As Red Wolf approaches, Tarsier’s fight-or-flight instinct kicks in! While global models suggest that we are currently in a period of reduced severity, some areas of the world, including Southern Africa, Eastern Russia, and the Western US, have been trending towards an increase in fire severity. TARSIER outlasts Mara!!! Tarsier’s tricksy taxonomy has been investigated through nuclear DNA, which shows that tarsiers group with monkeys and apes and is therefore part of Haplorrhinii (monkeys & apes) rather than Prosimians (lemurs & lorises). Greater choice and variety of mates increases a female's chance to produce more viable offspring. With no interest in invertebrate meals, Harpy Eagle doesn’t even notice as her talons impale Goliath Beetle. Trying to fly away is futile, as Mandrill has a firm grip and uses its great canines to deliver a craniocervical killing bite. Egyptian Fruit Bat most likely reacquired the ability to echolocate that was lost at some point in its ancestry, but instead of using pulses from their larynx, they use tongue clicks for lingual echolocation to locate land and detect large objects. This page is rather long, but having all the families on a single web page allows one to quickly find a ⦠Ghost Bat isn’t typically on the menu – although Ghost Bat has no known natural predators, their populations are still on the decline, likely due to roost disturbance, habitat loss, and invasive species. Basket Star, of the genus Gorgoncephalus, has multiple arms and a twisting nature which evoked images of the ancient Gorgons. Red Fox isn’t particularly interested in this cat but does like the look of this nice resting spot. While Midgardia Seastar may have very long arms, they are weak and fragile. Suddenly, Hopi Chipmunk freezes, eyes scanning the environment, and sees Southern Red-Backed Vole raised in a crouching posture with one paw lifted â a behavior that suggests a potential escalation to aggression. EGYPTIAN FRUIT BAT outlasts Kinda Baboon!!!! TONIGHT'S #2021MMM ROUND 2 WINNERS: Anchovy, Devil Frog, Ifrit, Sea Star, Ammonite, Vampire Squid, Harpy Eagle, and Sphinx Monkey. This is a drier environment than Ring-Tailed Vontsira is used to, but no bother – something delicious is in the air, and Ring-Tailed Vontsira slinks its way to a plastic trash can near some park benches. Noticing that Solenodon is distracted, Malagasy Striped Civet quickly approaches, unaware of Solenodon’s venomous nature. RED KANGAROO defeats Southern Red-Backed Vole!!!! Bay Cat (3) v. Red-Rumped Agouti (14) – Perhaps the rarest species in the Red, in Fur Division, Bay Cat is an endangered species about the size of a domestic cat from the forests of Borneo. Narrated by Mauna Dasari, Chimpanzee (3) v. White-Winged Vampire Bat (14) – The genus name for Chimpanzee comes from Pan, the Greek god of the wild, who is often depicted carrying a flute or pipes. MOUNTAIN TAPIR ignores Jaguarundi!!! DUGONG outlasts Musk Deer!!! Quickly side-stepping the attack, Red Kangaroo delivers a kick that sends Red Hartebeest tumbling to the forest floor! In tonight’s battle, Bay Cat has home habitat advantage in the Batang Ai-Lanjak-Entimau complex in the Bornean rainforest, but Red Fox has a 3kg (~14 stoat) weight advantage. Narrated by Dr. Tara Chestnut, Masrasector nananubis (2) v. Crypt-Keeper Wasp (15) – Masrasector nananubis, with a species name meaning “little Anubis” after the jackal-headed Egyptian god of embalming, belongs to a group of extinct predators known as Hyaenodonts. Although this has become a super-sized meal, Black Dragonfish is not deterred and has its own morphological malarky. In order to signal his alpha status, Aoudad raises the fringe hair over his withers and then licks his own muzzle. Blue Glaucus uses countershading to its advantage, with a dull grey top and vivid blue and white underside. Even as Aoudad begins his retreat, Musk Deer continues to chase and slash with his tusks, until Aoudad takes off at top speed. In: Behavioral approaches to conservation in the wild (Clemmons JR, Buchholz R, eds) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 