Drop in the stream or comment what you think the next challenge should be! Pair it with a sniper such as the HDR or the Kar98k and you’ll have a loadout that’s devastating at all ranges. Best XM4 Warzone loadout. Look for enemy footprints with the Tracker perk and use Double Time to climb over objects faster. Call of Duty: Warzone ist das neue hauseigene Battle Royale von Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Schnappt euch bei der Allround-Waffe eine möglichst stabile Alternative, da ihr so das fehlende Sniper-Gewehr ersetzten könnt. This loadout prioritizes infiltrating enemy locations, so use it to get from place to place while looting Supply Boxes quickly. The .357 is an excellent long-range tool, so if things get tough, you can switch to that to help finish off an enemy. Remember to use stims and C4s to help if you get overrun. Dieses besondere Feature solltet ihr so gut es geht nutzen. The RPD is a familiar entry in Call of Duty, having appeared in COD4 and Modern Warfare and might be a familiar sight in Season 2. LMGS usually are paired with a teammate who is covering a longer or shorter range than you. Welcome to Call of Duty: Warzone -- a massive new combat experience where up to 150 players take the role of a veteran Tier 1 Operator and drop in to the dense and sprawling world of Verdansk. Finish this Ram-7 Warzone loadout off with a Heartbeat Sensor and C4. Call of Duty: Warzone features a massive, expansive map that will throw you into a myriad of scenarios from close quarters battles, to long-range sniper duels and everything in between. Another Call of Duty staple Kar98k, that has consistently been used by new and old players. Wichtig ist hier, dass ihr eure Perks so wählt, wie ihr es am liebsten habt und “Geist” reinpackt, damit euch die Herzschlag-Sensoren der Feinde nicht erfassen können. For Perks, players will be looking to go aggressive with Double Time, Pointman, and Tracker and making you a hunter who can shot down their prey at a great distance if needed. It can take advantage of and defend against the main threats that's prevalent in the current Warzone Meta. When playing Plunder it's usually a good idea to use the Pointman perk since it gives you more money when completing missions/Contracts. For perks, you'll be looking to run with Cold-Blooded and Ghost to hide from enemy radars and make it harder to push in on your position. As WhosImmortal explains, the R90 feels broken in its current state and can 1-shot enemies up close. This loadout looks to maximize the MP7's close-range abilities. Well, it’s a player-selected custom class that you take into the battlefield and can equip when a loadout is called in at a buy station (for a juicy £10,000). -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/rippdaddy Luckily, Warzone comes with a wide variety of light machine guns that are perfect for tackling situations from afar. Eigentlich stimmt bereits alles, doch je nach Endgame-Bereich könnt ihr euch mit manchen Perks noch Vorteile verschaffen. Shotguns are seen less than the other gun types due to their slower rate of fire, less range and slow reload, but they do have their place in Warzone. Skip to content. The Hybrid Optics paired with FSS Brute barrel will allow you to quickly mow down close range targets, and then switch to long-range controlled fire. ASSAULT RIFLE. Scumps Warzone Loadout. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Ein Großteil der Loadouts hier setzt zum Beispiel auf den Herzschlag-Sensor. Wenn einer eurer Mitspieler frisch aus dem Gulag kommt und noch eine zweite Waffe brauch oder vielleicht noch Anfänger ist und die besten Waffen noch nicht gelevelt hat, könnt ihr so eine starke Knarre in die Ausrüstung des Kameraden schieben. Remember, the Kill Chain perk will increase your chance of finding Killstreaks in Supply Boxes. Earlier this week, Call of Duty: Warzone got a new update that, according to the patch notes, slapped the battle royale game’s rocket launcher (RPG) with a pretty significant nerf. You'll be well-equipped for nearly every scenario with this loadout if you don't feel like rocking the sniper/assault rifle build. Comment. a deadly sniper rifle and an SMG. Check out RPG-7 Launcher in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War & Zombies Mode! Providing excellent damage range, ammo capacity, and ADS speed. Was kommt da rein? Warzone loadout guide. The Monolithic Suppressor( its final upgrade) to keep your position hidden. Greift