It is essentially humble.2. They fed the hungry, but sovereign grace had first fed them.(C. Christ acknowledges as His brethren men whom nobody ever acknowledged before. )The reward of the righteousC. The tree bringeth forth the fruit, not the fruit the tree. For the sake of correction.2. Cumming, D. D. and forsaken: — The cloud that casts its cold and its freezing shadow over your home broke into innumerable blessings. The word "kingdom" indicates the richness of the heritage of the saints. Winterbotham, M. A.Be warned against that fatal fanaticism which has devastated a great part of Christendom in these latter days, which takes its stand upon one half of the truth in order to deny the other half, which calls justification by faith only "the gospel," just as if judgment according to works were not equally "the gospel," just as if very fundamental truth revealed in Scripture were not equally a part of the "everlasting gospel." THE DIVIDER. Then our thoughts of self are lost in admiration of the excellences of Jesus. We need faith in self-sacrificing love as mighty to redeem. All the riches of providential gift are intended to be the materials whereon stated Christian principle shall work. It is Christ's own gift. It denotes full possession and enjoyment. The sea breaks and scatters its treasures on a dead shore, etc. THE PORTION ITSELF. Veitch, M. A. Winterbotham, M. She remained silent, till affectionately entreated to give us a reason for such unlooked-for kindness to strangers. We are apt to imagine that true religion consists in extraordinary frames of mind, ecstatic moods. There is not a line of suffering visible upon your road that has not had parallel with it a line of glory, of happiness, and joy. If we deem the conditions under which our life may go down hill to the pit to be hard and cruel, we must take into account that we are incriminating also the conditions under which our life can now climb upwards towards the blessed hills of heaven. They are extremely like each other: the wool of some sheep in a warm climate becomes so like hair, and the hair of a kind of goat so like wool, that a traveller scarcely knows which is which; but a shepherd who has lived amongst them knows the difference well. Service of God, which separates us from service of the least among the brethren of Christ, is monkish and not Christian. We are all familiar with the excuses of selfishness.(H. to be so imperfect, and are always ready to own themselves )Heaven prepared far the saintsC. The solitary tsar stole down her sable cheek when she replied, 'I love Him whose servants ye are, and surely it is my duty to give you a cup of cold water in His name. Relief of their wants is relief to Him, etc. Love thinks nothing of the sacrifice it makes. Christ acknowledges as His brethren men whom nobody ever acknowledged before. A. The rule of the division is —1. )The Divine law of compassionT. The great division between the sons of men is Christ. For the sake of preservation. There is much of teaching IN THE SURROUNDING CIRCUMSTANCES. They will be divided infallibly. )LinksMatthew 25:40 NIVMatthew 25:40 NLTMatthew 25:40 ESVMatthew 25:40 NASBMatthew 25:40 KJVMatthew 25:40 Bible AppsMatthew 25:40 ParallelMatthew 25:40 Biblia ParalelaMatthew 25:40 Chinese BibleMatthew 25:40 French BibleMatthew 25:40 German BibleMatthew 25:40 CommentariesBible Hub. )Practical beneficence the true Christian lifeR. Christ's revelation of immortality. Spurgeon. a martyr, or a preacher of the Gospel, or has any considerable It is a state in which they shall recognize their right to be there; a state therefore of ease and freedom. Hermas, the shepherd, listened to these words, and he said to the rich young man, "All good gifts come from above; thou canst not send anything thither. Melvill, B. D.)The reasons for Christ's sentenceT. The equity of the trial depends mainly on the character and capacity of the being who presides. Sons to inherit.3. Is it a legacy to us from the ancient world? ITS NATURE.1. Here is consolation for the poor; Jesus Christ is the companion of their distress.(J. Spurgeon. H. This will increase the terror of the lost, that Christ shall divide them, Christ, so full of love, would not destroy a sinner unless it must be. —1. There is no deeper tint to the bloom of the flower because there is an admiring crowd. SERVICE OF THE LEAST IS, IN A SPECIAL WAY, EVIDENCE OF NOBLE LOVE. The great division between the sons of men is Christ. Hermas, the shepherd, listened to these words, and he said to the rich young man, "All good gifts come from above; thou canst not send anything thither. The first feeling in looking to Christ is that of shame, because of our sinfulness and insincerity.2. —1. The King. Its connection between Him and His brethren is not arbitrary, it is founded in nature and fact. We asked her again and again who she was. Their name — "Blessed of the Father."2. This will assure the saints of their right to heaven. (2)The good works only of the faithful are mentioned, and not the evil they have committed. Clarke.)I. All are His brethren. Their nature. He will come in His glory; the cross is exchanged for the crown.II. )Christ reproaching the wickedIt was I who formed you, and ye clave to another. Mark how He receives them, how He gathers up the bruised, withered, scattered flowers which seemed dying in our hands, and makes of them a garland; binds them on His brow as a diadem; points to them before His angels as an honour.