To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. Due to operational problems, our website and apps are down right now. In contrast to its main competitors, the company has no chain of stores and does all home deliveries from its warehouses. To help with fair distribution, some products are limited to one or two per order. We’re doing everything we can to sort this out as quickly as possible without compromising the app quality we’re known for. Feminism involves all women. What can I do with your Alexa Skill? I don’t believe everyone who had booked an Ocado slot is in the vulnerable category. I currently work within the 10x division, where our key focus is creating value for Ocado in the long-term. Ocado 's app and website have stopped working properly as people rush to buy food. If that doesn’t work, then please search our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) — some of the most common queries can be found there. @ElfDragon, yes we have smart pass. 12 weeks indoors is challenging enough, and I just wish Ocado would do what others are starting to doThe government hub should mean I get food parcels, but why does it have to come to that? Made a thing about supporting loyalty etc. If you fail to respond and accept the alternative delivery slot, no order will be delivered to you. Pros. We're experiencing high demand at the moment so have restricted access to Ocado Reserved. Only a couple of subs this week, and I got loo roll! but it does annoy me when people (here and Twitter) get on their high horses about ‘paying for reserved’. Cons. That’s really odd as I’ve had an email saying it hasn’t been working as it should and they are working on it and will restart it ASAP. He then headed the Systems Technology department as it … I pay monthly for both, but ocado has been pointless. If I have an order placed, can I add directly to it with the Alexa skill? NeednewWellies, that’s my point. Will I be charged for the carrier bags that you don’t collect? To ask what your biggest regret in life is? Clear internet cookies and browser cache. Link your Ocado account in the Alexa app. We’re proud of the difference we make to people’s lives, and hope that you will be too. In what way does that benefit their overworked system? When will you release more delivery slots? The Ocado reserved offering is a disgrace. I got a generic email in reply stating to look at their website for cv updates and more general delivery slots were being released to all. Someone I know can see more slots than I do – why is that? @Bluntness100, they’ve said they are suspending the reserved order system to make it fairer. A week or so ago they emailed to say existing customers were priority and especially those with a reserved slot. Why have they cancelled your delivery? Check and manage orders Help with payment issues Delivery slot availability Help with checking out. It was a bonus feature there to make people’s lives easier. James has over thirteen years’ experience at the forefront of automation operations at Ocado, rising through the company to lead a technology stream of considerable strategic importance. Both from when it was clear I would be in that group, when they cancelled a delivery, when they cut off editing without warning, and now that I have my governmental letterI cannot get an answer from themI’m not an existing customer anywhere else, so don’t expect them to prioritise me ahead of their established customersI cannot go out to the shops, it’s just too risky, Sometimes I just want to cry about this. I’m expecting ours to get cancelled and then really will panic as both husband and I are only 3 days in to 14 days of self isolation (because our baby had a temperature). Probably the server is overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outage … When will you start collecting carrier bags again? Ask The Fertility Partnership, UK MNer with a child aged 5 to 12? The two are separate things, and only one (reserved, the free one)!has been suspended. Our only neighbours are in their 80’s so they can’t help us. What are you doing to keep staff and customers safe from Coronavirus? How do I cancel Ocado Reserved? readers every year since 2010. L'objectif: développer l'e-commerce alimentaire en Ile-de-France grâce à ce partenariat technologique. Copy below URL and spread it at the given pages as reference. Why send the ‘loyalty’ email last week? Even better, place your order in one go and only make edits if you must. Do you have questions about the return to school or regular COVID-19 testing? No way will I continue to pay extra when they’ve behaved like this. I need a delivery (mobility issues and vunerable) and I pay monthly for my deliveries. Select the topic below that best suits your issue. Ocado has been voted the best online supermarket in the UK by Which? We are rural, so shops are a 30 mile round trip away!We were leaving Ocado when they switch to M&S but will be sooner at this rate! I’ve given up on