157-180. Narrated by Dr. Brian Tanis, Dr. Alyson Brokaw, and Prof Marc Kissel. Red Squirrel, used to forest life, is alarmed by the lack of cover and unfamiliar predators. CRUNCH! There are three genera in this family: Tamias (eastern North America), Neotamias (western North America) and Eutamias (Eurasia). But logs don’t usually move! Bay Cat refuses to back down and delivers a lightening fast one-two-three strike to Red Fox’s muzzle! MOUNTAIN TAPIR defeats Red Wolf!!! !. RED BROCKET outlasts Siberian Weasel!!! Despite having an excellent spatial memory that helps it remember the locations of multiple fruiting trees, Egyptian Fruit Bat doesn’t recognize its current surroundings, and at this time of year, the park is devoid of its usual massive, but seasonal, bat population. PLATYZILLA masticates and eats Tube Anemone!!! However, this “short distance away” is officially off the field of battle. Aoudad attempts to counter with a headbutt but is met by Musk Deer’s hooves driving into Aoudad’s head. Harpy Eagle (1) v. Goliath Beetle (16) – Harpy Eagle is named after the harpies of Greek Mythology – winged women that represented a form of wind and were associated with storms and disaster. Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, Mandrill commando-crawls off the field of battle through a dry streambed. Although tonight’s battle takes place in the home habitat of Red Wolf in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in coastal North Carolina, Giant Golden Mole is used to a similar habitat, so doesn’t feel too out of place. PTHW-WHTTT! Dugong lifts its head from the sand just in time to see the gaping maw of the shark as it closes around Egyptian Fruit Bat’s flailing body. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? In Hopi and Zuni culture, there is a hummingbird creation myth about a young brother and sister who are starving because drought and famine have come to the land. Pink Vent Fish (Thermarces cerberus), named for Cerberus, the 3-headed hound in Greek mythology that guards the entrance to the underworld, lives in areas of deep sea hydrothermal vents. Being an egg-laying Monotreme, Platyzilla is the sole representative of #TeamMammal in this Sea Beasties division. Sphinx Monkey immediately chases after Black & Red Bush Squirrel, as several other male sphinx monkeys join the chase. MIDGARDIA SEASTAR outlasts Yeti Crab!!! Both amphibians find themselves on the edge of a pond, with Devil Frog burrowed comfortably in the sand to regulate body temperature and Fire Salamander trotting to find cover. However, this battle does not occur in Madagascar – instead, Red Fox is enjoying the familiar territory of Walnut Creek, California, outside of Diablo Foothills Park. Midgardia Seastar (2) v. Hydra (15) – Named for the Norse mythological sea serpent of middle earth (Midgard), Midgardia Seastar has the longest arms of any known starfish – 12 arms, each up to 600 mm (1.76 stoats!) Mountain Tapir (3) v. Common Treeshrew (14) – Malaysian legend tells that Mountain Tapirs were made with leftover parts of other animals, accounting for the unusual mixture of traits that includes a pig- or elephant-like snout. But tonight, Red Hartebeest is relaxing in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa when he spots a hungry cheetah. Sphinx Monkey (6) v. Blue-Capped Ifrit (7) – These combatants enter the Sweet Sixteen with a few meals under their belts – Sphinx Monkey brutally devoured Bush Squirrel in Round 1, and Blue-Capped Ifrit got a snack of Crypt-Keeper Wasp in Round 2. Could this be a sweet, refreshing rain? RED WOLF defeats Tarsier!!! Searle [1997] criticizes this view and advocates that there is a single meaning to psychological phenomena - the phenomenal, intrinsic, conscious meaning. PLOP!! (“Little” Red Flying Fox may be small in weight but has a 3-foot wingspan!!) BLUE-CAPPED IFRIT repels Crypt-Keeper Wasp!!! Malagasy Striped Civet LEAPS! Red Kangaroo (1) v. Red Brocket (5) – Red Kangaroo may be listed as of “least concern” in terms of conservation but was of great concern