When the operation is complete Femap will highlight the free edges, and you can see that the internal spar to wing surface intersections are not highlighted in Figure 3-3. <> FEMAP can also read the results from the solver program. It is similar to #6, but there is no data surface created so the mesh must be the same in both cases. 2. To determine the target thickness, you can measure the thickness of the bracket. Set the Title to BRACKET ASSEMBLY 3. endobj â¤f¼£¤àÅ4„RÃð&Ϻg7aRièÝÁÇj–îÁ›HNSœ£kZ¨'y& và”`Ò:aŒLmZ8Þ˳Ь©-d‚‰‰º%ŠÙã^Âz*L#ã)£^ùõ8IYáÍZ ¦O—>³[7|`ǖ„RðÈ">r–Úp‘¢”Ú@'î.½_bì³R¹Ì¤Cßvj©. The Parasolid geometry will be imported into Femap and then it will be simplified to remove some extra holes and chamfers. I’ve created a list of some of my favorite features in FEMAP that may not be the most obvious to FEMAP users. UPDATE DEC. 18, 2019: Starting with FEMAP v2020.1, there have been language formatting changes regarding output sets.We are in the process of updating our API's to be compatible with v2020.1. More by Muhanned Mahdi. Then a mid- surface will be generated for meshing. In a three-dimensional problem, I want to apply pressure on the surface. Tags: 0 Likes. 3 0 obj I use it often, so I created a bookmark in the browser. NonManifold Add (“ Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add …”): This will combine a set of surfaces into a single... 2. Create a new material and load one in from the FEMAP presets. FEMAP contact Surface . Similar models. Unsupported entities are drawn using the older methods. @Dr’,#h…PWyöynóÌ¡ Surface →→ Remove Hole. Saratech Advantage: If you are a Saratech customer, you can log into our support website (http://support.saratechinc.com) and download a free copy of Saratech Advantage. Import the Geometry into Femap and Simplify 1. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> With Microsoft COM, you can send data to and from any COM based program such as Microsoft Excel, Word, MATLAB, NX, etc. Then, on the Graphics Tab click “Performance Graphics”. The Femap Data Surface Editor sets up and edits complex spatial load definitions. A form will come up to let you select the groups that should be referenced. You can also create standalone compiled programs with Visual Studio Express (Free download from Microsoft) using Visual Basic, C++, and C# that can use the FEMAP API. png. The points do not need to match up to node points. To create a material, expand model tree in FEMAPs model info pane and right click on the material object. This video illustrates a method of applying regional loads to a portion of geometry in Femap. You can turn it on from the “File, Preferences” menu. Explore the many functionalities within the Femap 12 meshing toolbox!. April 8th, 2015. Results Attach (“File, Preferences”. Please keep this in mind when using previously constructed APIs with FEMAP v2020.1. NonManifold Add (“Geometry, Surface, NonManifold Add…”): This will combine a set of surfaces into a single Parasolid “General Body.” This is very useful for meshing mid-surfaced parts with surface intersections (for example, T’s) since the mesh will automatically line up at the surface junctions. Results Attach (“ File, Preferences ”. This can be used to map temperature output from a thermal run to temperature loading on a structural model. In the Load section of the form, enter 1. as the Pressure. 6. NX NASTRAN Help (“Help, NX Nastran”): If you are running the NX NASTRAN solver with FEMAP, sometimes you need access to the full NX NASTRAN documentation set. Set the Geometry Scale Factor to 1000. We can remove the fillets using a tool in the Meshing Toolbox, which is accessed by clicking on ... Femap will project the point onto your curve and split at that location. Even if some you may have used some of these, this list is a nice reminder of some of the powerful features of FEMAP. Finally, the fillets on the mounting ribs will complicate the mesh. - aaronjasso/Femap-Old-Style-Mesh-Points-on-Surface View Files. Folder. stream xœ­•KO1€ï+í˜ã.jœ™ñ[B¨@(©URõPõ`%›€Ê£Ý$UûïkoHšÀÊŲ¼¶¿oÆco÷°ž]ÃpGÇÐ=í˜LóìGž! <> Surface u] Select All Fluid L oads Pr assure Tracking Quantity Fan Curve Point . Simcenter STAR-CCM+: 4 Keys to Handling Complex…, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” â€“ Leonardo da Vinci What does this mean for people tackling the ever-growing system complexity required to meet…, SImcenter 3D 2021.1 features a new auralization post-processing tool, motion real-time models and many other performance enhancements, Electrifying the world with faster and more robust…, A couple of months ago I faced a hilarious surprise: my boiler broke. In the subsequent part we will be completing the workflow through to post-processing. But, this will directly create the load in a single step. Corrected issue where FEMAP would exit unexpectedly or become unresponsive when trying to create an “Output Map Data Surface” from output on 20-noded hex elements (PR 7330949) Corrected issue where the ID field in the Define Connection Manager Data Surface dialog box would be ignored when creating a new Connection Manager Data Surface. 