Cutting up the meat helps keep the tank cleaner as turtles often shred food when eating it, and the shredding releases some of the nutrition into the water so the turtle doesn’t get it), small crickets and cut up earthworms/nightcrawlers. I haven't really had any luck feeding veggies to my turtles except for Omega One dehydrated green seaweed. Juvenile turtles are the ones who need the most frequent feeding. That’s a good question, but there are several factors that you need to take into consideration. Yes No. They are about 2-2.5 years old. Favorite Answer. Well, they don't need it at all. At adult size, 8"-10" across the shell, you should feed them once a day. I know there is no exact answer to this, but I will try to cover the topic from my turtle keeping experience. Thanks for reading Also, feed foods that include less amount of fat. He's my oldest turtle I've ever had as a pet. Answer Save. That is not to say that occasionally giving your turtle a few feeder fish doesn’t warrant any merit. How Often Do You Feed Pet Turtles? Is this a good feeding method? I was thinking about every other day for my yearling and every day for my hatchlings. In my opinion, the most popular types of feeder fish, such as fathead minnows, can be dangerous for turtles, as they either offer low nutritional value or contain thiamine. Some have said you should feed baby sulcatas every other day, and others have said ever 3-4 days. Good as a snack or filler when you do not have the real deal. [Glen Jacobsen] All turtles/tortoises should be checked by a reptile vet when you get it and again a month or two later. How often should I feed my Turtles? Lv 7. Protein: Feed turtles crickets or mealworms or feeder fish on occasion for variety. If you do want to feed your baby turtle worms, then try to feed it smaller worms. If your animal is alone, living inside, you should have it checked yearly or if you notice marked changes in droppings. But over the years I tried a lot of methods and techniques, and I finally got the hang of it. I do control the quantity on favorite food items like horn worms though. Box turtles are omnivores, which means they will eat a variety of both animal and plant-based foods. Iceberg lettuce not so much. I feed mine turtle pellets, I have two red eared sliders too. Right now I feed them pellets and shrimp or krill once a day. If that doesn't work, try crickets. I feed my turtle twice a day but she is still a juvenile if you have little baby turtles or juveniles then it has to be twice a day but when winter comes feed them once because they won't even eat it because instinct tells them to stop eating so much during winter to prepare for hibernation so if winter comes and your turtle is sluggish and lazy it is normal. How much is difficult to say. I feed both at the same time, although separately. Well, you have probably seen several questions like this on various web sites and you’re asking yourself; how often should you feed a box turtle? A turtle is consider adult at 7 years old. All of these are good options. For adults, also feed what would fit inside the turtle’s head, minus the neck, every OTHER day. At 4 inches, your yellow-bellied slider is a juvenile. I would only feed feeder fish once a month. what should i feed it and how often ? Most young turtles eat daily, while older turtles can be fed daily or every other day, depending upon the pet's individual appetite, body weight, and overall health. I have one Mississippi Map Turtle and one Red Ear Slider. Adults. turtles don't need to eat every day,except for young turtles one to 3 years old. Also my yearling does not seem to eat pellet food. Turtle Feeder Fish. They love centipedes and worms. It’s been a BIG misconception that you should only feed baby sulcata tortoises every few days. I don’t know about other tortoise diets; this is just my sense of what a Russian can eat. In addition to using these for daily feeding if your species is Omnivorous we advise occasionally adding in feeder fish and/or night crawlers. For the first 6 months of a softshell turtle’s life, feed it every day. My two red-eared sliders are about a year and a half old. They more often munch on vegetation, plants, flowers, and various insects, which are far, far easier to catch. madsnakeman. How often you should treat the turtle will depend on its body condition. As this article is about the softshell turtle, I will only discuss the eating behavior of this species. and will feeding my yearling every other day build up his appetite. Turtles are omnivorous, eating both animal protein and vegetable matter. @Alpha752, this is not a statement about your tortoise! If you find that folds of skin developing around the turtle’s leg when they pull the legs into the shell, then they are getting fat. They don't need that much protein in one sitting, unless I … i dont want ot over feed them like i did my gold fishes. Hey guys, I recently purchased a Russian Tortoise, his name is Rammus he is 8 months old and I'm not really sure on his gender but the person i purchased him off said it was 70% male. It’s just kind of the whole shell in general that is soft. My turtles and fish both love this stuff. In such situations, you should feed them a smaller quantity of food and less often. Turtles love the excitement from a good hunt. Any size or age of the common snapping turtle. Also do you think it would be ok if I let them breed in her tank and let her eat them when she wants? 