to Southern Red-Backed Vole and Red-Crested Tree Rat in previous battles. With a small mouth and a lack of food in the digestive track of collected specimens, scientists have hypothesized that Midgardia Seastar does not feed directly, but instead absorbs nutrients through its general body tissues. One way researchers have implicated a role of natural selection in driving phenotypic change is to show the repeated evolution of a trait in similar environments. Ammonite implodes! We develop a general conceptual model of risk. Musk Deer, with hooves adapted for walking on steep ground and climbing slanted trees, is much less happy in this marine environment. It has an air bladder for maintaining optimal buoyancy that extends into its skull where it is hypothesized to act as a subwoofer to collect and magnify low sounds … including the ultrasound noises of thrashing prey. Each combatant enters the field of battle with hungry bellies. The species name for Crypt-Keeper Wasp is set, after the Egyptian god Set, who locked his brother in a crypt. Red Hartebeest sees the small ball of fur and also decides to run towards his females under the thorn tree. Feeling lonely, Egyptian Fruit Bat finds an acacia tree to escape the drizzling rain … and lands right next to our male Kinda Baboon and his groupmates! #2021MMM Round 2 Red in Fur & Tricksy Taxonomy Twitter Collection Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 2 Red in Fur & Tricksy Taxonomy Wakelet Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 1 Myths & Monsters Twitter Collection Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 1 Myths and Monsters Wakelet Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 1 Sea Beasties Twitter Collection Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 1 Sea Beasties Wakelet Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 1 Tricksy Taxonomy Twitter Collection play-by-play, #2021MMM Round 1 Tricksy Taxonomy Wakelet Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 1 Red in Fur Division Twitter Collection Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 1 Red in Fur Wakelet Play by Play. Red Brocket enters the arena, at first going completely unnoticed by the langur group. Luckily for these two Sea Beasties, tonight’s randomly chosen habitat is a seagrass meadow in the Florida Keys. Finding herself on the outskirts of the hartebeest herd, Red Ruffed Lemur keeps her eyes on the large horns of Red Hartebeest and begins to sidle towards a nearby stand of trees. Ammonite notices a large animal swimming right towards it and spins vertically! Vampire Squid releases a burst of bioluminescent mucus! Narrated by Prof Josh Drew, Ammonite (6) v. Demon Eartheater Cichlid (11) – Ammonites were named because of their resemblance to the horns of Ammon – the Greek/Roman version of Amun, the Egyptian God of life and reproduction. Red Kangaroo (1) v. Red Hartebeest (2) – Neither of the Red, In Fur combatants had much direct contact with competitors in previous rounds – aside from Red Kangaroo slobbering on Southern Red-Backed Vole and Red Hartebeest squashing Red Squirrel with his hooves – so both enter the arena of battle relatively fresh. Not to be outdone, Goliath Beetle is immensely large … for a scarab beetle. Our two primates engage in an aggressive staring contest that is broken when Chimpanzee coughs. Malagasy Striped Civet (4) v. Solenodon (13) – While it is Madagascar’s second largest carnivore, the Malagasy Striped Civet is still only the size of a house cat – but strangely enough is more closely related to mongooses & hyenas rather than cats! However, Devil Frog is not a mammal. RED-CRESTED TREE RAT beatboxes away Red & White Giant Flying Squirrel!!! Nearby, Jaguarundi is also sniffing the air – he detects the rich base notes of tapir but is more interested in the ocelot latrine at the base of a tree. Mountain Tapir tries to escape by sliding down a hill on its rump, a behavior that reportedly wears the fur away and leaves bare patches of skin on their behinds. What should you use to prevent an application from being