Still -- the mystery remains -- how did that smell get into that flour? This site is powered by Drupal. 9 Flour in Baking Flour forms the foundation for bread, cakes, and pastries. I empty it completely and run it through the dishwasher twice a year or so, so I'm always fairly certain that there's no flour in it more than six months old. Flour does absorb odors. When the baking soda absorbs the odors overnight, vacuum it off the floor or the upholstery. “When flour has gone bad it has a more sour or playdough-like smell.” (Ew.) You mentioned the seller is a busy warehouse store. Using dry rice for cleaning up things is an old grandma's trick. Yesterday I dumped the rest of the bin, washed the container (which is an older plastic container, but more on that later) and bought a new 10-lb bag of KAF. It may also look discolored. Have onions next to your flour? Simply put, the chemicals in baking soda are perfect at neutralizing the acids that cause bad smells. -If freezer space is available, flour can be repackaged in airtight, moisture-proof containers, labeled and placed in the freezer at 0 degrees F. If flour is stored like this, it will keep well for several years. It may be described as the skeleton, which supports the other ingredients in a baked product. Absorb Odors Instead of Covering Them Up. All you have to do is place some oatmeal in the fridge and it will absorb any rancid aromas. Final Thoughts. Before using it, thaw it at room temperature. -Keep whole wheat flour in the refrigerator or freezer all year around to preserve the enzymes in the bran. The smell of bad flour is hard to miss. The color of the flour has a direct bearing on baked bread, providing that fermentation has been carried out properly. Just a really wild thought. Sand and flour would absorb odors, too, … Could there be some baking powder in it? Use a freezer-safe bag or sealed container so the flour won't absorb odors. The same brand of wheat flour may absorb more or less water depending on the moisture in your kitchen or where the flour was stored. On reflection, I think her description is a more accurate one than my previous "ammonia" smell -- though there are definitely related scents there. Wierd. Deodorize your carpet or upholstery by sprinkling baking soda over it. Even thought about heavy fertilizing of a nearby field (wind) or flooding from pasture land. A few cups will take about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, I recycled the package. The best way to determine whether your flour is safe is to smell it. Any kind of unpleasant odor than that is rancidity. Bread flour is used for bread. So I've had two batches of King Arthur smell like this -- and exactly like this. When to worry: Just like with the other flours, trust your nose. Coconut flour is a great gluten-free alternative for baking and cooking.It can replace wheat flour in virtually any recipe but there is one essential thing you must do if you plan on cooking with coconut flour.. Whether you prefer organic all purpose flour or regular, all purpose flour was designed to be the go-to flour when baking and it does a pretty good job of it. The first thing that pops into my head is... where did it come from? The rice smells like detergent because it absorbs very well what you mix with or around it. Avoid refrigerating or freezing flour in its original paper packaging because paper is porous and the flour may absorb moisture and odors, however if the flour has not been opened, the paper package can be stored in the refrigerator of freezer if the package is tightly wrapped with plastic. Freshen the refrigerator and freezer: Place an open container of baking soda in the center of the back wall of both the refrigerator and freezer. © 2021 Emily Ellyn Productions. Bread Flour: Bread flour is an unbleached, high protein blend of mostly hard wheat flours. And the best way to extend the life of the flour in your pantry by storing it correctly. Which is a shame, since we blow through the flour and that place was the least expensive and most convenient around. I'm going to have my husband and baking-goddess-friend check out the flour for their reactions -- it's possible this mystery is literally all in my head, and mine alone. This kind of absorption involves chemical reactions, changing the odors into innocuous gases and salts. Kitty Litter. You can use flour and a bit of baby oil to … For example, when butter goes rancid, it releases butyric acid, a particularly foul smell. Flour must be kept in a dry, cool area (off the floor) and away from anything with a strong smell. An odd question: The large plastic-ware container that I use for storing unbleached AP flour holds about 6 pounds of flour. … I was getting down toward the bottom of the bin, so this was probably some of the older stuff -- but I've never had this happen before. They can basically be used interchangeably, but some believe that bleached is best used for making pie crusts, cookies, muffins, scones, pancakes, and other quick breads, and unbleached is good for baking yeast breads, popovers, and cream puffs. How to Store Flour This prevents the flour from absorbing moisture and odors and from attracting insects and rodents. I'd love to know what might have caused this. Your olfactory sense is composed of thousands of chemical receptors. House notes that the shelf-life of all-purpose flour can be up to 24 months if you do store flour properly, which means keeping your flour in "an airtight container in a cool, dry place." Add a large pinch of salt to the inside of the container and leave it in a clump in the middle. It never smells unpleasant. I would mention it to the store where you bought the flour and to the company (mill) that bagged the flour. Flour can go bad over time and can expire as well. Below are the most