• Seal the container with clean sheet of paper at room temperature. Spray CA on the leaves after the fruits has become large. 3. This means that farmers need not purchase fertilizers and pesticides in order to ensure the healthy growth of crops. You can also used the flowers or blooms of acacia and flowers that bee loves. Add to the IMO and FPJ mixture and spray together to the leaves and soil of fruit bearing trees or during vegetative and reproductive stages. Apply directly to the leaves of plants when sun is not hot. Make sure there is enough moisture in the box. 1. Required fields are marked *. Pan fry 2 kilos eggshell until brown, set aside and cool. Mixing the IMO3, cover the mixture and leave for three days. This is a cebuano version of natural farming technology system (NFTS) brochure. Second extraction is good for plants. Ferment for seven days. It converts waste into organic matter and basic minerals. Cover and sealed. Put some of the mixture and hang on vegetable trellises. • To sweeten the fruit (Potassium) Filter and used. • Drain the liquid and place in plastic or glass bottles (always leave about 1/3 of bottle empty so IMO to breathe). 3. Do not tighten bottle lid for 2 weeks following bottling to allow gasses to escape and avoid a sticky explosion! Korean Natural Farming (KNF) takes advantage of indigenous microorganisms (IMO) ( bacteria, fungi, nematodes and protozoa) to produce fertile soils that yield high output without the use of herbicides or pesticides. Use any green colored leaves such as kangkong, kamote, kalabasa, alugbati tops, bamboo shoots and other fast growing plants can also be used. Slow germinating (flamengia) 24 hours, Tags: fermented fruit juiceFPJIMONatural FarmingOHNorganic farming, Excellent. 4. The World Government Summit launched a report called Agriculture 4.0 – The Future Of Farming Technology, in collaboration with Oliver Wyman for the 2018 edition of the international event.The report addresses the four main developments placing pressure … The slower the seeds germinate the longer they should be soaked. This method works along with the natural biodiversity of each farmed area, encouraging the complexity of living organisms, both plants, and animals that shape each particular ecosystem to … Cover the jar with a clean sheet of paper and tie with a string. Subsistence farming. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. h�ĖYo�8��Q�1A��(��#NR4�Q{7}`l�"K����;C�>�i6u���p��?�$���Ap��H��F���r��. 2. Revive soil nutrients. Get the little fruits and fed back to the tree to make fruits grow a lot larger. Soil must be from the field not just from anywhere. 2. Cover the box, tray or bamboo with a clean sheet of paper and tie with a string. After three to five days Mycelium of fungi (white molds) appears on the top of the rice. Natural Farming Technology and Its Techniques 1. 15 ml = 2 tbsp (used tin can of sardine for measurement). endstream
For Plants: The discussion here is not limited to the areas of cropping and livestock alone, but also on wholes that function within wholes. or five days (rainy season). How to Choose a Web Designer for Your Small Business Website, How to Start an e-Commerce Business in 8 Easy Steps, How to Make Jubilee Cheese from Goat’s Milk, Smoky no more with the spice-cured tinapa, 5 simple eco-friendly tips for your workspaces at home. It is plant hormones. The subsistence farming system is followed majorly by small farming families. Hydroponic Fodder system for 10 cows. After seven days it will develop sour smell and will form three layer: Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India. 1. Leave for one day or overnight. Secondary culture: Mix 1 part clear liquid (LAS) to 10 part of fresh milk. Place cooked rice in a bamboo stump (split open) or plastic container and cover with clean sheet of paper and place underneath bamboo plants or pile of rice straw. Temperature will reach 36-40 degrees Celsius and molds will appear on top. 1. Calcium Phosphate (Ca-P) is the product which according to the plants’ lifecycle and can be fast-effective. For Animals: Before transplanting seedlings do not water for 2 days. A result is improvement in soil health, improving loaminess, tilth and structure, and attracting large numbers of earthworms. • For greener leaves – Photosynthesis. Natural pig farming is a high pig welfare, non-environmental polluting system of raising healthy, contented pigs that uses the activity of indigineous micro-organisms (IMO's) in the sty's 'living' deep bed pen flooring to rapidly decompose all pig waste. Your email address will not be published. Quickly snap the growing points of the plants. Six hour – 3 weeks Vinegar first, then pour slowly the eggshell. 2. i Our model farmers and farm development is Zero Chemical and is not negotiable to use insecticides, herbicides, fungicides also known to us as CIDE family- suicide, genocide! Baby fruits can be used to promote growth. Wash and crushed eggshell and take the inside filament or film.
