank! AcuarioPets.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Small barbs are good to be kept with ghost shrimps. Despite the fact that platies in the wild exhibit dull coloration with no distinctive marks, … You may even be asking whether tank mates will make him happy. Tank mates includes: 1. Decorating with these you can make good hiding places for ghost shrimps. Dwarf Mexican Crawfish Tank Mates. Frogs have a very sensitive skin that can be easily damaged by the crayfish. Frogs have a very sensitive skin that can be easily damaged by the crayfish. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Is a peaceful and even timid fish. Crayfish tank size. As far as being in with fish: I once got the bright idea of combining the crayfish tank and the feeder fish tank. And if you still don’t separate the ghost shrimps from that tank, they can die from stress. A colorful and small fish that wouldn’t grow larger than an adult ghost shrimp. Procambarus alleni – Blue ghost head florida crayfish. KK F. 5 years ago. If you only keep 2-3 ghost shrimps they may get stressed because they will feel unsafe. they only way it will work is if the Crayfish is comfortable/safe. In addition, they can grow to much bigger size, making it difficult for ghost shrimp to disturb or eat them. Basically it dwells in streams and small rivers, though it can be also encountered in ponds and lakes. Neon Tetras. Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, Corys, Ottos and filter feeders like Bamboo Shrimp and Vampire Shrimp, are good choices. Not all guppies are compatible with ghost shrimps but this one is. However, that’s not the case with Electric Blue Crayfish tank mates. If you’re interested to know more about tank mates that can live with bettas then you have to check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. They can live well in a community tank of other peaceful fish that will not try to compete with them. “Orange”).These dwarf crayfish are mainly native to Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacán, Mexico but have also been documented in local springs in Chapultepec, Opopeo, and Tzurumutaro, Mexico. Properly fish that may at the least have a significantly better probability of surviving. They feel more comfortable in the company of some calm fish of their size. This makes ghost shrimps stressed and they feel very unsafe in the tank. If aggression problems arise, be prepared to return the fish, or at least have another cycled aquarium ready to relocate the new arrivals. That is how they play a big role in cleaning the tank. The best ones to keep with ghost shrimps are: Like tetras, rasboras also should be kept in a group of 8-10 members to thrive without any stress. It should be kept in a school of at least 6. Put 2 doz+ feeder minnows in with the crayfish (who was about 5" long at the time). It should be kept in a school of at least 6. it seems if your cray is going to take fish, they are more likely to take angels and gurami, as opposed to ground dwellers. Crayfish are omnivores and will eat both plants and … Tank Size. Nerite snails, Mystery snails, Malaysian trumpet snails; Otocinclus catfish ; Blue neon goby or other Stiphodon gobies. You just need to make sure the shrimp aren’t too small, otherwise they may end up being eaten. I’ve edited on where to buy these from! if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acuariopets_com-box-3-0')};This is why, for keeping them alive and letting them survive properly, good tank mates are very important. Thai micro crabs. Pet. Snails are the most peaceful species and the best for keeping with ghost shrimps. Yes, you can. Hi Michael, Dwarf mexican crayfish are just a delight to own. Common Names : Ghost Catfish, Glass Cat. Procambarus alleni – Blue ghost head florida crayfish. they eat near the filters so they don’t need occupy the same space as the ghost shrimps. Crayfish tank size. Goby fish are also territorial and aggressive. KK F. 5 years ago. Ghost catfish are peaceful types of fish. The only exception is with regards to the fish eating the shrimplets and the ghost shrimp being aggressive to the fish (not common). They will live happily eating uneaten food bits and algae from your tank. Ever small fishes like betta can feed on shrimplets if they happen to get in their way. Breeding dwarf orange crayfish is not too difficult and a great option for the beginning breeder. I also have Endlers Guppies in this Brackish Paludarium. Although dwarf crayfish looks like a shrimp, it is actually part of the crayfish family. Although it... Endler Guppy. As far as meds go, just remove the crayfish (along with some of the water) whenever you add meds and you won't have to worry about it. So I plan on getting a dwarf Mexican crawfish and was wondering what tanks I could put in with him. Many like to keep guppies as ghost shrimps tank mates. Also, always be prepared for the possibility the new additions to the aquarium won’t work. Snails in general are pretty safe tank mates for ghost shrimp. Aquarium crayfish are not good tank mates for tropical community fish. Will not bother tank mates and should be kept with other peaceful fish. Temperature : 70 to 79°F (21 - 26°C) Lifespan : 7-8 years. Appearance wise, they actually look like ghost shrimps due to their transparent nature. In addition, ghost shrimps are more predatory in nature, relative to other shrimps. In captivity, we mostly see crayfish as the bad guy. This is a blue alleni with a very light, almost white-transparent colored head, which is somewhat reminiscent of the Procambarus clarkii “Ghost” from the drawing. Betta Ich is probably the most common disease betta keepers come across. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acuariopets_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; Behavior: Relatively Peacefulif(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-acuariopets_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; Rasboras are peaceful and hardy schooling fishes like tetras. In addition Amano shrimps are famous for being a great cleanup crew as the devour algae more aggressively than other shrimp breeds. Red cherry shrimp are another awesome type of shrimp tank mate for Goldfish because they can help do two things. Platy Fish. The Ultimate Glass Catfish Care Guide 2020: Tank Mates, Breeding and More… February 26, 2020 by Michele Taylor. I have been keeping shrimps as a pet for many years now. Dwarf Crayfish Tank Mates. This includes the Mexican Dwarf Crayfish, CPO Crayfish, Orange Dwarf Crayfish, and more. Their care and maintenance are easy as well. And good tank mates are very important for keeping the environment suitable besides keeping the water and the parameters in balance. Adult shrimps are safe but shrimplets is another thing. You just have to make sure the temperature and water parameters are in balance. Dwarf Mexican Crawfish Tank Mates. “This site is owned and operated by Muntaseer Rahman. It is recommended that you provide a tank that is at least 20 gallons per adult crayfish you plan to house in the tank. Some of my suggestions of shrimp tank mates are: These shrimps originated from Japan and has a peaceful temperament. In this article, I will be giving some ideal tank mate names and other related information of those species that you can keep with ghost shrimps. As far as meds go, just remove the crayfish (along with some of the water) whenever you add meds and you won't have to worry about it. The common pleco, a notable tank buster, is not a fish that the average person can keep.
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