common types of flour and what baked goods they are best used for: All-Purpose Flour: Most national brands typically have an 11 to 12% protein content which make them perfect for baking quick breads, cookies, biscuits, and cakes. Anyone else ever have this happen to them? You may have smelled it also if you opened a box of cereal that has been around too long, or even poppy or sesame seeds - anything with fats that sits around at room temp will eventually go rancid. If it fizzes or bubbles, there is baking powder in the flour. The square sides make storing in your freezer easier, and the large size is big enough for a five-pound bag of flour. I dumped the flour out and am washing the bin out tomorrow -- but does anyone have any ideas about how or why this might have happened? Flour contains proteins which, when water is added, grab onto each other and form strong, elastic sheets of gluten. If a bag is bad, it is easier to return and trace in the original bag than if the flour was transferred to a second container. -Throw away flour if it smells bad, changes color, or is invested with weevils. Adding activated charcoal bags or pillows in your car will absorb the moisture which can lead to mold growth. If you come to a conclusion, will you please post it. While fresh flour has a neutral odor, bad flour smells off — it can be stale, musty, or almost sour. What these sensors detect and how your brain interprets the combinations tell you what you're smelling. That's because the charcoal literally absorbs smells, toxins and moisture from the air. Flour must be kept in a dry, cool area (off the floor) and away from anything with a strong smell. It seems like a safer and more efficient way to keep the refrigerator fresh, considering Baking Soda does neutralize the odor, is simply to improve the surface area and reduce the chance of crusting over. I like to let plastic items dry exposed to the air 24 hours before stacking, storing or using them. Most often a sign of mice or cats or fertilizer or lack of toilet facilities. This week as I was doing some baking, I noticed that the flour in the container smelled of -- well, sort of like ammonia. Smell some fresh, clean flour and remember what it is like. All suggestions sounded reasonable. The strength of flour is represented in protein (gluten) quality and quantity. Smells of course are caused by volatile compounds which stimulate receptors in our nose. I do occasionally buy unbleached organic flour in bulk from a local store that carries it, and the brand of that one is Giusto's. Thus, now, it smells slightly different than the usual one. No off flavors or odors, for me or anyone else (even after sharing the experience). Bay leaves are natural insect repellents! If it is just you that senses ammonia, you might want to tell your doctor. When I buy the King Arthur, I buy in 10-lb paper sacks, and none of the sacks ever show signs of being exposed to any liquids (no buckling or discoloration of the paper). This applies to both yeast and chemically leavened products. Flour is like a sponge and will absorb whatever it is around. Lots of ideas pop into my head from the stacked sacks in a warehouse to the cat that marks (sprays) the truck, sack, or bin standing in its territory to the mice in the grain bin/warehouse to the grain being bagged in used fertilizer bags to the workers cleaning out the ship's cargo hold. Salt is one such substance that can be used to absorb odors. and rinse the container well with water after it comes out of the machine. A fact, which you should know, if the package of flour package is not tightly sealed, the flour may absorb the scents of other goods. Even better if you still have the batch numbers or the original bag. The higher level of porosity enables it to better absorb odor-causing molecules in the air. Flour will absorb odors! Then the cake you make with it will have an oniony smell too. I'll probably e-mail KA flours and contact the store I bought it at. -Do not store flour near soap powder, onions, or other foods and products with strong odors. Only use flour if it has no odor at all, or a sweet, pleasant one, meaning that it's fresh. The grounds with absorb any lingering odor and by the next day, you can throw out the coffee grounds and enjoy fresher interior air. Wow! Also white flour usually has an extended shelf life of up to 2 years, 1 year for whole wheat. I can’t figure out why sunshine or fresh air removes the smell, but it does… I store my flour in similar containers and haven't had that issue. Natural oils in the germ cause this flour to turn rancid quickly at room temperature. If you don’t own a pet, unscented kitty litter can be useful to you. Freezing flour for 48 hours before it is stored will kill any weevil or insect eggs already in the flour. So my baking-goddess friend was over today, and I had her smell the flour. Flour stored in warm, damp conditions will expire more quickly than flour stored in a cool, dark pantry. Flours in torn packages or in open bins are exposed to air and to insect contamination. musty." The elasticity of the gluten gives the bread its ability to retain gas as the dough rises and bakes, making it chewy. Different types of flour are suited to different items and all flours are different you cannot switch from one type to another without consequences that could ruin the recipe. Unlike air fresheners, these products don’t mask smells, but rather work to absorb moisture and neutralize the causes behind these odors, so both you and your home can smell fresher. 