10. Selecting the m… April 8th, 2015 Capture3.PNG. Creating Load from Output (“Model, Load, From Output”): This will create a load from an output vector from a previous run. 4 0 obj Muhanned Mahdi. endobj Select a curve on each hole and click OK. Load in 3D viewer Uploaded by Anonymous ← Back to model page. FEMAP Symposium 2017 Arbitrary 3D Options Fy = 470 lb Pressure applied to upper / lower surfaces separately File →→ Import →→ Geometry 2. Expand the Loads section of the Model Info tree and right click Load Definitions and select On Surface. This macro recreates the Mesh Point on Surface command from Femap 11. This requires OpenGL 4.2. endobj API Programming (“Tools, Programming, API Programming”): FEMAP has a built-in object oriented programing environment. From the context sensitive menus select New. 1. There are also versions for NX and Solid Edge. Performance Graphics can help improve the graphics speed on initial draw and dynamic rotations for points, nodes, and elements. The temperature in my home plummeted down to…. This uses results from a previous analysis to map onto the data surface. FEMAP surface contact . Dear all. Introduction to the Meshing Toolbox in Femap 12. The nice thing is that because it’s using the FEMAP data surface, the thermal and structural mesh sizing does not need to match. FEMAP has a rich set of hidden features for finite element modeling, but not all of them are easy to find. The main emphasis will be on the FEMAP pre- and post-processing environment. You can view the complete model build in an online video. This makes it handy to map test data or calculated data onto a meshed model. The overview is in two parts. Now, I can refer to it easily. That’s my list of 10 great features of FEMAP that might not be obvious to all users. Just right click on the group you would like to be a reference group, and choose “Reference Groups”. 1 0 obj You should now select the surfaces that represent the wetted area of the model in the Entity Selection dialog. Using the FEMAP API ... Project onto Surface, Curve/Surface Intersection, CG of Surface, Mesh Location, Along Curve, and On Surface (Parameter Space). The Computer-Aided Design ("CAD") files and all associated content posted to this website are created, uploaded, managed and owned by third party users. The Data Surface Editor sets up and edits complex spatial load definitions, and allows set up on the fly with load generation dialog. The results can stay in the Nastran OP2 file, making the FEMAP.modfem file smaller, and can increase the results plotting performance significantly. Folder. If a warning message appears requesting to proceed with the mesh, click Yes. It’s best to have the geometry ready to be meshed when you use the NonManifold Add command. Click OK and OK again to complete the mesh. verify that Delete Surface Elements is checked. 2.1. You can create a group that is a reference to other groups. FEMAP surface contact FEMAP surface contact / Loading ... Renderings. The Computer-Aided Design ("CAD") files and all associated content posted to this website are created, uploaded, managed and owned by third party users. 0 000061 A . %µµµµ View all. When you click OK, the icon of the group will change to show that it is a reference group and not a regular group. 2 0 obj Data Surface, Arbitrary 3D Data Surface (Tools, Data Surface Editor): If you need to apply variable loading, the Data Surface tool can be very useful. 1. Femap 11.2 new capabilities - first part of geometry editing video showing mid-surface extractionhttp://www.siemens.com/plm/femap You can use advanced workflows in Simcenter Femap to model components, assemblies, or systems, to then determine a model’s behavioral response when subjected to real-world conditions. Arbitrary 3D lets you put in X, Y, Z coordinates for each point, and then a scalar or vector value for the loading. Groups of Groups: FEMAP calls this “Referenced Groups”. You may then use FEMAP to export an input file to over 20 finite element codes. 