Chapter 6: Chapter Outline The following annotated chapter outline will help you review the major topics covered in this chapter. Father of New France who established a crucial alliance with the Huron Indians, French empire builder who explored the Mississippi Basin and named it after his monarch; founded Louisiana, agreement that ended the War of Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's War) and awarded Acadia to Britain, conflict that started with the War of Jenkins' Ear and ended with the return of Louisbourg to France, strategic French stronghold, later named after a great British statesman, militia commander whose frontier skirmish in Pennsylvania touched off a world war, advocate of colonial unity at the unsuccessful Albany Congress, blundering British officer whose defeat gave the advantage to the French and Indians in the early stages of their war, splendid British orator and organizer of the winning strategy against the French in North America, site of death of Generals Wolfe and Montcalm, where France's New World empire also perished, conflict in Europe that pitted France against Britain's ally Frederick the Great of Prussia, Indian leader whose frontier uprising caused the British to attempt to limit colonial expansion, British document that aroused colonial anger but failed to stop frontier expansion, strategic French outpost at the mouth of the Mississippi, French colonists in Nova Scotia brutally uprooted by victorious British and shipped to Louisiana, French Protestants who were granted toleration by the Edict of Nantes (1598) but not permitted to settle in New France, absolute French monarch who reigned for 72 years, animal whose pelt provided great profits for the French empire and enhanced European fashion at enormous ecological costs, French Catholic religious order that explored the North American interior and sought to protect and convert the Indians, far-running, high-living French fur trappers, strategic French fortress conquered by New England settlers, handed back to the French, and finally conquered again by the British in 1759, island river territory, scene of fierce competition between the French and land-speculating English colonists, bloodiest European theater of the Seven Years' War, where Frederick the Great's troops drained French strength away from North America, unification effort that Benjamin Franklin nearly led to success by his eloquent leadership and cartoon artistry, fortress boldly assaulted by General Wolfe , spelling doom for New France, the "buckskin" colonial soldiers whose military success did nothing to alter British officers' contempt, allies of the French against the British, who continued to fight under Pontiac even after the peace settlement in 1763. It looks like your browser needs an update. makes it easy to get the grade you want! February 2011 3. APUSH Note Site: Out of Many AP Edition Search this site Home Chapters 1-10 Chapters 11-20 Chapters 21-31 Extra Cram Material Lecture Notes 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In this APUSH study guide, each chapter contains both an outline and a list of key terms with definitions. Pontiac's fierce attack on frontier outposts (1763) had the effect of... convincing the British to keep troops stationed in the colonies, The British Proclamation of 1763...(feelings), angered colonists who thought that it deprived them of the fruits of victory. Chapter 6: The Duel for North America: 1608-1763 France Finds a Foothold in Canada Why did France begin to have more of an interest in colonies in America and how/where did they go about making them? Why did the prime minister Lord North order General William Howe to capture New York City at the beginning of the revolutionary war? makes it easy to get the grade you want! The original cause of the French and Indian War was... competition between French and English colonists for land in the Ohio River valley. What element of James Madisons Virginia plan was retained in the US Constitution? What led to the British forces conceding the Carolinas? What was the stipulated by the "fugitive clause" written in the U.S. Constitution? It looks like your browser needs an update. APUSH: AP US History Teacher: Jessica Scott Department: History APUSH Chapter 6 Notes 1. Began because the U.S. government tried to make Native Americans remain on the reservations given in the reservation system and Native Americans tried to defend their territory from white gold-seekers. The Northwest ordinance that the articles of confederation created... Lead to the creation of New Hampshire and Vermont. Which principle of republicanism was stated in the Declaration of Independence? APUSH Chapter 17 notes.docx - Chapter Reading Notes Chapter 17 Key Terms Description Tariff of 1842 Protective measure passed by Congressional Whigs Chapter Reading Notes Chapter: 17 Key Terms Description Tariff of 1842 Protective measure passed by Congressional Whigs, raising tariffs to pre-Compromise of 1833 rates. Chapter 5: Chapter Outline The following annotated chapter outline will help you review the major topics covered in this chapter. Instructions: Review the outline to recall events and their relationships as presented in the chapter. Which statement describes the government formed under the articles of confederation? Oh no! Masters could reclaim slaves who fled anywhere in the United States. Start studying APUSH: Chapter 6. APUSH Chapter 6 Powerpoint - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. 6 Much more than documents. The decisive event in the French-British contest for North America was... the British victory in the Battle of Quebec. 2 it could not compel the states to abide by the terms of international treaties it had Chapter 6: The Constitution and the New Republic Framing A New Government Confederation Congress became unpopular and ineffectual by mid-1780s 1783, members withdrew from Philadelphia - … Start studying APUSH: Chapter 6 Quiz. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Fact: … To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. They saw increased taxes and national debt. Little Bighorn, Battle of the Violet example of warfare between whites and Native Americans. The effect on the colonists of the French removal from North America was... to reduce the colonies' reliance on Britain and increase their sense if independence, Effect: decimated beaver populations while spreading the French empire, Cause: The four "world wars" between 1688 and 1763, Effect: were echoed by four small wars between French and British subjects in North America, Cause: Competition for land and furs in the Ohio Valley, Effect: led to Washington's expedition and battle with the French at Fort Necessity, Cause: The summoning of the Albany Congress by the British, Effect: represented the first major attempt at intercolonial unity, Cause: William Pitt's assumption of control of British government and strategy, Effect: ended a string of defeats and turned the French and Indian War in Britain's favor, Cause: Wolfe's victory over Montcalm at Quebec, Effect: resulted in the decisive French defeat and British domination of North America, Cause: The colonial militia's military success in the French and Indian War, Effect: increased American military confidence and resentment of British redcoats, Cause: Colonial American smuggling and trading with French enemy, Effect: increased British government's disdain for colonial Americans and raised doubts about their loyalty to the empire, Cause: British issuance of the Proclamation of 1763, Effect: heightened colonial anger and encouraged illegal westward expansion, Cause: Braddock's defeat at Fort Duquesne, Effect: prompted widespread Indian assaults on the weakly defended colonial frontier. Shays rebellion was essentially a struggle over what issue? What concession did the federalist make to the anti-federalist to win the ratification votes in Massachusetts and Virginia? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Instructions: Review the outline to recall events and their relationships as presented in the chapter. They were inexperienced and poorly supply. Study Flashcards On Chapter 6 APUSH terms at The British forces suffered early defeats in the French and Indian War under the overall command of... William Pitt's strategies in the assault of New France finally succeeded because... he concentrated British forces on attacking the vital strong points of Quebec and Montreal. Return Start studying Chapter 6 APUSH. January 2011 2. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including APUSH chapter 19 notes .pdf - Chapter Reading Notes Chapter 19 Key Terms Description Uncle toms cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe's widely read novel that Chapter Reading Notes Chapter: 19 Key Terms Description Uncle toms cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe's widely read novel that dramatized the horrors of slavery; heightened Northern support for abolition and escalated the … Which statement assesses the outcome of the revolutionary war for the French? Tariffs - Under the Articles of Confederation Congress did not have the power to directly tax the states, which was later seen as its weakest point, and the first thing to be changed when strengthening the government. Oh no! apush chapter 6 true false, In this chapter and the next, we examine chemical bonding in detail. The central government controlled foreign affairs. The French and Indian War weakened interior Indian peoples like the Iroquois and Creeks by... removing their French and Spanish allies from Canada and Florida. He wanted to demonstrate Britain's military superiority. Start studying APUSH: Chapter 6. AP United States History quiz over chapter 6 Unlike the _____ Act, the _____ Act and the _____ Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports. Amsco chapter 29.pdf Download Amsco chapter 30.pdf Download Amsco chapter 31.pdf No files in this folder. Small states feared being crushed by the more populous states as outlined in the Virginia plan. 6. Return Compared with the English colonies, New France was... more autocratically (absolutely) governed, The expansion of New France occurred especially...(where?). AP US History Notes This APUSH study guide from AP Study Notes has a lot of helpful resources, including: Which of the following statements best characterizes the Continental Army? The French and Indian War eventually became part of the larger world conflict known as... Benjamin Franklin's attempt to create intercolonial unity and the Albany Congress resulted in... rejection of the congress's proposal for colonial home rule by both London and the individual colonies. What was the result of the states and Congress printing large quantities of paper money during the first years As a result of the American Revolution, woman... were respected for the values of Republican Motherhood. Colonial Americans were unhappy after the peace treaty following the War of Jenkins' Ear because... it gave the Louisbourg fortress they had captured back to France. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. strategic French fortress conquered by New England settlers, handed back to the French, and finally conquered Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Why did most southern states supposed tariffs in post-revolutionary America? It provided badly needed funds and naval support. What was the result of the states and Congress printing large quantities of paper money during the first years of the revolutionary war? Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. William Paterson of New Jersey proposed the New Jersey plan for which of the following reasons? We examined ionic bonding briefly in Chapter 2 and will do so in more detail in Chapter 11. APUSH Chapter 18 notes .docx - Chapter Reading Notes Chapter Key Terms 18 Description Popular sovereignty(in the context of the slavery debate notion Chapter Reading Notes Chapter: 18 Key Terms Description Popular sovereignty (in the context of the slavery debate) notion that the sovereign people of a given territory should decide whether to allow slavery; seemingly a … Terms Chapter 6 Huguenots: Huguenots were Calvinists (Protestants) in France. Study Flashcards On APUSH Chapter 6 at Argue the merits of the constitution and that a large state could better protect liberties. How did the French alliance affect the American cause during the revolutionary war? Edict of Nantes: The Edict of Nantes was issued in 1598 by Henry IV, which granted limited toleration to French Protestants. 1 it lacked a strong executive. They wanted to import British textiles and other goods as cheaply as possible. War. What obstacles stood in the way of Americans using the natural advantage of Western lands? The French and Indian War created conflict between British and the American military because... British officers treated the American colonial militia with contempt. Representation in both the House and the Senate became equal. Chapter 6 APUSH (1).pdf - Chapter 6 Textbook Notes The Confederation Congress(in Annapolis)was largely ineffective and was only able to pass legislation Chapter 6 Textbook Notes The Confederation Congress (in Annapolis)was largely ineffective and was only able to pass legislation in the Northwest Ordinance, and was able to enact a treaty with Great Britain ending the Rev. Along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, what did Madison write to encourage the passage of the constitution? Rapid inflation drove up the prices of goods, causing widespread unrest and supply problems for the army.
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