1 cup all-purpose flour = 1 cup + 2 tablespoons cake flour. Thanks, Jean P. (VA). Her instant reaction was "This does NOT smell right. The moisture encourages the growth of mold, which is what usually causes the flour to have that musty odor. You might find the answer if you could examine the location where the store keeps its flour before moving it to the shelves. Especially the possible deterioration of the plastice container. When flour is called for in a recipe it is most often all-purpose unless specified. Flour does absorb odors. The flour isn't rancid; it had a use-by date of December, 2012. If you don’t smell anything, get a little closer and give the flour a good sniff. All flours, even white flour, have a limited shelf life. Smoking deadens the sense of smell, quitting brings it back. We combined the same about of two different types of flour with the same amount of water. -If freezer space is available, flour can be repackaged in airtight, moisture-proof containers, labeled and placed in the freezer at 0 degrees F. If flour is stored like this, it will keep well for several years. Most Popular. Are you confusing the smell of bleached flour with ammonia possibly? The flour in this bin is never self-rising (I've only bought self-rising once, in a biscuit experiment). Otherwise I concur with MiniOven. There is a large variety of such compounds with a great diversity of molecular structures. If your nose just won’t clue you in and you are still worried, check the best by date and if it has been more than 8 months since that date, throw it out. Color. We like this OXO Pop 4.3-quart container. That depends on what you are makin How much extra liquid do you need? Millers recommend that flours be stored for no more than 6 months. -Flour is always readily available so it should only be brought in quantities that will last a maximum of two to three months. Flour isn’t all practical – it can be fun too! The type of flour of flour used is vital at getting the product right. I only buy unbleached flour, and the brand I currently use most is King Arthur. 1 cup cake flour = 2 tablespoons of cornstarch + 7/8 cup all-purpose flour. (huge Hills brother's tin from a resturatunt) Or leave in the paper bag. -Keep whole wheat flour in the refrigerator or freezer all year around to preserve the enzymes in the bran. I try to buy KAF when it's on sale, so I'll stash the excess bags in zip-lock bags until it's time to pour it into my storage containers - which are glass with a screw-top lid. protease) action. Content posted by community members is their own. The pickle smell is nice for the first few minutes, but try driving around with them in an enclosed vehicle for the better part of a day and find that not only does it start to smell objectionable, it also gives you a headache. The result of this is rancid off flavors. The "why" behind baking soda's successful absorption of odors has more to do with chemistry than anything else, says Alex Reed, the co-founder of Truman's: "Most smells are acidic in nature, and baking soda can be a pH neutralizer." When mixed and kneaded, higher protein flours, such as bread flour, can develop even longer and stronger chains of gluten. Here are other possible uses: A few handfuls hidden … I am curious about the outcome. All original site content copyright 2021 The Fresh Loaf unless stated otherwise. Check the ingredient list on your dishwasher detergent, First thought is similar to Mini's about the cats, rats, Community Bake - The No Comfort Zone Bake, Kneading after (partial) bulk fermentation. It made me realize (or wonder) -- it's possible that my sense of smell is changing and that I'm picking up (or interpreting) odors differently than I used to, and that what I'm reacting to in the smell isn't actually ammonia but something else that triggers the same response in me. I do have smaller bins on the counter that are plastic, but since they are newer plastics they tend to break down faster so they get recycled before they start getting weird and smelling. One serious cause is stroke. Fig Water, Multigrain, Apricot, Walnut, Whole Wheat Sprouter, The Easiest German-style Spelt Recipe, Ever. In fact, when you open the flour bag or container, you will likely be hit with a musty, sour smell that clearly indicates the flour is bad. I would definitely have a few other sensitve smellers take a whiff of this flour. Cloud Dough. Kitty Litter. No clear source of contamination, all the flour was dry and free-flowing when I dumped it. I try to buy KAF when it's on sale, so I'll stash the excess bags in zip-lock bags until it's time to pour it into my storage containers - which are glass with a screw-top lid. This is why I use a metal can! 1 cup self rising flour = 1 1/3 teaspoons baking powder + 1/3 teaspoon salt +1 cup all-purpose flour *Sift all ingredients together. All Rights Reserved. -Flour must be kept cool and dry. The photo above shows flour absorption in action. But I also had the thought about HOW OLD IS THE CONTAINER, because plastic will break down over the years, and can give off weird smells and do strange things. Look for tightly sealed bags or boxes. But many of the smells encountered in the fridge are due to volatile fatty acids. All kinds of ways for organic compounds (pee) to get near grain or flour. Additionally, if your flour has come into contact with water or moisture, large clumps of mold may appear. If your container has no lid, you can seal it in a container with a cling wrap over it. More or less gluten is desirable for various baked goods. If washing and soaking the container don't work to absorb the odor, you can place absorbing agents inside the plastic container that will absorb bad smells. If you see anything inappropriate on the site or have any questions, contact me at floydm at thefreshloaf dot com. It is chlorinated to break down the strength of the gluten and is very finely ground, yielding tender cakes with a fine, delicate texture. And I won't be buying flour from that store again. A stinky home disrupts the welcoming environment you want