Ocado too - every time go to their website the virtual queue is between 2 and 4 hours long. However, there may be occasions whereby your chosen delivery day and time slot are unavailable. Sorry again, and thank you for your patience. Unless you're a high risk customer YAB a little bit U to think you should take precedent over people whose lives are more vulnerable from this virus. I spent 40 minutes last night removing all the stuff I didn't want and adding the items I did want. Make sure you’re at home when your delivery is due. James started out working on the control systems in our original Customer Fulfilment Centres (CFCs) where thousands of totes travel along 35km of conveyor. Working for the world leader in automated logistics solutions, you develop precision, high performance automated products at a scale that no one in the world has achieved. This should work on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. I have been working at Ocado Group full-time for less than a year. @ElfDragon, ok I take your point but as they are unable to provide any slots then they’re selling me thin air. Mel Smith, the online grocer’s chief executive, told customers in a blog that: “No matter how hard we work, we simply do not have the capacity right now to meet all the demand we are seeing from existing customers, let alone new ones”. Delivery slots for vulnerable people: your questions answered. How can they leave it until the day before to drop this on us? This is page 1 of 22 (This thread has 533 messages.). I just hope all reserved customers up and leave afterwards. The Ocado Skill is linked in the Alexa app, but when I say “Alexa, open Ocado” it asks me to link accounts. I wouldn’t even mind if they were on twitter holding their hands up but they’ve gone silent. Completely missed the point of my email. Ocado is a British online supermarket. As soon as this is over I’ll be leaving them. but it does annoy me when people (here and Twitter) get on their high horses about ‘paying for reserved’. This may seem like an obvious one, but if you’re not there to receive your order it’s unlikely we’ll be able to redeliver and the fresh food will go to waste. We aim to fulfil all existing Ocado Reserved orders to ensure customers have the most seamless shopping experience. In fact I know it’s not as I know someone who had a delivery yesterday after booking that slot about 3wks ago. Just received an email saying more slots just released but still none showing on there. I can’t see them suspending and refunding that though. Part of my anger is the email last week saying they’ve decided to support existing loyal customers. I dont want to go to the supermarket with the possibility of getting it and sharing itTrying to get hold of them is a joke, and as for that email from the CEO, no idea what planet she is on. How do you work out what shopping to send me? Of course, there’s no slot available for weeks. Great training, great benefits, friendly management style, feels like one big team, plenty of opportunity to process in this company and its good to be in at the start of a new facility. It creates a suggested order (a very expensive order) for you each week which you cannot prevent as the "price" for automatically reserving you a weekly delivery slot. Stand and deliver, your pasta and your loo rolls. At Ocado Group you’re able to do your most meaningful work. If this occurs, Ocado will contact you by email to advise you of this and offer an alternative day and/or time. Still trapped, then move to Step 3. I wonder how long it will be until people start robbing the vans, like modern day highwaymen. We're working hard to make sure that our service is better this week, and that every delivery is up to the standard you expect from us. How do I sign up for Ocado Reserved? Apparently it didn't save, even though I checked it all out, so I now have a huge order of food I didn't want, have … The free tool which made repeat ordering easier. It’s a rewarding job in which you’ll be supported not only by your teammates, but by the sort of highly-advanced technical systems that are helping Ocado change the way people shop. If isn't working, try communicating over the issues with them, directly. Smart pass is a paid for service, which arguably is not good value for money right now since no one can reserve any delivery slots. My driver wasn’t wearing a mask during delivery – who can I raise that with? @BarbaraofSeville, I don’t believe that every delivery slot is being used for a vulnerable person. We do this by working on speculative projects that test the limits of the technologies we use. Why would they dump the reserved slots other than to appease others on there hunting for a slot? We have tried pinging Ocado website using our server and the website returned the above results. This was not the case with Ocado. Reserved has been suspended. Neither of us is allowed out to the shops, so what will become of us?! We're experiencing high