Now finally my favorite breed of dog i was raised aroud rottweilers from around 11 till i was sixteen and my stepdads brother who owned two fought them but guess what u messed with one of us kids and it was your ass they were the most sweet natured and down to earth dogs and smart as a whip the only thing that would make me hesitate in buying one is they keep a skin disease and they have breathing problems... so there u have it yes i do believe these most aggressive dogs do tend to turn more but when we hear these stories we dont get the whole truth we dont know what provoked that rottweiler or pitt to turn on its owner u think the owner is gonna tell u the whole truth about it naw they aint i believe amd this is my experience with these two breeds is that i bet alot of these cases the dog was either abused or mistreated something had to provoke these dogs to attack no animal not even rottys or pits are gonna turn for no reason i just don't believe that mostly the only reason people fear pits is because of their jaw pressure which makes me hesitate but the pit i got and hes three years old i would trust with my life and any kids life hes loyal good guardian over me and my boyfriend and the only time he shows aggression is when he has to by like me being home by myself amd someone drives up but after he gets their scent hes goes back to his mellow self thats every dogs instinct u show these dog breeds alot of love and affection they will do the same back to u that's just my opinion. percentages provided by the American Temperament Test Society. No good breeder would be offended by being questioned about their dogs, or by asking to meet their dogs away from the pups. The best dogs I ever had. I also have a pitbull and he is the best most lovable dog ever. This is in addition to the health problems that Beagles are already at risk for. The exact origin of the Dalmatian has not been confirmed. The Cheagle combines the Beagle with the sassy, little Chihuahua. Dogs may not talk to us but they do communicate with us. I've had many of these breeds in my 60 years and never had an aggressive or bad dog, I've even had wolfdogs. These pint-sized pups typically stand from 7 to 12 inches and weigh between 7 and 15 pounds. Your email address will not be published. Most experts recommend that families with young children choose another breed, especially if they are first-time dog owners. I respect ✊ your article but I’m a owner of Doberman all my life never had a issue I believe as long we treat are doggies with love. People usually don't go to a pet pyschologist to sort it out and dogs stay aggressive in similar circumstances. Dog aggression is typically defined as dangerous behavior directed at another individual (like a human or another dog). Chowchow 2. The pit bull does not just 'go away' like the yorkie... hence, your logic is flawed. We have a Husky and Malamute mix who loves kids, cats, dogs, anybody. They are very temperamental and are not known to be particularly child-friendly. This article is completely inaccurate. Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on December 30, 2018: Yes. Buying online or from pet stores means running the risk of buying a dog who came from a puppy mill. And dogs revert to instinct rather than using owner determined rules of behavior. Each breed on the list is discussed in greater detail in the sections below, and overall passing rates are included for each. The best thing people can do is research the breed you are interested in and what it takes to work with them, then to adopt from a rescue or shelter. They love everyone and although a little cautious towards strangers (same as our cats and children) - they are big clowns and will do anything for a bit of love. However, this genetic line became extinct in the 19th century. They either have too little data in the U.S. or were listed as unknown breed in reports. I’m still going to get a Dalmatian but thanks for the heads up. If the parents are even tempered then the pups are as well. I believe that dogs are aggressive or bad tempered because of the owner and who raised them. They've been great with cats and other dogs. Chow Chows tend to be dominant and assertive, so first-time owners may encounter training difficulties. Treat your animal good and they'll be good toward people. My heeler is very aggressive toward any strange animals and is a fierce alpha around my other dogs. I would take the percentages provided by the American Temperament Test Society with a grain of salt because the number of dogs tested per breed is not the same. If your dog attacks other dogs, or just really doesnât like other dogs, the good news is that new aggressive dog training techniques are being developed that can help you resocialize your dog. In general you can say the smaller the size the higher the level of aggressiveness. I am a blogger from Southern Oklahoma who loves to write about nature and animals. Weird mix I know. Did any of you even read the article or did you just skim through the pics? Even small dogs like Chihuahuas should be held to the same standard and can be well rounded and well behaved if care was taken in selecting the parents and the pup is raised properly including training, socialization... And most importantly, like a dog! If every dog was perfectly trained and constantly supervised there'd be no bad dogs. Husky breeder here. To label all pitbulls as being bad is rediculous. Reasons for that are of psychological nature. To the point, of one day brutally mudering one of my family pets in front of me and the neighborhood (shot 4 times point blank)! they only bark when they don't know who's at the door. You also included that you do not think the tests were fair because the amount of dogs tested were not the same with each breed. They are also used in search-and-rescue teams and frequently serve as police and narcotic dogs. This was a very comprehensive article and the author deserves credit for backing up her findings with real statistics. Each of these breeding techniques comes with certain disadvantages or health risks that we’ll look at more closely. It's up to the puppy mommy and daddy to shape their personality to be a beautiful thing and not a thing of evil. They have also been used as rescue dogs. Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on April 19, 2019: Thank you for your kind comments and your response is very true. Training and socializing can only help to a point. Dobermans with the exceptional few aren’t aggressive. You and EVERYBODY you know has never seen X-breed of dog do anything aggressive, so that must mean that breed isn't aggressive? We loved her and she loved us. There ARE criminals. To me all dogs can turn on u i have had dalmations that have turned min pins that have turned and several others that have done the same if i made this list chow chows would be number one and so on i dont trust that breed at all my papaw lived by sombody thag had two they bit several people and killed my papaws lil poodle in my papaws own yard there were times my pawpaw couldnt come out of his own house cause they were in the yard and trying to attack him..... Siberian huskys neber had one but my mom did when she married my dad and i was a baby i was told he was protective over me and would be very careful around me all around good dog never showed any aggression.... my mom owned a doberman as a kid and that dog was her best friend never bit her or anybody else in the house but showed aggression towards people she didnt know.... we had a cow dog when i was six and it was as mean as a rottweiler like we had to keep him in the bathroom when somebody visited and nobody could step out of their ride until we put him up a cow dog now .... heres my order of the most aggressive and this is my opinion and one of the breeds are a small breed 1. Many of those dogs go in those tests already scared or afraid. Then maybe all dog breeds will not be put on most aggressive, barks a lot or worst to potty train lists. Pits get a bad reputation because of bad or abusive owners. How big are they? Dogs tend to become aggressive after they experience some sort of psychological trauma. Rottweiler now theres my top six in my opinion 1. i cant stand the breed 2. I wish people would understand that, Okay lets get this straight, there are a few types of pibbles (apbt), American bully i am pretty sure and i think one of two more. This can lead to a variety of behavioral issues. He’s so nice and she just had a baby and he gaurds her. The causes of these behaviors can range from territorial defensiveness and protectiveness to fear and social anxiety. Pit bulls are banned in many countries including the Canadian province I live in. Also, if you are someone that thinks being mean to your dog (like rubbing their face in pee, or hitting them) to teach them, then you have no one to blame but yourself when your dog becomes aggressive because they learned it from you. Some Chihuahuas weigh 15 pounds instead of 6. And you can’t deny that a pint-sized Beagle is cute. The huskies also literally killed everything that came in the yard, and chewed through my screened in porch to eat my cat. So my point is maybe the article is flawed and maybe it isn't. A cross between the Yorkshire Terrier and the Beagle, the Borkie combines two high-energy breeds with a high prey drive who can be quite vocal. (They're called velcro dogs for a reason) I personally have never had an overly aggressive Doberman. Why Do Puppies Wake So Early In The Morning? Aggressiveness is especially true for small size dogs. I cannot believe some of these comments! The only problem is he can get pretty aggressive when he sees a dog that’s approaching him. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Because this isnt accurate, I’m sure you like to write but this article i think Is just ridiculous. I also found no temperament testing on them. Thank you so much for the share, Lisa! I wouldnt own one of these lil demons lol i dont even trust them i would trust my fifty pound pitbull before i would a chihuahua 6. I had a standered wire haired dachshund Lola for 13 who had a lovely nature and was wonderful with children of all ages. These trends should not be ignored because people "disagree" with them, but they should also not be viewed as an end-all-be-all, as you point out. Just because a certain breed has landed on this list does not mean it would not make a good family pet given the right owners and training. It’s easy to see why Beagles are such a popular pet. And till this day I don’t know what caused my dog to react like that. I have a pitbull as a family dog, and I wouldn't ever ask for any other dog. We’ve not seen aggression towards our family or others. but he's a softly. He only wrestles with me. The breed originated in Karlsruhe, Germany, in the 1800s. Due to the popularity of the breed, contacting shelters that specialize in Beagles is a good place to look for an older mixed breed. I will be a Doberman owner for the rest of my life. Turquoise, my Angel Doberman, has been my Amazing Service Dog for 6 yrs now. If the owners aren’t capable of being a benevolent leader the dog will take matters into his own hands. Which bears to mind - the real aggressive animal here is - Man. Jack Russell Terriers are stubborn and energetic, so they may not be the best choice for families with small children. Every breed has their certain dogs that are aggressive, but i's usually never their fault. I just put my baby down. To have a good canine companion you have to treat and raise it correctly. These breeds would just do anything to please their master. Siberian Huskies may be territorial and don't always get along with other pets. Don't attack the lady writing this article because you didn't read the whole thing. Pits/Staffies are often dog aggressive but most did not initiate aggression, responding when confronted by overly forward and dominant dogs. The American Staffordshire Terrier i find that very misleading they are considered nanny dogs because of how well they temperament is with children, i have one, he is the sweetest thing so your telling me there monsters but yet, he plays with kittens and ferrets all days and has a love for other animals. Don’t you think kangals should be on the list. Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. but when we out at the dog park so sweet they can be and they love children, my German shepherd his a baby himself that is my shadow wherever I go he's there. If you want to buy a specific breed there are rescue groups for most breeds but if you want to buy from a breeder make sure to do your research and make sure the breeder you are buying from has not only done their research but knows their dogs inside and out and only chooses to breed dogs with good even temperments. he act big and bad too. My friend owns a pit bull that is dog aggressive but raised vrry well. If you read the bloggers evaluation of this article it states all of what these comments are saying. I think you should not determine dogs on little accidents that have happened before also I have 2 huskies and 1 cockapoo and they are the nicest dogs ever they treet my cockapoo like parents. So people see a jerk walking a pit bull and a dog becomes aggressive and they just assume it is just an aggressive breed. However Mr. Doberman bred Dobermans for one thing, to protect him. They get them because they want a dog to protect them. And because of it, there are many people making judgements against an entire breed or breeds. Their coats can be short-haired, long-haired, or broken. They originated in Siberia, where they were used to pull sleds over long distances in cold climates. Good breeders will also allow you to visit where the puppies are housed and let you meet the parents and siblings. He is a very well behaved dog. I wish more people saw that and understood that they’re not all bad dogs :). Akitas should be on this list too. Is it a good idea to have a dog / any dog around when a senior member in the family is a paranoid-schizophrenic for over two decades? I am currently looking at the ATTS Temperment test scores and Staffordshire Bull Terrier scored: 90.9% and American Staffordshire Terrier scored: 85.5% , I would like to know the sources you've gathered your data from. The Chow Chow is listed as a medium-sized dog in the "non-sporting" group by the AKC. You can expect a people loving pup, who may be small, but will expect big-time attention. Many Pit Bulls love other dogs. Anton Gully, thank you for sharing your knowledge. Breeds with the lowest passing percentages frequently showed signs of aggression, panic, or extreme shyness during the test. ), I love huskies and me and my brother have 5. Complete rubbish!!! The Dachshund is categorized as a member of the "hound" group by the AKC. Later on, they became popular in the U.S. as guard dogs, and many worked with the army and police forces. People please educate yourself before you get any large dog, or any dog for that matter. The Doberman Pinscher is listed by the AKC as a medium-sized dog in the "working" group. Now my Jack Russell mixed now he love kids and the friendlies thing ever. The whole thing of doing a background check of a pitbull before choosing it as a family dog is not true at all. During World War I, they were used as military dogs by both the German and French armed forces. I truly believe all my dogs do have the intellect of a four-year-old child. Using a Toy Poodle who is only 4 to 6 inches and weighs under 10 pounds could produce a smaller dog. The author did their research as you should do yours. Poogles usually stand about 10 to 15 inches tall and weigh 20 to 30 pounds. Labs and Pits tested as the 2 nicest breeds. The first is to breed a purebred Beagle with a smaller dog. I love Malmutes myself and Rottweilers and I’ve known people with pit bulls and they’ve all been lovely affectionate companions and great with children too. Their body language and sounds can let us know how they are feeling whether it be aggressive, happy, scared or not feeling well. All it does is keep people from adopting dogs that desperately need homes and are perfectly adoptable. I find them to be quite friendly with people they are familiar with, but not overly aggressive with strangers. Their colors are red and white, black and white, gray and white, or silver. Maybe the guy tried to some how harm me? Husky’s aren’t aggressive at all they should not be on this list!!! Protective aggression IS a real thing. This creates shorter than normal legs, a large head, and a curved back. well researched. But I believe that’s because of the experience he had in the past. My point being, he would only be aggressive if he had to protect his family. This has resulted in the recognition of the Parson Russell Terrier instead. They are included in the "toy" group of dogs and usually range from around four to six pounds. Why is my dogâs vagina swollen? Selectively breeding from the smallest dogs, often referred to as runts, is another way that breeders can create a pocket Beagle. ", Statistics from the American Temperament Test Society (ATTS).
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