... Why does my Shih Tzu sound like he's choking? There are a few unspoken truths every dog owner can agree on: Dogs’ paws smell like corn chips, and dog breath smells terrible. Bad smell – A yeast infection will give off a musty odor. They smell like stinky corn chips Dogs do sweat through their feet, that is my only guess. if it seems super abnormal, there could be a problem which you might want to seek the advice of a vet. My cousins have two shih thus, actually, one of my cousins has the daughter of the other one. If your dog has feet that smell like corn chips due to an infection, your veterinarian may run a test to see if the pododermatitis is due to bacteria, yeast, or both. this is normal. A typical email goes something like this: My dog has had a terrible odor for weeks. mental_floss editor-in-chief Jason English has long suggested that I look into the science of why his dog Bailey's feet smell like popcorn. This will determine how the corn chip smell is treated. And yes, they both smell like corn chips! As the owner of two Chihuahuas, I … Treating Feet That Smell Like Corn Chips . I think the frito/corn chip smell is just their body odor which is caused by salts (chips have salts too) and a variety of bacteria. Smelly pet questions are common. Human Foods Safe for Shih Tzus To Eat. Pet owners are always careful about what food they are supposed to give to their Shih Tzu and what they don’t. Great question, I thought my dog was the only one with corn chip feet! She eats Diamond Small Breed Puppy Food with no corn … In fact, some people refer to a yeast infection of a dog's paws as 'Frito Feet.' We have tried four different shampoos, and none of them have helped! Yep! Hello, my puppy (14 weeks, 1/2 shih tzu, 1/2 bichon) is itching all of the time. Smells like corn chips, right? (or tortillas, or popcorn, or some other corn-based salty treat). It's a pungent, musty, unpleasant smell. Besides puppy breath, it’s one of the better smells our dogs naturally produce. Some people think it smells like moldy bread; others liken the odor to cheese popcorn or corn chips. I thought the odor was a quirk of Bailey's. The real culprit in that corn chip smell, though, is the Proteus bacteria, which smells like slightly sweet corn tortillas — and seems to intensify after dogs sleep, possibly because the heat generated by a sleeping dog encourages bacterial activity. the extra coat of hair that they have further traps in the scent. Often one paw is much worse than the others (where as “allergy feet” are all represented equally). They are afraid that each human food they serve to their Shih Tzu will wreak havoc on their stomachs. Warm paws; Swelling around the area; Itchiness is usually one of the earliest signs of a yeast infection on a dog’s paw. I wash my dogs feet once a week to keep the smell down to a minimum. Please let me know what the smell is from, and what would be a good shampoo to … Pay attention to any changes your dog is making in how they treat their paws. Some pet owners call it “Frito Feet,” as it can mimic the smell of a corn chip. I just had her checked for fleas and ear mites - nothing. Although, once you find out why paws smell so delicious, you might not want to put your nose so close again.
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