installed when visiting a website. Red Kangaroo (1) v. Southern Red-Backed Vole (16) – Tonight the largest living marsupial faces off against the Wild Card Winner in the Charles Darwin Reserve in Western Australia. Although the current fire forecast in this area is low, fire plays a critical role in shaping local environments. Narrated by Dr. Brian Tanis. In the high Andes at Sangay National Park, Common Treeshrew tries to adjust to the lower partial pressure of oxygen at this higher elevation, while Mountain Tapir quietly munches on some aster and ferns with no problems, being adapted to the elevation with an increased concentration of red blood cells. SOUTHERN RED-BACKED VOLE repels Hopi Chipmunk!!! DUGONG out-survives Egyptian Fruit Bat!!! Maroon Langur continues to scan the canopy for interlopers, while Little Red Flying Fox veers towards a more open area … and right into a net set up by local hunters!! Our Crypt-Keeper Wasp finds itself in an Egyptian desert – except it’s 3.4 million years ago, and this desert is actually a swamp similar to the Everglades. In fact, many marine fish that spend most of their lives in coral reefs or the open ocean need mangroves or seagrasses for nurseries at the start of their lives. After a few moments, the female moves away to a new patch of sunshine, and our male Kinda Baboon follows, leaving his spot by Egyptian Fruit Bat. Combined with the high-pitched squabbling of the bats above, Solenodon decides to find a more peaceful place to hunt and zigzags away from the field of battle. Pivoting in the air, Harpy Eagle uses her rudder-like tail to avoid the attack and slashes Mandrill’s back with her talons. Jaguars are frequent predators, and Mountain Tapir is on guard., MC Marmot's Rodent Roundtable - YouTube Channel, #2021MMM Elite Trait Twitter Collection Play by Play, #2021MMM Elite Trait Wakelet Play by Play, #2021MMM Sweet 16 Twitter Collection Play by Play, #2021MMM Sweet Sixteen Wakelet Play by Play, Round 2, Of Myths & Monsters & Sea Beasties Results, #2021MMM Round 2 Myths & Monsters and Sea Beasties Twitter Collection Play by Play, #2021MMM Round 2 Myths & Monsters and Sea Beasties Wakelet Play by Play. Like other members of its phylogenetic family, Black Dragonfish has a bit of free-floating spinal column that allows it to crank its head back and open its mouth even wider. Our combatants meet in the Sangay National Park in Ecuador. Jaguarundi (6) v. Amami Rabbit (11) – Although referred to early on as a “weasel cat” that resembled an otter, the Jaguarundi is neither weasel nor otter but nestled in (genetically speaking) with felid lineages, closely related to puma and cheetah. Narrated by Dr. Lara Durgavich. This randomly selected dwarf/elfin/pygmy forest is the pygmy forests of Mount Hamiguitan in Silangang Davao in the Philippines, which is home to cousins of both combatants – the Philippine tarsier and the Philippine eagle. But something bright catches Brussels Griffon’s eye – a Blue-Capped Ifrit nest just 3-6 ft off the ground. Bay Cat turns tail and quickly runs away from the field of battle (#CatScandal). Habitat selection and productivity of least terns (Sterna antillarum) on the lower Platte River Nebraska, Eileen M. Kirsch. Calculating distance and speed, Pink Vent Fish strikes! Harpy Eagle (1) v. Ghost Bat (8) – Harpy Eagle may be the “QUEEN of the jungle” avian predator, but they take a more hands-off approach to teaching their young about hunting. While Vampire Squid eats mostly detritus, Black Dragonfish craves living flesh. A lone male Mandrill is foraging on the forest floor, while our adult male Chimpanzee arrives accompanied by a subadult male. Bay Cat charges and strikes again, and Red Fox runs off the field of battle. More than 80% of the estimates were for morphological traits; there is very little data for behavioral or physiological traits. HARPY EAGLE terrifies Sphinx Monkey!!! Doggo manages to run off the field of battle. The genus Atroides is named for one of the three Fates in Greet mythology. Crypt-Keeper Wasp ignores everything, focused on finding a gall