demand at the moment so have restricted access to Ocado Reserved. Those online slots should be focussing on the people whose lives depend on not contracting Coronavirus. I’ve been using Ocado for 12yrs. Step 2: Switch off your modem and after restarting your computer turn it on again. Troubleshooting. It won’t take long: just go to the Ocado Reserved section on and we’ll walk you through it. We aim to fulfil all existing Ocado Reserved orders to ensure customers have the most seamless shopping experience. I have sent Ocado an email detailing all of this. Ocado closes its website until SATURDAY as online supermarket struggles to keep up with demand from coronavirus stockpilers. I understand the annoyance - I’ve been an Ocado customer for 15 years, and a reserved customer for longer than I can remember, and I have no idea whether I’m getting a delivery this week or not (I wasn’t, then I was, now I might not be!) Ocado - Ocado is a British online supermarket. Try not to make last-minute edits to your order. I keep watching supermarket delivery vans drive past my window. We are proud to drive innovation within Ocado Technology alongside the specialist software and engineering teams throughout Europe. I have three vulnerable family members, not sure how they would know I have though? I will definitely be one of them. We’re making sure there’s enough for everyone by working closely with suppliers to constantly restock, so all customers get what they’ve ordered each time they shop. Surely adding those thousands into the traffic of people desperately trying to get a slot will just make the situation worse? Can’t believe they’ve taken a slot I’ve paid for for 12yrs just to put it into circulation. Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking Ctrl + F5 at the same time. What’s going on? Plus I added stuff for my friend who's husband just finished chemo (was going to leave outside my door for her to collect) because she couldn't get a slot.So two "vulnerable" families fucked. Of course, we’ll notify all affected customers should the situation change. Refresh your browser. Temporarily disable your anti-virus or firewall running in background. We're aware of the problem and we're working on it now. readers every year since 2010. They have limited capacity, so need to focus on people who need the service, not just want it. We’ll be testing a new system soon to prevent the app from overloading. It isn’t working, so Ocado have disabled it. “As a result, we have made a decision to temporarily close access to so you will not be able to edit an existing order or book a new delivery for the next few days. Also please suggest us alternatives if you know any! Apparently you have to spend above a certain amount to qualify for lower pricing - which does make sense - was just unsatisfied by how unclear they make that. All seems a bit misleading and I will be using a different shop from now on. We develop facilities with world-leading efficiency the size of several football pitches, with 3000 robots all working at previsions and reliability that you would expect from small-scale systems. Placing an order. Is there anything I can’t do with the Alexa skill? Ask Alexa to “Enable Ocado”. Step 3: Your firewall may have blocked All customers, regardless of having previously used Ocado Reserved or not, will need to sign up. I don’t believe everyone who had booked an Ocado slot is in the vulnerable categoryI agree completely about this - I think the last couple of weeks everything they've been reactive rather than proactive and it's shot them in the foot. Contact Managing Team. “ I have been an Ocado smart pass customer for years, I am fed up with total lack of delivery slots, every time there is a lockdown there are no slots and yet when the lock down gets lifted the slots suddenly appear again (well sort of) here we are in lock down 3 and not a slot in site again, where do they go, to the fair weather new customers I think. Now today I’ve received an email telling me that not only is the delivering expecting tomorrow not coming but they’ve decided to suspend the reserved slots and it’s every (wo)man for themselves. Our flexible, varied warehouse roles are tailored to reward those who get a kick out of thinking on their feet and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from hard work and hitting targets. The onsite shop is a massive perk and looking forward to it opening. Unfortunately, this has had also a knock-on effect on our Contact Centre, which means you can't contact us by phone right now, so please keep checking social media for updates. If is up but it's not working for you, you can try one of the following tips below. Therefore they should not be continuing to take payment for a service they’re unable to provide. Ocado Reserved will confirm and check out your order 30 days before your reserved delivery day and time. Your first available Ocado Reserved slot will be in 30 days’ time; after that, we’ll … I