in your home, and the smell can be a source of embarrassment for homeowners. Could this be a self-rising flour? So I went ahead and baked with the flour yesterday -- and the final baked goods were just fine. Cake Flour: Cake flour has a lower protein content than all-purpose – from 6 to 8 %. Likewise, disease can alter your senses. I tend to hang on to the original bag until it is used up or write down the info if purchased in a bulk bin. Luckily, you don’t have to cover the odor with harsh chemicals.The Daily Green found a cool way to get rid of refrigerator odors naturally. Flour creates the structure for baked goods, so it is important to know how the flour you use will affect the texture of the your food. The container should be vapor-proof so the flour can't absorb the odors from other foods around. Time for a science experiment! If someone asks you, "Does flour go bad? The best way to learn is by comparison. Rice flour is much like white flour in that it can have a shelf life of up to 8 months after the “best by date” if properly stored.. Self-Rising Flour: For all brands, this is a uniform blend of all-purpose flour and leavening agents. Flour that is used in baking comes mainly from wheat, although it can be milled from corn, rice, nuts, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables. There are a potload of things that can alter your sense of smell; smoking is likely the best known of these. -The main change that occurs is the oxidation of oils when flour is exposed to air. Based upon your "musty" description and the fact that I strongly doubt that it came from KA smelling musty, I would have to suspect improper storage after KA and before you got the flour. The Fresh Loaf is not responsible for community member content. Ammonia (NH₃) is a byproduct of protein lysis, primarily by either bacterial or enzymatic (e.g. Most bakers find self-rising flour an ideal blend for biscuits. If you still smell nothing, you flour is probably just fine to use! If you have some flour left, put it in a bowl and add a teaspoon of vinegar. Absorbing Smells: Flour can act like a sponge and absorb the smells of whatever is near it. However, if you desire the sweet, natural smell and taste for your cooking, place it near bland foods and in (yes I am going to say it again) an air tight container. Pastry Flour: Although similar to cake flour, it has a slightly higher gluten content. It may mean nothing, but will provide another baseline datum for your records. Like all of our senses, the sense of smell can be deceived for any number of possible causes. It is better not to mix new flour with old if you are not using the flour regularly. "Fresh flour should have little fragrance but will smell like fresh, clean grain." These bags were purchased at a busy warehouse store (S&F) over two months apart -- it's unlikely they are the same batch. One possibility I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the breakdown of protein. Mislabeled package? Ammonia is organic, most often produced from urea found in urine. It does not indicate that the flour has become spoiled. Absorb the odor using salt. They have been purchased from the same store. Especially plastics that are more than 5 years old, they changed the formulas as well, they do that regularly as soon as we find out there is something bad in the plastic formula (BPA) (lead acetate) and if you didn't hear about the change or the fuss over something your container might still be that forulation and simply be offgassing the  amonia from the plastic due to deterioration. What a bunch of interesting information. During hot weather, store flour in the refrigerator. I would insist on purchasing a different batch number if replacing with the same brand flour. So if you want your flour to smell like Pine Sol or onions, set it in the cupboard right next to them. -Put a bay leaf in the flour canister to help protect against insect infections. Say, by spreading it across a paper plate instead. You especially don’t’ want to store flour (or any other food, for that … It measures differently than all-purpose flour; 1 cup of all-purpose flour is the equivalent of 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons cake flour. Beside above, does charcoal absorb mold? Baking soda can also absorb odors in other areas in the home. As I opened the bag, I got hit with the same smell as what I had dumped. And I've stored the same bin in the same place for the last ten years, so no new variables have been introduced in storage. ", you can now answer with confidence "Yes, it does." Flour will absorb odors! Since coconut flour is denser than wheat flour you will need to increase the amount of liquid in the recipe. Though the scent is typically fairly subtle, you should be able to pick up on it. Place unscented kitty litter in discreet locations throughout your house to absorb odors. When there is some odd odor, released from it, you should not use it. and other various donaters of pee! Rancid flour is very easy to detect if you just smell it. -Flour should be stored, covered, in a cool and dry area. If it smells bad, it is bad. If you have a new/old or hard to clean container/board that smells weird, you can put that detergent-smelling-rice in/on it and its smell will be reduced. All-purpose flour that bleaches naturally as it ages is labeled “unbleached”; flour treated with chemical whiteners is labeled “bleached” and contains less protein. This helps form the elastic bonds create flaky layers of pie crusts, croissants, and puff pastry. You can leave your flour in its original bag, but for long-term storage, it's best to move it to an air-tight container that can protect against smells (flour will absorb odors) and liquids from the freezer walls.
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