To me it’s not enough room for them to swim.The tetras and the danios are favorite. SALE. Advanced Search. Received my Congo Tetra today, and was very disappointed because they are so small that "I need a looking glass to find them!" Tetras. I enjoyed your article about your experience with breeding tetras. The Ornate Tetra is relatively hardy and moderately easy to care for. Marble Hatchet Tetra $ 5.99 $ 4.99 Read more-17%. Tetras. Travel . The tetra’s dorsal fin is black and has white rims. SALE. Tetra - Neon Large - QUANTITY OF 12 $21.95: Quick Find Use keywords to find the product you are looking for. Though these fish are rather small, their pleasant temperaments, the schooling behaviors they exhibit and a vast variety of colors and shapes make them popular in the hobby. $ 16.55 $ 13.24 SALE. Scientific Name: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Common Name: Longfin Blackskirt Tetra, Long Finned Black Widow, Black Hifin Tetra Adult Size: 2.2 inches Life Expectancy: 6 - 7 years Habitat: South America in Paraguay and Guapore Basins Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallon Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 70.0 to 79.0° F pH Range: 5.8-8.5 Hardness Range: 3 - 30 The Long Finned Black Tetra was developed from the Black Tetra or Blackskirt Tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi.It is a very durable fish and a great choice for the beginning aquarist. Home Forums > Classifieds > Livestock Classifieds > All ads must contain photo's of actual equipment/livestock for sale. Male bettas are known for their long, flowing fins, but female bettas bring just as much color to life as their male counterparts. Today the majority offered for sale are captive bred. Congo Tetra originate from the Zaire River and nearby lakes in central Africa. $ 16.99. The Black Skirt Tetra can make a nice addition to a community tank with the right mix of tank mates. You May Also Like. Your live fish may not match the image shown due to natural variations in each species. These fish have several bones that join the inner ear and swim bladder, which enhances the hearing of these colorful fish. Comments Required. Choose from these brilliant colors: Starfire Red® Long-Fin Tetra Moonrise Pink® Long-Fin Tetra Galactic Purple® Long-Fin Tetra Electric Green® Long-Fin Tetra Sunburst Orange® Long-Fin Tetra 1; 2 → Filter by price. Please read the rules before selling. With longer, more embellished fins than the standard Oscar, the Assorted Longfin Oscar is an impressive sight to behold. For Sale: Tetras for sale. Each companion animal is different in shape, color, and personality. The Buenos Aires tetra are very active especially doing feeding. Many tropical community aquariums are populated with tetras, rasboras and other similar schooling fish. GloFish. We carry Danios, Barbs, Tetras and Longfin Tetras. They can be nervous if kept in small numbers. However, the Ornate Tetra always has white-tipped fins while the Rosy may or may not, and the Rosy Tetra has a black marking or 'flag' on its dorsal fin. $ 15.29. Assorted Blue Rim Plakat Betta (Betta splendens) - Tank-Bred! Green ... Glass Tetra Iquitos Sm/md $ 29.95 $ 23.96 SALE. Products GloFish Companions. Show Filters Showing 1–20 of 21 results. Long Tentacle Anemone 4521 $ 62.49 ... Longfin Black Skirt Tetra Sm/md $ 3.15 $ 2.52 SALE. Check it out! Tetras are found primarily in the streams and rivers of South America and Africa. Name Review Subject Required. GloFish® Galactic Purple® Tetra Sm/md . $ 47.99 . Car Rentals. GloFish® Long-Fin Sunburst Orange® Tetra Sm/md $ 17.48 GloFish® Long-Fin Electric Green® Tetra Sm/md . The Long Fin Red Minor Serpae Tetra is a peaceful, omnivorous, schooling fish that comes from South America. It is known by several names and variations of these names, including Longfin Blackskirt Tetra, Longfinned Black Widow Tetra, Black Hifin Tetra, Blackskirt Hifin Tetra, and Longfin Blackskirt Tetra. Tetra fish for sale at all pond solutions. The remaining fins are entirely red. White Fin