wasp larva to lay eggs in. GHOST BAT decapitates Thorny Devil!!! It may look like a monkey, but Tarsier is actually part of a sister group to anthropoids. Little does blue monkey know, White-Winged Vampire Bat can harbor and pass on infectious pathogens, including rabies and Chagas disease … CHIMPANZEE spooks White-Winged Vampire Bat!!! Typically found in very dilute habitats, the Western Interior Seaway has a higher salinity than Demon Eartheater Cichlid is used to. As it eyes Ammonite with suspicion, Demon Eartheater Cichlid loses its body water in this salty environment and then loses consciousness – perhaps a mercy, as Ammonite shuffles by and slices through the dying Demon Eartheater Cichlid with sharp, beak-like mouth parts. This cheetah is young, though, and known for trying to take on inappropriately sized prey. Feeling skittish from all the unfamiliar sounds, Mountain Tapir decides to go for a swim – water helps them escape predators, regulate temperatures, and offers some tasty plants to snack on. Chipmunks are small rodents of the squirrel family with a total of 25 different species (see bottom of page), all part of the scientific family, in the family Sciuridae. Without females or home territory to defend, Red Hartebeest escapes the woodlands for the safety of open space. As Vampire Squid’s tentacles brush up against something, Black Dragonfish strikes, and Vampire Squid flips out! Aoudad emerges from the mist, and Musk Deer stops to size up the newcomer. At a millipede. Settling within striking distance of Devil Frog, Picado’s Jumping Pitviper also follows a sit-and-wait strategy. Both Chimpanzee and Mandrill are social primates. Red-Crested Tree Rat launches itself towards Red & White Giant Flying Squirrel to begin a boxing-style attack! Leaping away, Amami Rabbit narrowly misses a venomous bite. Chipmunks are lively little creatures that are found [â¦] RED KANGAROO defeats Red Hartebeest!!! Deciding that its own bacteria farming activities are just too important, Yeti Crab steps away from the portal and elects not to enter the field of battle. SPHINX MONKEY devours Black & Red Bush Squirrel!!! Understanding both the ultimate and proximate mechanisms driving adaptation remains a major challenge in biology. Wadilemur lets out a series of high-pitched alarm squeals, the cacophony of which causes saghatherium to bolt away, with Masrasector nananubis in hot pursuit – both run off the field of battle! English Word Families The following is a list of about 28,000 English word families. Egyptian Fruit Bat shifts uncomfortably as Kinda Baboon starts grooming a nearby female. Tonight’s first marine battle takes place 47 million years ago (Eocene Epoch of Cenozoic Era) in an ancient sea over modern-day Pakistan. As compared to other chipmunks, this animal is considerably smaller, having longer tail. Narrated by Dr. Asia Murphy & Kwasi Wrensford, PhC. Researchers aren’t sure whether Vampire Squid can actually see this light, but most of Black Dragonfish’s usual prey can’t see this wavelength, which is rare at this depth, rending them unaware of the dangers it brings. The Ring-Tailed Vontsira is a social creature and is Madagascar’s answer to bloodthirsty, carnivorous squirrels. Egyptian Fruit Bat is part of Superorder Laurasiatheria with hedgehogs, pangolins, carnivores, horses, and hippos, but genetic data suggests they are more closely related to carnivores and horses within that group. As Red Hartebeest squares up and stares down the cheetah, the feline decides not to tangle with those horns and runs off. Sperm competition is the competitive process between spermatozoa of two or more different males to fertilize the same egg during sexual reproduction. This battle features a male Red Kangaroo, as males are reddish in color, while females are bluish-gray, and this male Red Kangaroo is currently enjoying home-court advantage, while Southern Red-Backed Vole isn’t enjoying the dry, dusty environs. This tiger shark had been aiming for its preferred prey – Dugong. As it opens its wings to take flight, strong air currents