This will be at least 22-25 percent of good protein sources and 8-10 percent of healthy fat and oils. Tight nostrils come on when a puppy is teething and will open up after the puppy is done teething. These 28 puppy teeth are smaller and are not designed to remain in the mouth permanently. Your puppy is also experiencing discomfort and pain and will be prone to chewing on anything and everything to find relief. Shih-Tzus like many other small dogs (Yorkshire -Terriers, Chihuahuas, Papillons, Pekinesesâ¦..) are born with trouble in their mouths, they soon develop plaques and risk losing their teeth if not treated from an early age at least once a year. A few short daily walks and some playtime inside will be plenty for this small dog. It is not a good idea to give your Shih Tzu puppy rawhide, greenies, bones or antlers. Sometimes a Shih Tzu’s mouth may not look as overcrowded as it truly is. Where Shih Tzu go, giggles and mischief follow. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fluffydogbreeds_com-box-4-0')};In adulthood, it is customary for a Shih Tzu dog to have 42 adult teeth. A puppy should not be scolded for something that it is doing to try to make itself more comfortable (it is as irritating for a puppy to teethe as it is for a human baby). You can not tell if a puppy has a true hernia until they are at least 5-6 months old. Mar 18, 21 02:30 PM. Or at least this is the outcome you are hoping for barring any problems with remaining puppy teeth and overcrowding. For most puppies, this can start as early as 12 weeks old (about three months) and may continue to lose teeth for up to six months. If your family is serious about bringing in a Shih Tzu in your home, be sure you know the kinds of commitment you are getting into in all aspects such as puppy training, feeding, grooming, and health care. Tight nostrils are very common in Shih Tzu. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fluffydogbreeds_com-medrectangle-4-0')};In this article, learn what to expect in terms of the number of teeth your Shih Tzu will have during puppyhood and in the adult dog years. For this reason, there are really only two future outcomes: either you schedule a voluntary extraction of some of those teeth or you cope as gingivitis and periodontal disease develops later in life. Some pups can hardly breathe out of their noses during this time. There are a couple of reasons why this could happen. As well, the first year of your Shih Tzu’s life is action-packed from a dental perspective. I cut the cords myself to try and limit the number I get but the mom's still try to get at the left over piece. They might grow in twisted or stacked up so closely next to adjacent teeth that none of the teeth can get a good, firm grip in the surrounding jaw bone. It can also happen when the tooth is broken off or forms imperfectly to start with. Tight nostrils and stenotic nares are not the same thing. Grooming. Sometimes you will have a puppy that takes longer to close. The Shih Tzu puppy should not show signs of aggression or shyness. Because the Shih Tzu dog literally has more teeth than they have the mouth to accommodate, maintaining excellent oral health hygiene is a top priority when you own one of these tiny dogs. Puppy teeth begin to shed and be replaced by permanent adult teeth at about four months of age. This will reveal what, if anything, is going on beneath the gum’s surface, including the presence of partial or fully impacted adult teeth. If time permits, you may want to do a daily tooth brushing at the same time you give your dog’s coat a brushing each day. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fluffydogbreeds_com-medrectangle-3-0')};Shih Tzu dogs are so tiny in every way. Toothbrush: Using a toothbrush in its teeth will take some time for the Shih Tzu to get used to. Some breeds of dogs are predisposed to retaining baby teeth but it can happen to any young dog. They may have bursts of energy and play hard, but they require minimal exercise to stay healthy. Offer recreational bones and/or a fully digestible, high-quality dental dog chew to help control plaque and tartar. If the "hernia" is small you can't tell the difference if it is a true hernia or a delayed closure. Staying ahead of your Shih Tzu’s health issues … The Ultimate Shih Tzu Puppy Guide is the definitive, complete, soup to nuts, comprehensive guide and all you will ever need to have the best relationship with your companion Shih Tzu. To care for a shih tzu puppy, make sure you have plenty of hard, rubber toys lying around the house since shih tzu puppies tend to have rough teething periods. A Hydrocephalic puppy will almost always have a very large open font, their head will look unusually shaped and will have an obvious bulge. The disease occurs when plaque forms on the teeth and at the gumline. Finding the best dog food for a Shih Tzu puppy can come down to tracking all the right ingredients. I have an 11 month old Shih Tzu puppy and no, she has never had two rows of teeth. Train your Shih Tzu puppy to not bite over food. Shedding. If it is large enough that extra caution has to be taken then you need to look at other health concerns. The puppy will start the teething process during this stage -- provide plenty of chew toys for your pup to work with during teething. Dry dog