Ornate Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bentosi) - Tank-Bred! One year after being introduced to Europe, the Colombian red-fin tetra was becoming a hobby favourite. Tetras. LONG FIN WHITE SKIRT BLUSHING TETRA regular -1 - 1.5 inches. Find GloFish® for sale at Tetras belong to the Characidae family and are distinguished by their adipose fins, which are small rounded fins located between the dorsal fin and the tail. They ordinarily possess a homocercal caudal fin (a twin-lobed, or forked, tail fin whose upper and lower lobes are of equal size) and a tall dorsal fin characterized by a short connection to the fish's body. $ 22.99. Rating Required. Cosmic Blue; Electric Green; Galactic Purple; Moonrise Pink; Starfire Red; Sunburst Orange ; Fish Type. $ 19.85 $ 15.88 SALE. $ 17.99. List: $ 11.99 - $ 13.99 $ 7.69 – $ 9.99 Select options; Sale! Glofish® Cosmic Blue® Tetra Sm/md $ 16.48 Assorted Glofish® Tetra Sm/md . Car Rentals Flights Sites in our network Shopping Cars Property. Long-Fin Tetras GloFish Products. Where does it come from? If you are looking to buy tetra fish for your aquarium, we have a collection of high quality livestock available online. They are generally blue on top, red and gold in the middle, and blue on the belly. This is their normal behavior and by itself need not alarm aquarists. What are the ideal water conditions? Tetras for sale. These peaceful community fish form schools and prefer to live in groups of 5 to 7 fish. Diamond Tetra Sm/md $ 6.10 $ 4.88 SALE. Calm and colorful, GloFish Tetras make a great starter fish for beginners. GloFish Long-Fin Tetras. Congo tetras are schooling fish that can get anxious if they are not part of a group of at least six of the same species. They were eating immediately and within half an hour after introduction to their new home, my 50 gallon tank, these tiny cuties were showing amazing colors and feeling right at home! Right now have Buenos Aires tetra and the Red eye tetras. Electric Blue Acara Cichlid (Andinoacara pulcher hybrid), USA-Bred! Tetras. Also check out the White Skirt Tetra profile. I want get a larger aquarium for them,aleast a 75 gallon. Rummy Nose Tetra $ 5.99 $ 4.99 Add to cart-9%. When viewed from the side, the body is an elongated oval, laterally compressed. This shop is not currently part of our online partner program. GloFish com in Barbs, Tetras, Danios and Rainbow Sharks. $ 16.55 $ 13.24 SALE. Starfire Red long-fin Glo Tetra The starfire red long-fin tetra was created by splicing the genes of hi-fin white skirt tetras and phosphorescent coral. Current Stock: Description Size Guides . All. There are some different color varieties (may be dyed fish, look closely) and even some long fin varieties. GloFish® Electric Green® Tetra Sm/md . They do really well in schools (shoal) of 6 or more and may be behave better if kept in schools. This species is a color variation of the popular Black Widow/ Black Tetra. SALE. Pets & Animals. Visit the Tetra® Pond Learning Center or subscribe to our e-newsletter, Into The Pond! Sponsored. Chocolate AKA Emerald Cichlid (Hypselecara temporalis), Tank-Bred! Tetras are members of the Characidae family that can be recognized by the adipose fin, a small rounded fin between the dorsal fin and tail. Ember Tetra Sm/md $ 4.45 $ 3.56 SALE. The Black Skirt Tetra may lose some of the black coloration as they age. Search. GloFish Sunburst Orange Longfin Tetra (Gymnocorymbus sp.) Instead of swimming smoothly or for long distances at a time, Serpae Tetras move in relatively short spurts, unless stressed. Filament Fin Tyttocharax Tetra Reg : tyttocharax sp. R 25 . The anal fin is black in color as well, and the tips are white. Easter 2021 Loot Fragrance Sale Travel Accommodation NEW! Congo Tropical Tetra. Long Fin Tetras; Danios; Barbs; Longfin Barbs; Sharks; Bettas. Tetras; Long Fin Tetras; Danios; Barbs; Longfin Barbs; Sharks; Tetras. The fully-grown Serpae Tetras is about 1 to 1.5 inches long. Sale! John Rundle explains how to keep and breed them. $11.99. This is a characin — from Colombia of course — and the first image I saw was of a red/blue reflective body and bright red fins, including the caudal. Rosy Tetra Tropical Fish Learn all about the Rosy Tetra's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. The cheapest offer starts at R 25. Accommodation NEW! Pretoria, Gauteng . The Assorted Longfin Oscar requires a large aquarium of at least 70 gallons with a deep sand bottom and a few large rocks. Tetras for sale. Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) $ 20.69. We recommend a shoal of 4 or more. GloFish® Long-Fin Tetras are beautiful, colorful fish that are sure to add a look of class to your aquarium! Yellow Tail Congo Tetra $ 5.99 $ 4.99 Add to cart-17%. This "hifin" variety has been bred for its extra long fins, especially the dorsal fin. 0. Tankmates . 'Filament Fin' Congo Tetra Mbandaka Reg : Phenacogrammus sp. 1 - 3 of 3 ads. Flights. $ 59.99. How many can I keep? 10 x Neon Tetras (big size) - R130 for all 10 x Rummy nose Tetras (big size) - R200 for all 2 X Harlequin Rasbora - R30 for both or free if you take... Log in or Sign up. To start your new adventure, a little knowledge will go a long way. Male GloFish Bettas are territorial and do best kept by themselves. $ 15.29. Diamond Tropical Tetra. Glass Bloodfin Tetra Sm/md $ 5.05 $ 4.04 SALE. Other common names the Ornate Tetra is known by include White Tip Tetra, White Fin Ornate Tetra, and Bentos Tetra. These freshwater fish are native to South America and Africa and are found in rivers and streams. BREEDS GloFish ® fluorescent fish are tropical freshwater fish and require the same care. List: $ 12.99 $ 10.88 $ 9.99 Add to cart; Sale! Tropical Aquariums SA. 20 days ago. Sales conditions; Company video; Contact; Freshwater Fish; TETRAS; TETRAS. Tetra Tropical Fish for Sale (12) Crustaceans for Sale (4) AQUARIUM SUPPLIES FOR SALE-> (37) Information: Shipping Reviews Alive Arrival Guarantee Acclimation Instructions Links Contact Us Articles Picture Gallery: What's New? Large Serpae Tetras $ 5.49 $ 4.99 Add to cart. Description. Long Fin Red Minor Serpae Tetra is great for the community aquarium and is extremely hardy but should be kept in schools of no less than 5 to minimize aggressive behavior. Serpae Tetra Availability Ember Fire Tropical Tetra . Login / Register. Visit us online today! Similar to the standard Tetras, these fish have beautiful long fins that make them unique in an aquarium. This tetra is a somewhat larger tetra than can be semi-aggressive with smaller tank mates and may fin nip fish with larger fins. Contact Us 1-800-334-3699; Help SIGN IN 0; Diver's Den; Freshwater Fish; Freshwater Plants; Freshwater Inverts; Pond; Foods; Aquarium Supplies; Sale Center; Marine Fish; Coral ; Reef Cleaner Packs; Marine Invert/Plant; Reef Rock; ORA Fish/Coral/Inv; Narrow Results. Guppies and tetras. The Red Colombian Tetra is a relatively recent addition to the list of aquarium specimens available for sale. Free Pickup Not Available ADD TO CART. Copeland's Tetra … Reviews | Answered Questions. Explore 3 listings for Tetras for sale at best prices. Males also have long, flowing fins that are violet with white edging; the mail's tail fin is long and flowing along the vertical medial line. With its elegant, flowing fins, the Assorted Longfin Oscar makes a colorful and active addition to a large aquarium. GloFish Bettas are an exciting addition to GloFish! SKU: tetrasfls24400471. DETAILS. Show more. Complete your order with the purchase of our specialized flake fish food and water care supplies for your GloFish! Right now I have them in fourty gallon tall. Green Neon Tetra $ 5.99 $ 4.99 Add to cart-17% Out of stock. All stock held on site is sourced from ethical breeders and are quarantined onsite and rigorously monitored for any signs of distress or ill health, to help ensure the best possible quality and wellbeing of our livestock. Color. Sort by . $ 16.55 $ 13.24 SALE. Find out more × Why can't I view this offer? Daily Deals COVID-19 Phone & Data Deals Departments . The Congo Tetra when adult is one of the most impressive medium sized characins.
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