hier zu, wenn ihr vor einer Vorrats-Kiste steht und die zweite noch nicht in Sicht ist. Bitte melden Dich an, um einen Kommentar abzugeben, Release: 11.02.2005 | Shadowlands: 24.11.2020, findet ihr hier alles zu den RPGs in Warzone, Hier gibt’s alle Infos zu Gas, Gasmaske und dem Kreis, Eine der 10 stabilsten Waffen der Warzone, Einen Taktik-Guide für 3er-Team mit Loadouts und Waffen-Setups findet ihr hier, Activision befiehlt beliebter Stats-Seite zu CoD Warzone: „Macht sofort dicht“. Wofür brauche ich so viele Loadouts? The Heartbeat Sensor is handy, when entering a new area or when surveying a Cash Deposit Helipad. While for perks, players will be looking to be more aggressive in Plunder. This M91 has been customized for mid-range combat, with an empathizes on damage range and stability. Einen Taktik-Guide für 3er-Team mit Loadouts und Waffen-Setups findet ihr hier. Read More: Cold War Groza Loadout, Unlock, Build And Best Attachments And Setup For Your Class In Season 2. Ansonsten macht ihr alles wie beim Haupt-Loadout, nur dass ihr den Perk “Geist” statt “Overkill” reinpackt. Call of Duty: Warzone features a massive, expansive map that will throw you into a myriad of scenarios from close quarters battles, to long-range sniper duels and everything in between. Watch later. Here's the best loadout for the Groza in Warzone. AUG … Warzone In Depth: Best MP7 Loadout - YouTube. By Aaron Peter Published May 21, 2020. There are nearly endless possibilities with loadout selections. Can Be Used Against Human Enemies. Share Share Tweet Email. Menu Warzone Meta; Tier List; Weapons. Als kleinen Bonus könnt ihr ein Kumpel-Loadout mitnehmen. Denkbar sind auch Loadouts für Rollen, die einen besonderen Spielstil unterstützen: Probiert euch aus und supportet euer Team auch mal auf unkonventionelle Weise. Here’s the absolute laser-beam loadout anyone who’s bigged up the M13 was probably using. Try to get into the rhythm of visiting as many buildings as you can while initiating contracts. Ihr könnt euer Team vorher fragen, was sie gern rein hätten. The MP7 isn't the best at medium to long-range encounters, you'll out-gun those at close range due to its high rate of fire. Light Machine Guns are less mobile than their smaller counterparts, but make up for it with long-range, high ammo capacity and great stopping power. Grau 5.56. The Warzone is a hectic and ever-changing combat zone. Having an SMG on hand can be useful when engaging in close to medium range battles. Ihr seid schlecht ausgerüstet, kommt an eine Kiste und wisst genau, dass Feinde um euch herum sind. This loadout prioritizes ADS speed with the AX-50 sniper and is to be used much more aggressively. While running Double Time, make sure to take advantage of your extra speed to chase down enemies. Bei den Perks braucht ihr eure bevorzugte Auswahl, aber bei Primär- & Taktik-Ausrüstung könnt ihr auch mal etwas anderes mitnehmen. Here are the best Warzone loadouts based on weapon type. While the hybrid scope will allow you to engage close and long-range enemies with the Kar. Nach jeder Benutzung ist eure Lebens-Energie wieder komplett gefüllt und gibt euch weitere 12 Sekunden im Gas. For players looking to add some range to their loadouts without going full sniper, Marksman Rifles are the middle ground. The gun’s high rate of fire, low recoil, and fast ADS make it formidable in an incredibly close range up to about 50/60 meters out. Advertisement. Wenn sich die letzten Kreise langsam schließen, kriegt ihr nochmal eine Gratis-Loadout-Kiste und genau dafür ist euer Endgame-Laodout. Wie spielt Scump? Copy link. To build the RAM-7 similarly to the best FFAR 1 loadout , we’re going to start off with the FORGE TAC Eclipse barrel. Info. It's smart to come prepared with a loadout that works in those situations. Was kommt da rein? Perks like most close range loadouts, you'll be looking to run Cold Blooded, Ghost, and Spotter to avoid traps. ADS Speed is also implemented with the MP5 in this class, but the most important part, as ItsNick explains is the 10mm Auto 30-Round ammo, which increases damage. CoD Warzone: Wie teuer ist es, alle 707 Skin-Bundles zu kaufen? Violence, Suggestive Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs, Blood and Gore, In-Game Purchases, Users Interact, Solar Opposites, Season 2 Premieres March 26th on HULU, TheXclusiveAce's Best Warzone Loadout List, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed.
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