Nerite Snails With White Cloud Mountain Minnows. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Diet and Feeding . Common name: White cloud mountain minnow. Favorite Answer. What should I feed them to keep them safisfied and how should I decorate their tank? I have a four foot community tank which currently houses four white cloud mountain minnows. and today i had noticed when i feed them i saw some of the white cloud minnows maybe 4 of them are fat it looks like they are 4 full of eggs. How often and how much food must I feed 6 White Cloud Mountain minnows? Mine prefer 72F, are expected to live 12 months (I have kept them over 18 mo) and prefer a lesser number in their school per 10 or 20 gallon." White cloud mountain ... 5 years ago. Their native habitat consists of shallow heavily vegetated mountain streams. Scientific name: Tanichthys albonubes. My only experience with breeding is with livebearers - mollies, platies and endlers. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Tropical Fish Learn all about the White Cloud Mountain Minnow's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. White cloud minnow fry should be fed 2-3 times a day. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are easy to breed. They prefer areas with plenty of plants, rocky substrates, and low to medium water flow, and can be expected to live 4-5 years. The eggs will hatch in 48 hours, at this period, only feed them with infusoria feeds. The Weather loach can be added with most cold water fish. ... White Cloud Mountain Minnows are also very suitable for keeping them outside in a pond. If they are eating for longer than two minutes you are over feeding them. 6. ... but i really do prefer the mountain minnows especially for use as axie tankmates/food if all go's well il donate my guppys to someone and just concentrate on the minnows! Hello! The minnows are omnivores and will feed on water plants as well as insect larvae. Nerite snails just get on with their own thing oblivious to anyone else in the tank. White cloud mountain minnow - Tanichthys albonubes. How do I breed my white cloud mountain minnows. Will eat goldfish flakes and pellets. Keep in mind that they cannot be kept with large pond fish, as they will be eaten. At the moment I am feeding a small pinch of flakes every day for four minnows in a 6-7g hexagonal tank. White Cloud Mountain minnows (Tanichthys albonubes) are a small, brightly coloured freshwater fish with a silver-green body and bright red fin and tail. Although some species can be excellent fish for room-temperature tanks, they do tend to bully White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Relevance. White cloud mountain minnows are found at high elevations in cool waters with an ideal temperature range of 64–72 °F (18–22 °C), but have been known to survive 41 °F (5 °C) water conditions. White cloud Minnows, hillstream loaches, dojo loaches, goldfish. Need advice! Adding a slightly larger species to the aquarium will make them swim close together again. ... so a species only tank is nice. I hope this gives you some ideas. Care Level: Easy Breeding: Semi-Easy Temperament: Peaceful Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons Temperature: 60-75*F Scientific Name: Tanichthys Albonubes There is one known population of White Cloud Mountain minnows in NSW. Diet / Fish Food : Omnivorous. In the aquarium, they can be fed flakes, but it is best to grind them up with your fingers beforehand. ... Will feeding them abit more often and crushed algea wafers work. Often they will breed in all sorts of conditions, especially Mollies. Due to the small size of White Cloud Mountain minnows (4-6 cm, 1.5-2.3 inches), the size of the flakes need to be smaller. White Cloud Mountain Minnows and Weather loaches will also feed upon waste food in a coldwater aquarium, however their diet should also be supplemented with flakes, frozen and live foods. The Nerite snail grows to about 1” (2.54 cm) or so in length and, like the Amano shrimp, it doesn’t breed in freshwater. For keeping white cloud mountain minnows you will need an aquarium with a minimum volume of about 20 liters (Roughly 5,5 gallons) with a water hardness of 6 to 20 ° GH and a temperature between 16 and 24 ° C. The pH can be in the range 6-8. How much (a pinch/grams etc) must I feed 6 little White Cloud Fish, and how often? I let it cycle for two nights and then added two white cloud mountain minnows (I eventually plan to have five). Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so.Learn how to care for the unique and lively white cloud mountain minnow.Romaince lettuce is a healthy treat to feed white cloud mountain minnows. also i saw the slimmer white cloud minnows where chasing each other i think they were playing. On the other hand, avoid Danios. Posted: 2007.05.09(Wed)12:55 Post subject: What and how often for feeding White Cloud Mountain Minnows? "The article tells me that the white cloud (mountain pet) minnows I keep are different than those used as bait. White cloud mountain minnow tank mates may be the following species: black skirt tetra, glowlight tetra, betta fish, dwarf gourami, harlequin rasbora. Cloud Mountain Minnows! White Cloud Mountain minnows are omnivores, and not very demanding. They particularly relish mosquito larvae, daphnia, and shrimp. These mostly large minnows require 20- to 50-gallon aquaria for a group of six. I would like to try my hand at breeding and I've read that the white clouds are … Often in a community aquarium, the school will fall apart for lack of need to form a school. Planning To Get White Cloud Mountain Minnows! You will have to remove the fish if it gets too cold. Usual size in fish tanks: 4 - 5 cm (1.57 - 1.97 inch) 0 14. The nuptial male has prominent hooked tubercles on his snout. There's a bubbler, filter, ed-chlorinated water, plastic plant, and a lot of hope. Three groups are distinguishable: 1. They are egg scatterers that do not actively care for their young. 5 Answers. White Cloud Mountain Minnows Breeding. Keep in mind that most minnows stay small, and a healthy goldfish in an outdoor pond can grow larger than a foot in length. What Minnows Eat in Captivity # You can feed your minnows Tubifex freeze-dried blood worms or any other small, live foods. Family: Cyprinidae. Cheers, Neale.> Re: White Cloud Minnows 9/27/10 Thank you for getting back to me so fast! scorpio. Answer Save. They do make good companions for frogs. In their native habitat, they are voracious insect eaters. White Cloud Mountain Minnows eat all types of food, including live, frozen, and flake food. Water quality problems will affect fish behaviour and can be shown … They are very hardy and breed easily, making them a popular ‘starter’ fish for aquariums and fish ponds. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease Often have internal parasites from cramped conditions in fish stores. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are sometimes kept as a pond fish, to help control the breeding of mosquitoes. White Cloud Mountain Minnow. Due to there small size and hardy nature, they are still very popular among aquarists today. By White cloud mountain ... White cloud mountain minnow man wrote: Can they eat earth worms if I wash them well. White cloud mountain minnow are not good tank mates for goldfishes, despite the fact that quite often they are recommended as the fish tank mates. Often overlooked as a choice in the aquarium, white cloud mountain minnows are very lively, enjoyable pets to keep. Failure to do so can lead to egg cannibalism. The White Cloud Mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) is a hardy species of freshwater fish and coldwater fish often kept in an aquarium.The species is a member of the carp family (family Cyprinidae) of the order Cypriniformes, native to China.The White Cloud Mountain minnow is practically extinct in its native habitat, due to pollution and tourism. How Often To feed White Cloud Minnow Fry.
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