(J. The infant in its ignorance put forth its hands to touch the flame of the candle, as if it were a bright and beautiful plaything. )True benevolence of Christianity"Pagan philosophy," says Robert Hall, "soared in sublime speculation, wasted its stength in endless subtleties and debates; but among the rewards to which it aspired, it never thought of 'the blessedness of him that considereth the poor.' Robins, M. A., W. Their name — "Blessed of the Father."2. There is not a line of suffering visible upon your road that has not had parallel with it a line of glory, of happiness, and joy. D. Bridgeman, D. D.In the text the thought is not that the just failed to discern the Master in the men they helped, but that Christ is to be the motive of all action. Not one poor trembling sheep will be found amongst the goats.4. Charity, for Christ's sake, is acceptable. The youth followed the pious old man, and they came to a dark hovel, where there was nothing but misery and lamentation; for the father lay sick, and the mother wept, whilst the children stood round naked and crying for bread. That division will be keen and sharp. )The reward of the righteousC. What emphasis He gives to the least of My brethren, as if He would sternly exclude mixture of motive.5. The equity of the trial depends mainly on the character and capacity of the being who presides. Jesus here tears asunder every false covering under which men claim to be accounted religious, when they omit the common calls on mercy and kindness. Do you see a mother with an infant in her arms? That division will be keen and sharp. Martin, M. "Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward." I made your hands that you should lift them up in prayers and supplications; ye have stretched them out in thefts and murders. When he thought of self he trembled, and to tremble there was death. C. Then he went for the first time into the garden, and felt as if he were newly born. Full of joy, he praised God aloud. Their doings.Actions of charity selected —1. The great division between the sons of men is Christ. Self-forgetfulness is the first sign that we are doing work for the God above us.(C. )The unavailing declinatures of praise and blameM. It is tender in its exercise.3. Not one poor trembling sheep will be found amongst the goats.4. The sea breaks and scatters its treasures on a dead shore, etc. It is impossible that Judaism, so happily conspicuous in ancient times for the tender springs of mercy which God's hand cleft for it out of the rock of Sinaitic Law, should have slowly leavened Gentile society with the spirit of compassion. )LinksMatthew 25:40 NIVMatthew 25:40 NLTMatthew 25:40 ESVMatthew 25:40 NASBMatthew 25:40 KJVMatthew 25:40 Bible AppsMatthew 25:40 ParallelMatthew 25:40 Biblia ParalelaMatthew 25:40 Chinese BibleMatthew 25:40 French BibleMatthew 25:40 German BibleMatthew 25:40 CommentariesBible Hub, 2. But the prettiest of them all, prettiest because truest, is that which represents a bold knight of the Round Table travelling far over mountains and through deserts in search of the mysterious Grail. Watson, D. D.I. A pearl or a jewel that is fallen into the dirt, you cannot discern the worth of it till you wash it, and see it sparkle. SELF-FORGETFULNESS CONTRIBUTES TO HAPPINESS. "The welcome uttered — Come. H. Spurgeon.I. Explain sins of omission.II. A prince in disguise may be jostled and affronted. "When the King shall come in His glory." The JUSTICE WHICH IS MANIFESTED IN THE APPOINTMENT OF THESE TERMS. She laid them down, and returned to the village. The first feeling in looking to Christ is that of shame, because of our sinfulness and insincerity.2. "Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of these little ones, ye have done it unto Me." The rich young man then opened his hand, and gave freely and richly to them of his wealth, and tended the sick man. The Christian shines unconsciously — as the jewel sparkles, as the bird sings. He also has power to carry out the sentence.III. To a common eye things go better with the wicked than with the children of God. Our best love of Christ is evidenced in love to man.II. Many are the legends concerning the Quest of the Holy Grail, the traditional Cup of Healing from which the Saviour drank the sacramental wine the night He was betrayed. That division will be keen and sharp. H. Spurgeon.I. (2) Not any inwrought impression upon the man's own mind, if unattended by the outward marks of a converted heart. She laid them down, and returned to the village. Manton. Spurgeon. The rich young man then opened his hand, and gave freely and richly to them of his wealth, and tended the sick man. The distinguishing bond of Christian profession.4. How this self-forgetfulness adds to the charms of a child. Neither our evil nor our good dates from our own petty life, or has its origin in our tiny scope of will. With him possess darkness, and the fire which shall not be quenched, and the worm which sleepeth not, and the gnashing of teeth. THE DIVIDER. And the poor people, relieved and comforted, blessed him, and called him an angel of God. However, as he was nearing the gate of Camelot, he saw a poor man writhing in the ditch, evidently in the last agonies of death. This will assure the saints of their right to heaven. Pure philanthropy owes its noblest spirit to Christ. Told of what it has done, it blushes at what it deems unmerited praise. or the glorious Son of God in an imprisoned and scorned believer? Then the young man was shocked at this scene of distress. Cumming, D. D.)The final separationC. The distinguishing bond of Christian profession. We shall not recognize the " brethren" unless we have the brotherly spirit within us; that will open our eyes and work marvels within us.II. A saint loses his sanctity when we see that he thinks himself saintly.II. That though men are not justified by our works they shall be judged by them. Observe with delight the august Person by whose hand the reward is given — "When the King." (Canon Scott-Holland.)Self-forgetfulnessC. Spurgeon. Their doings.Actions of charity selected —1. Those who are Christ's brethren should be ours. In many cases, sins of omission may be more heinous and damning than sins of commission; partly because these harden more, and partly because omissions make way for commissions. The primitive Christians, it is evident, taught this lesson of philanthropy to the world. They will be divided infallibly. They may have been chosen as evidences of grace, because as actions, they are a wonderful means of separating between the hypocrite and the true Christian.(C. The eye of fire will soon separate the sheep from the goats.3. But the prettiest of them all, prettiest because truest, is that which represents a bold knight of the Round Table travelling far over mountains and through deserts in search of the mysterious Grail.
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