1 decade ago. Box Turtle Diets Require 12.5 Percent Natural Proteins. Vegetables: Three or four times a week, serve 1 to 2 teaspoons of dark, leafy greens such as kale, collards or mustard greens. There are several different types of food available from sticks, flakes, to pellets. Keep feeding him often and feed a varied diet, just as other folks have already said. I give them 4 or 5 adult horn worms at a time but they always beg for more. Box turtles are omnivorous. What kind of snails should I feed? I was just wondering how often and how much should I feed him? and babies 2 to 3 times at day small feeds The most important thing is to provide them with fresh water and a tank with with water so they can exercise and do bowel movements . Generally, hatchlings and juvenile box turtles are more carnivorous than adults, which are typically more herbivorous. Sometime early in the morning, and another time later at night. Generally, your box turtle's diet should be about 50% plant-based material and 50% animal-based material, but be sure to discuss a specific diet plan for your turtle with your veterinarian. I feed mine once a day, even as adults, but the Omega One Cichlid pellets I feed them aren't as high in protein as a alot of the turtle pellets. Your box turtle isn’t likely to look at it until about 4:30 to 5:30 in the morning, when no one is around. You should mainly feed baby turtles a mixture of food which is produced commercially and fresh food. It has the most nutrients and beneficial for shell health. Goldfish is not good feeder, b/c it fatty and plus it has some nutrient inhibiting factors (thiaminase). I normally feed them half a gammas shrimp each at 2:45PM (one shrimp is about 6-8mm), four 2-3mm Reptomin pellets and 2 Gammas pellets (2mm) at night. Question. If all else fails, call a vet. As juveniles, they are mainly carnivorous, become more omnivorous as they age. Wild turtles do not often get to feed on live fish, nor is fish a staple in a turtle’s diet. What Do I Feed My Baby Painted Turtle? Do not feed it goldfish! Always feed your turtle in water, limit the pellets to make up about 25% of the diet and then make up the rest of the diet with the following items: Prey Items: Earthworms, crickets, waxworms, silkworms, aquatic snails, bloodworms, daphnia, shrimp, krill, and mealworms. How Often Should I Feed a Baby Sulcata? Try putting a hunk of cantaloupe in the habitat and walk away. My adult box turtles generally eat as much leafy greens, veggies, insects and pellets as they want every 2-3 days. The proportions of animal versus plant-based food items will depend on both the age and the species of box turtle that you are feeding. The best bet is to feed your box turtle forms of protein that it would normally encounter in the wild, including: Offer grasses and hay throughout the day. my turtles are about 1-inch big, and i dont know how much or how often to feed them, some one tell me please. One is about the size of an iPod or so, the other is the size of a quarter as well. Box turtles really don't eat that much or very often, but they do drink a lot of apple juice. Community Answer. For baby painted turtles, you should be feeding it the exact same foods as listed above, but with a different ratio of plant or vegetable to protein. Protein should make up the remaining 12.5 percent of the turtle's diet. For example, how much or how often you should feed the pet. When I got my first turtle I was really panicked because I couldn’t find some good information. I don’t smell anything nasty on her. Thanks! 14) How often should I have my turtle checked for worms? As a new turtle owner one of the most essential things that you have to know is how much you should feed your turtle. You should feed them about 2 times a day. It’s not so soft I feel like I’m going to break it. How often should you feed a box turtle? Adults should be feed every another day. When feeding turtles, offering a variety of food is important to help stimulate the turtle to eat and provide nutritional balance. Second is the green headed lettuce. High doses of protein may seriously harm the turtle- therefore you want to keep this at a minimum. If you have fish living with the turts, just make sure thy don't eat them too quickly. Furthermore, try to feed the baby turtle more vegetation. 4 Answers. As baby painted turtles are still growing, try to give them turtle pellets every day, or at least 5 to 6 days a week. Varied brassica of course. They don't need it too often. Each turtle has a different personality and that’s just fine. Earthworms are often advised as well, however, they are very fatty, so should be given sparingly in my opinion. Feed him just a rat or fish food every four to five days. I have a box turtle and this is his diet. Also she seems to shed a lot more than my other turtles. I feed all my box turtles, (3-toed, Eastern's and Ornata) every other day, one day fruit, next time night crawlers or other worm types, 2 to a turtle, while I feel you are offering a great diet, I think you are feeding too much. You can feed him once a day, but when they're young twice a day is better. Hibernation. I hope this helps. Youngsters. Mature pet turtles only need to be fed every other day or even only every third day. All turtles benefit from a wide variety of foods being offered. It's easy to use and full of nutrients as well. We see people feeding too much kale all the time on the forum. What do I feed my pet turtle? I hope you and your turtle live a … Relevance. I feed my turtle but it doesn't eat anything, what should I do? My turtles are doing great and I have learned allot by doing allot of research. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 24. How often should I feed my snapping turtle? how often should i feed my yearling NA wood turtle and hatchlings. BUT, it’s very important that you feed a baby sulcata tortoises daily. Try feeding it something different. Box turtles require some protein in their diet in order to stay in optimum health, but not a lot of it. Also the best Lettuce a Turtle can eat is the red headed lettuce.
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