also found the delivery costs misleading as it says one price when you pick it, then on the next screen goes up! Because they're prioritising people who need home delivery because they can't leave the house, rather than sharp elbowed but younger healthier people who could shop in person, but would rather not.Not saying that this applies to you, but it will be the case for a significant number. If you were affected, please email us at and our Customer Service team will call you back. Why are you not collecting carrier bags for recycling? Continue shopping if you’re happy, or find out how to manage your cookies @CottonSock, are Tesco still delivering to their existing customers? I have got much more respect for tesco after this. It's the shitty side of human nature. Yes, no issues with Tesco so far. Why not continue to prioritise those who have a set slot. How do I edit my order before my regular delivery? Well I'm vulnerable and if they cancel my shop for Saturday I'm fucked. And incidentally, I had items on my order including bread and milk that I was taking to a neighbour. We use cookies to give you the best experience with Ocado. I’m an Ocado customer but I can’t see any slots available to book. Why send the ‘loyalty’ email last week? We pay extra for a reserved pass. It was a bonus feature there to make people’s lives easier. I understand the annoyance - I’ve been an Ocado customer for 15 years, and a reserved customer for longer than I can remember, and I have no idea whether I’m getting a delivery this week or not (I wasn’t, then I was, now I might not be!) In contrast to its main competitors, the company has no chain of stores and does all home deliveries from its warehouses. And the email didn’t say anything about vulnerable customers just that suspending the reserved made it fairer. FudgeBrownie, I’m a keyworker but not vulnerable. Also agree about those booking slots not being vulnerable - panic breeds panic and once the press mentioned stockpiling and supermarkets everyone went a bit nuts booking slots they didn't need. £150 a week plus the monthly fast pass fee to be treated like this. Shop hands-free! Smart pass delivery has a cost - essentially prepaying delivery costs - but reserved was just a way of having your order generate each week for the same time slot, and was just a feature offered on the website to everyone. I emailed them yesterday to say I want to cancel my delivery pass immediately but haven’t heard back yet. If you have the capacity to go to a supermarket and physically distance yourself from everyone whilst there, you should do that. Please
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Why not … I’m trans inclusive and proud. Try saying “Alexa, ask Ocado to add carrots to my order”. An increase in the current amount of people using it would cause the app the crash again for an extended period of time. Yes I think all reserved customers should cancel after this. If is down for us too there is nothing you can do except waiting. Stop pulling out your hair! I don’t think it’s about prioritising the vulnerable but making it a free for all first come first served. Of course, we’ll notify all affected customers should the situation change. Sign up to test NatWest Island Saver with your child, Ocado are suspending their reserved order system, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. Frozen food may get wasted too. See all 10 articles SMS reminders In April, Ocado told customers it was “sorry” that it was not able to provide grocery delivery to as many customers as it would like. I’m angry and worried. We've been with Ocado since we've lived here (May 2008) but have accepted that they're probably a)struggling and b)trying to keep slots available for him risk customers, which we aren't. Manage a delivery. If is not connecting or not working right now for you then try its alternatives. Reserved doesn’t cost anything, does it? LSA a visité ce matin, 19 mai 2020, le nouvel entrepôt Ocado-Monoprix à Fleury-Mérogis. I am a vulnerable/shield long-standing (15 or so years) Ocado customer I have been trying and trying to see if Ocado will do as at least one other supermarket has done, and prioritise the exceptionally vulnerable. Ask GP Dr Amir Khan and principal Gerard Garvey, Do you have questions about conceiving or fertility? So yes it does cost more. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Stay safe, OP, and I hope you do get the supplies you need. On site parking for everyone. Have they said? I hope @Chloemol is correct and huge droves of loyal customers leave after this. Ocado has been voted the best online supermarket in the UK by Which? I think in the current climate they've had to do this because some of (even most of) the reserved pass customers aren't high priority. I will also be leaving, in fact from the Facebook page lots will be, so they can make the most of it now. It isn’t working, so Ocado …
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