Natural farming is an ecological farming approach established by Masanobu Fukuoka (1913–2008), a Japanese farmer and philosopher, introduced in his 1975 book The One-Straw Revolution. 2. It internalized the reason for the need of improving the Soak seeds for 4 to 8 hours. Cover for 30 days. I try this thanks a lot. Divide container into three parts. Farmers own small pieces of scattered land. There are 3 well-known people who all laid the groundwork to what is commonly referred to as natural farming today. Natural farming system has unleashed the most creative and the most innovative men and women from private sector and local government officials in this country. Sprinkle the remaining mixture on plants after they are transplanted. To assure good plant growth seed must be genetically healthy and free from weeds seed. bamboo pole open or split open on one side. Immediately transplant the seedlings. Speed up composting works like “vaccinating” against sickness, illness and weeds. Leave it for three days (hot season) Put some of the mixture in a container and place near vegetable plots. Understanding ‘Biological Farming’ Trust Nature® ‘Natural Systems Technology’ Zaytuna Farm Course Curriculum At the end of this workshop, the participants will have a genuine, classroom understanding of the science of beneficial soil biology and how biological management will reduce the effects Place in a cool and shaded place. Boil or broil 2 kilos of animal bones to separate meat and fat until remaining meat to the bone is charcoal black scrape charred meat and let it cool. Ex. Small fruits fermented in brown sugar are used to promote growth. By using growing shelves mounted vertically, it significantly reduces the amount of land space needed to grow plants compared to traditional farming methods. 1049 0 obj
Use FFJ to reduce latrine smell. 4. Duration of Treatment Applied to type of Seeds: Soaking time/day IMO 1. Solid material can be used as animal feed or compost. 2. It is the most important ingredients for flowering. Since then, the collection, production, and utilization of Indigenous Micro Organism is being used in many places in the Philippines. Drain the liquid and place in plastic bottles (always leave about 1/3 of bottle empty so IMOs can breathe). 1066 0 obj
When two third of the country are farmers faces extinction we viewed this as genocide. Process should take place in even temperature, 6. Washed, crushed live snail or kuhol (eggs can also be used) place in a plastic container. Improve growth rate on plants and improve digestive on animals. Apply directly to the soil or to the ground, not to the leaves. There are lot of enzymes in leaves, when enzymes are mixed with brown sugar or molasses they ferment through osmosis pressure and in the process we get the liquid or juice. Other: Put in a container and soak the seedlings for 15 seconds. Intermediate (indigofera) 8 hours It created awareness and interest on the need to sustain subprojects that are geared to natural farming technologies. Do not compress. Incubate for 24 hours before sowing. and take it. Half hour – 1 day (ex: mongo) With this system, we can now grow more food and higher incomes to farmers without destroying the environment and killing our farmers. Put cooked/ steamed rice in a wooden box or perforated plastic tray that is 8½” x 11” x 3” or a length of a Spray when first flowers come out. reactivate. Your email address will not be published. To make the choice of the life and the survival of human beings is to make the choice of sustainable development through natural farming. Put a rock on top for the ¾ of the contents to settle at the bottom. Mix ginger /garlic and muscovado sugar together preferably by hand and put inside jar cover and sealed ferment for seven days. 3. In 3 liters of water mix 2 tablespoons of coconut wine, 2 tablespoons of FPJ and 2 tablespoons of OHN. Our program for farmers makes them responsible for their activity because they have a clear understanding of the principles of natural farming – follow the law of nature and respect for life! Apply directly to leaves of plants when sun is not out. %%EOF
We looked for years various technology and looked at possible solution to ensure high yields but these methods, sadly, are not always the “best” solutions. It helps digestion of animal and plant nutrients. Spray to leaves and soil. Avoid direct sunlight. Apply the remaining liquid treatment Prevent foul odor. Place in a cool and shaded place. Add the same amount of molasses or Muscovado sugar. Fill half of the Natural Pest repellant. 2. Natural Farming is not - Expensive state-of-the-art technology needed for treatment facilities Natural Farming is - The use of microbes NF Benefits - All wastes are recycled and made use for cost-cutting techniques. Just add gin same amount taken from the first extraction. The Chinese system had developed its own characteristics and has attracted world attention. Add rice molds then mixed Muscovado or mollasses (ratio 1:1) to the IMO1. This type of growing is often as… Cover with plastic or jute sacks and leave for seven days. Agriculture 4.0: The Future of Farming Technology 6 1.2. Apply using 2 tbsp of FFJ / 10 liters of water. Natural Farming teaches you how to manage any size farm without the use of common chemicals and pesticides used on most farms. Artificial ecosystem with no waste Add to the IMO and FPJ mixture and spray together on the leaves and soil every week, Natural Attractant for Flying Insects and Butterflies. 0