5. It refused to fire up, no matter what. 8. See how you can define equation based loads in Femap and apply hydrostatic loading to a water tank. <>/Metadata 629 0 R/ViewerPreferences 630 0 R>> A typical use of Data Surfaces is to take the pressure results from a flow analysis in a pipe system and apply them as input loading on a structural model of the pipes to determine the structural response due to … Expand the Loads section of the Model Info tree and right click Load Definitions and select On Surface. For this model we’ll select an aluminum alloy from the extensive metal alloy material database included with FEMAP. You should now select the surfaces that represent the wetted area of the model in the Entity Selection dialog. 7. Data Surface, Output Map Data Surface (Tools, Data Surface Editor):  This is another method to create a data surface. Hopefully you found a few good ones to try out. FEMAP provides powerful tools for meshing geometry, as well as applying loads and boundary conditions. 3. First we’ll create the material data (aluminum alloy in this case). Next perform the mid-surfacing command by going to Geometry > Mid-surface > Automatic. The first overview in the series looks at the pairing of FEMAP and NX NASTRAN from Siemens PLM Software. Muhanned Mahdi. The Femap version is written using the FEMAP API. April 8th, 2015 Capture2.PNG. Select all the surfaces on the bracket. It uses Visual Basic, and with the API Programming pane you can customize and automate the FEMAP functionality. … Convert Pressure(Surface load) to nodal force. This will install a drop down menu for FEMAP that gives easier access to view and create service tickets, check maintenance statuses, view Saratech events, training, videos, etc. There are seven predefined methods for creating a data surface. In this first part we will be covering the workflow up to meshing. Note that’s in the defined material dialog box, you can change the material type from the default isotropic to one of the many material types supported by FEMAP. 9. If you need to make changes to the geometry after the NonManifold Add command is used, you can use the “Geometry, Surface, Recover Manifold…” to restore the individual surfaces and then repeat the NonManifold add command after the geometry changes are made. Vector Methods The FEMAP API hosts numerous functions for prompting the user to select a Vector, and ... you can then use this to load that view and manipulate its settings. Uncheck Increment %PDF-1.5 Results Tab, select “Automatically Attach to Result Files”): This is a new feature starting with Femap v11. Files (1) FEMAP contact Surface FEMAP contact Surface / Loading ... Renderings. The Mesh Point Editor in Femap 12 is difficult to use. Figure 3-2: Initial Mesh attempt for the four surfaces of the wing model. Verifying the interior of a solid model visually can be challenging, but in Femap we can use the grouping function to create a subset of the model that can be blanked off. API Programming (“ Tools, Programming, API Programming ”): FEMAP has a built-in object oriented programing... 3. Figure 3-3: Free edges after NonManifold Add command. Simcenter Femap is an advanced simulation application for creating, editing, and inspecting finite element models of complex products or systems. (We chose aluminum 7050) Next create 3 properties. Contact and Viewing Tools Femap automatically determines contact between assembly components and defines the nature of contact. April 6th, 2016 View comments (0) Comments (0) Please ... Load in 3D viewer Uploaded by Anonymous ← Back to model page. Performance Graphics (“File, Preferences”, Graphics Tab): This is a new feature of v11.1. In the Create Loads on Surfaces dialog, select Pressure as the load type. If your version of OpenGL is lower than 4.2, you might try upgrading the graphics driver to see if OpenGL will be upgraded to 4.2. In the Create Loads on Surfaces dialog, select Pressure as the load type. FEMAP surface contact . Femap Data Surface A Femap data surface is a table of values defined on coordinates Data surface can be 1-D, 2-D or 3-D Useful for creating loads with the “Data Surface” method Convert load to an output for visualization as a color contour Enables manipulation of load sets and output data Load … png. surface of the beam (145.68 lbf) than they are at the inner top surface of the beam (137.11 lbf), which agrees with the theoretical expectation for a beam ... will turn it off for the sake of illustrating a unique feature of the Interface Load mode. Other entities may be added in future releases. This short FEMAP tutorial explores how to prepare a solid geometry by the first mind surfacing then creating and assigning accurate mesh attributes. In the Load section of the form, enter 1. as the Pressure. create geometry, or you can import CAD geometry. 4. It is included with the full FEMAP with NASTRAN installation, and is viewable in the browser.
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