disrupt the attempt. Malagasy Striped Civet catches the tasty morsel and runs off the field of battle to enjoy its meal. Batrachotoxins can affect nearly every animal that contains voltage-dependent sodium channels, including distantly related arthropods. RED HARTEBEEST chases off Bay Cat!!! Top Answer. #2021MMM Wildcard winner is the VOLE! Rather than directly teaching their young, Harpy Eagles slowly stop provisioning them with food, forcing juveniles to figure it out on their own. Unfortunately for Amami Rabbit, this habitat plays host to a number of predators. Narrated by Dr. Tara Chestnut, Yeti Crab (7) v. Aphrodite Anthias (10) – Upon its first discovery, scientists were so entranced by the beauty of Aphrodite Anthias, much like how Aphrodite’s beauty enchanted the Greek gods, that they were unable to look away from the vividly colored fish with a neon yellow, pink, and red body and lime and pink dorsal fin. In the depths of the West Atlantic in the Gulf of Guinea about 300 miles off the Ivory Coast, Basket Star isn’t bothered by the pressure due to its highly calcified internal structure. Bolstered with confidence, Red Fox creeps forward to press his size advantage … and receives a slash from Bay Cat’s claws across the nose! Blue-Capped Ifrit does not produce its own toxins, but rather acquires toxins through its diet, possibly from beetles in the genus Choresine. Literally – Vampire Squid is able to turn inside out, exposing a black inner mantle lined with sharp cirri in a ‘spiky pineapple’ form. Yeti Crab’s name reflects its white, hairy appearance, although its “hair” are actually stiff structures known as setae that provide surface area to cultivate bacteria that can be harvested for nutrition. From the forest canopy above, Red-Necked Pademelon hears multiple screeching, staccato jackhammer “uh-uh-uh-uhs”! The familiar pant hoot of Chimpanzee vocalization is less melodic but equally recognizable. This chirp-squeak belongs to a manatee. Tonight, Planktonic Copepod finds itself 50 million years in the past, in Saber-Toothed Anchovy’s home of the shallow coastal waters of what is today’s Punjab Province, Pakistan. Although not its actual habitat, Mountain Tapir is feeling right at home in the hilly grasslands and shrublands of the southeastern corner of North America during the 13th century, when Red Wolf lived among the Cherokee people. SPHINX MONKEY dispatches Blue-Capped Ifrit!!! After being bitten by White-Winged Vampire Bat in Round 1, has there been zoonotic disease transmission?? Those genetics, while interesting, might not help Colo Colo Opossum in tonight’s battle off the shore of Talibong Island, Thailand. As its muscles stiffen, Brussels Griffon loses balance, falling from the tree, still grasping Blue-Capped Ifrit in its mouth. Red Crested Tree Rat brings itself up to its full standing height, chest puffed and ready to defend its foraging ground… until it sees Red Kangaroo glaring down at it from 4 ft above. Fire Salamanders are also sexually dimorphic, with females being up to 12% larger than males. While not much is known about the predatory habits of Bay Cat, it’s a good guess that small mammals are part of its diet (hmmm, that certainly doesn’t sound good for Red-Rumped Agouti!). White-Winged Vampire Bat takes the opportunity to flee, flying into the canopy of a nearby tree. Asked by Wiki User. In the depths of the Southern Gulf of Mexico, Midgardia Seastar is stretched out on the ocean floor, and Hydra has anchored its foot right next to Midgardia Seastar. Narrated by Dr. Alyson Brokaw, Platyzilla (3) v. Tube Anemone (14) – Named after the ancient Mesopotamian mythology of “Lillith”, Tube Anemone (Arachnanthus lilith) is nocturnal, emerging from the ground to feed in the dark. Without ground to attach to, Basket Star feels lost and flounders as it tries to find its orientation. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone. Narrated by Prof Patrice Connors & Dr. Brian Tanis. Red Wolf and its pack are on a usual patrol when the scent of an unfamiliar animal causes them to deviate and approach the burrow to investigate. AMMONITE consumes Demon Eartheater Cichlid!!! Amami Rabbit tries to make the best of the situation and finds some veggies to nibble on, but a local pit viper slithers up and strikes! At nearly 5 inches long, Goliath Beetle is still the heavy underdog in this battle. Who knows!). 1 post published by amparonqf during May 2014. BLUE-CAPPED IFRIT stuns Brussels Griffon!!! It is actually only all-natural that, when faced with the job of planning for your personal wedding. Red Wolf (2) v. Giant Golden Mole (15) – The tricksy taxonomy in this battle is that Giant Golden Moles were previously classified by their morphological features with North American moles, but molecular biology shows that they are unique to Africa and more closely related to elephants (elephants are apparently a popular genetic relative for #2021MMM combatants). Instead, Vampire Squid feeds mainly on detritus and is more closely related to octopuses. Not adapted to these conditions, Lathe Acteon turns right to retreat – the predisposition to right-handed turns is a behavioral adaptation to keep it from washing out to sea or going too far upshore. Narrated by Prof Katie Hinde, TONIGHT'S #2021MMM MYTHS & MONSTERS WINNERS: Harpy Eagle, Pit Viper, Devil Frog, Cryptkeeper Wasp, Ghost Bat, Ifrit, Sphinx Monkey, and Chimpanzee. Narrated by Dr. Lara Durgavich and Dr. Alyson Brokaw. In the cloud forest of Parque Nacional Los Quetzales, a national park in Costa Rica, Devil Frog finds itself along a stream edge and sits in a depression next to an animal track. Movement, however, is another issue. Narrated by Prof Josh Drew, TRICKSY TAXONOMY ROUND 1 #2021MMM WINNERS: Dugong, Mountain Tapir, Tarsier, Red Wolf, Solenodon, Jaguarundi, Egyptian Fruit Bat, Musk Bat. 9780226712956 0226712958 Arguing with Tradition - The Language of Law in Hopi Tribal Court, Justin B. Richland 9781413451092 1413451098 Cry for Justice, John Scully 9781416602361 1416602364 Handbook for Classroom Management That Works, Robert J. Marzano, Barbara B. Gaddy 9780395383643 0395383641 The Stupids Die, Harry Allard, James Marshall Red Wolf trots along the perimeter of the pack’s territory, crossing under a bridge when something catches his eye … Giant Golden Mole is burrowing into the rich organic soil of the streambed. Most published selection studies were unreplicated and had sample sizes below 135 individuals, resulting in low statistical power to detect selection of the magnitude typically reported for natural populations. Red Fox jumps back but quickly rushes in again, baring his gleaming teeth. Dugong angles his tusks upward, spotting the swimming artiodactyl just above him, and Musk Deer directs his head and tusks downward to notice the dark shape moving in the waters beneath. Hearing unexpected calls from above, Red Ruffed Lemur looks up to see a troop of vervet monkeys, grunting and giving alarm calls. No home-court advantage, as tonight’s primate showdown takes place in Lopé National Park in central Gabon in a 9-ha ‘island’ of forest in which Chimpanzee and Mandrill are sympatric! It’s low tide! BLACK DRAGONFISH defeats Blue Glaucus!!! Both combatants dealt some serious carnage in Round 1 and are looking for a place to sleep off even more recent meals. As it investigates a nest, Black & Red Bush Squirrel notices a rustling below – a horde of mandrills! Due to time zone differences and video production times, there may be a delay before each individual video is embedded on this Libguide page. Red-Crested Tree Rat (8) v. Red & White Giant Flying Squirrel (9) – Just like the Wild Card round, this battle sees another match-up between #TeamRodent, with the higher-seeded but endangered Red-Crested Tree Rat enjoying the at-home comfort of the Andean cloud forests of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Natural Park. YETI CRAB defeats Aphrodite Anthias!!!! AND the toxins from Hydra’s tentacles are ineffective against Midgardia Seastar, who simply waits for the ocean current to wash away the cnidarian detritus.
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