After seven days, harvest the one liter of liquid and add 10 liters of water (ratio 1:1000) and pour the solution to 100 kilo of rice bran (D1) and mix thoroughly, cover the mixture and leave for three days. 1) floating compound – rice bran FPJ should have a pleasant smell and sweet, tangy taste. 3. Instead we use ecological pest management; instead of chemical fertilizers we use our homemade liquid fertilizer to soil and plants. It is use throughout the early, vegetative and change over and fruiting stages. Cool and add 1/3 liter of FPJ concentrate. A number of global trends are influencing food security, poverty, and the overall sustainability of food and agricultural systems. Unlike conventional organic farming, however, Natural Farming teaches farmers simple fermentation techniques among other farm-based technologies to produce their own organic implements utilizing as much as possible resources available from within the farm. They 1. Indoor vertical farming can be defined as the practice of growing produce stacked one above another in a closed and controlled environment. Use 3 spoons / 10 liters while cleaning. NATURAL FARMING SYSTEM AND TECHNOLOGY TRAINING last April 4-6, 2018. This will make approximately 1 ½ liters of juice. First extraction is good for animal. Mix sugar in ¾ container with fish ingredients then remaining molasses. natural farming systems, other than the piecem eal and cost-reducing technologies cited earlier. Strain and transfer in a clean container. 1. Most people follow the concepts of Natural Farming. Posted by: Belly Joy T. Arpay. Cover with a clean sheet of paper and tie with a string and put a date. The Korean Natural Farming Technology provides us the system of using fully local materials both for farm inputs and processing methodology. Decant liquid after ten days. Before sunrise or two hours before sunset. Assessing the Efficiency of Natural Farming Technology System for the Calamansi Industry in Siay, Zamboanga Sibugay 4. 2. 2. Natural farming is a system where the laws of nature are applied to agricultural practices. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. 1. IMPORTANT: It speeds harvesting. CURRENT USES OF NATURAL RESOURCES ARE HIGHLYSTRESSED The world’s farmland is becoming increasingly unsuitable for production: On the basis of certain metrics, 25 percent of all farmland is already rated as highly degraded, while another 44 percent is moderately or slightly degraded. Sow immediately. Pour 2-4 spoons directly down toilet to help septic system. corn) 5. Easy Email Management for Busy Home Business Owners, Five Ways to Reach a Larger Audience as a Small Business, Dealer of Softdrinks, Beer, Cigarettes, Liquors, Prepaid Cards, 5 Powerful Ways to Keep Users Engaged with Your Mobile App, pizza, food cart franchise, foodcart business, cyrahs pizza, San Miguel Purefoods’ Franchising Opportunity, Habits That Will Boost Your Content Marketing. Keeps for about a year. The formula of success is “you walk, the talk” by teaching the technology more widely and challenges the local government unit (LGU) to adopt and embraces the technology. thank you. Matured squash can also be used. 7. 3. Let’s return to the “Natural” ways. It speeds growth pf plants 2. 5. On the fourth day. Soak seeds for 4 to 8 hours. 2) clear – LAS Apply using 2 tablespoon of FPJ / 10 liters water. Natural farming Inputs Indigenous micro-organism (IMO) Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) /supplementary Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) Fish amino acid (FAA) Water-soluble Calcium Phosphate (WCP) Water-soluble Calcium (WCA) Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Insect Attractant (IA) Potassium from tobacco. container. THE INSECTS COME BY, HAVE A DRINK, GET DRUNK, FALL AND DIE! About two decades ago came Green Revolution’s “miracle” seeds a short term for narrow-minded search for higher yields of grains. And continue to ferment for ten days. 6. Induced flowering, prevent overgrowth. It is also a major element in forming a cell membrane and enables smooth cell division make fruit hard and sweet. After 7 days this will yield a mud like juice. Plant material can be used as animal feed or compost. Do not stir. Extract only the yellow liquid and add crude sugar for preservation or same amount of LAS. Hence for a week, one cow requires seven trays (approx) in … 5. LABS thrive and feed on the ammonia released in the Filter and use keep in airtight container. Prepared 32 liters of water, 300ml OHN, 300 ml FPJ (riceplant), 300 ml coconut vinegar. After seven days add 10 liters of gin. Rule of thumb-fermented fruit juice from tomatoes fed to tomatoes is just like feeding breast milk to the baby! We do not till the land. Natural Farming System (NFS) has much potential in term of food production and environmental conservation.
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