food vs wet dog food, which is better for your Shih Tzu. Teeth brushing is part of the basic dog grooming activities. The rule is: When selecting a Shih Tzu puppy, there should never be more than one tooth of the same type in the mouth at one time. Tight nostrils are very common in Shih Tzu. But while their mouths do try to find space for all those teeth, because of their small size, the Shih Tzu is prone to more dental issues than many larger dog breeds. For the best experience, we recommend you … Physical Condition. While overcrowding in the mouth is by far the most common dental health issue toy-sized dog breeds like the Shih Tzu tend to face, a simple issue of overcrowding can lead to other more serious dental issues later in life. Teeth falling out and new ones growing in, usually happen in a particular order: First the incisors, then … Because the breed has an undershot jaw, they can also have missing or misaligned teeth. In some cases, they may remain in place and cause crowding with the larger and more numerous adult teeth, and this can then cause dental problems. However, a Shih Tzuâs coat is always going through one of three phases: the anagen phase, the telogen phase, or the catagen phase. To keep your Shih Tzu interested, all you need to do is pack this toy full of treats. Plesae do not be alarmed by an open fontanel as a good breeder will know the difference. These teeth are considered puppy teeth or deciduous teeth. True inguinal hernias are actually rare in Shih Tzu. Brush your Shih Tzu’s teeth using dog toothpaste. All this translates to mean that it is important to establish regular dental exams for your Shih Tzu starting in puppyhood. At other times, he will want to chew on everything in sight. This means that they do not fare well under direct heat. If, as the puppy gets older, the hernia is getting better then most likely it is just a delayed closure. How Fast Is a Poodle: Learn the Top Speed for This Amazing Canine Athlete, Can Poodles Have Blue Eyes: Understanding Canine Color Genetics in the Poodle Breed. The perfect food for your puppy Shih Tzu will include a raw diet. But conveniently starting around the same time when the puppies are weaned off their mother’s milk, Shih Tzu puppies will begin to get a set of teeth that is called the “puppy teeth” or the “milk teeth.”. Your veterinary dentist will need to X-ray the area and likely will then need to extract the stuck tooth. But in a toy-sized breed like the Shih Tzu, it can be an advantage. Because the Shih Tzu has such a tiny mouth that is guaranteed to be overcrowded if all 42 adult dog teeth grow, this can cause massive issues with both how and where the adult teeth grow in. These teeth are considered puppy teeth or deciduous teeth. It’s also free to list your available puppies and litters on our site. Just like with any puppy breed, the Shih Tzu starts out in life as a blind, deaf, toothless baby. We just started brushing his teeth this year. The shih tzu puppy grows fast during this period, and should be fed an appropriate puppy diet. About 50 percent of the breed have them. When the owner discovers bad breath and the dog has problems eating hard food. Early socialization and puppy training classes are recommended and help to ensure that the Shih Tzu grows into a well-adjusted, well-mannered companion. Dogs cannot do that, so pick dog toothpaste that is safe enough for your Shih Tzu to swallow. Then stay consistent with your teeth brushing routine, and of course, have lots of … They might grow in backward. Woof! Anything Look…Weird? Factors That Affect Shih Tzu Puppy Growth. Their diet should contain about 50% high-quality protein. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fluffydogbreeds_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')};When there is any portion of a root or tooth trapped beneath the gum line, it is not visible to you or your veterinarian. Almost all are completely healed (closed) by 4-6 months old. From the very beginning, it is important to keep in mind a couple of health issues that every Shih Tzu comes with. Their puppy teeth should start emerging somewhere around three weeks of age. We call it a hernia because at that time that is what it is. While your Shih Tzu will definitely still need regular dental check-ups and teeth cleanings, toys like the Kong Stuff-a-Ball may be able to promote better oral hygiene while also helping to prevent dental-related diseases in your pup as well. The final adult teeth your puppy is likely to … The Shih Tzu puppy should be active, friendly, bright, curious, and open to littermates and even strangers. Most adult Shih Tzus weighs just nine to 16 pounds fully grown – and much of that weight is their signature long human hair-like coat. The new set of baby teeth helps the Shih Tzu puppy learn to eat soft solid food. Shih Tzu's are generally healthy and can live for a long time. It is not uncommon for an umbilical hernia not to close but mostly all are simply cosmetic and do not cause any health concerns. Maybe the extra teeth will fall out on their own, but only a vet will be able to advise you on that. Shih Tzu Teeth: An Overview Like us, dogs get two sets of teeth in their lives 28 baby or deciduous and 42 permanent or adult teeth. Inguinal hernias are skin-covered bulges in the groin area. By the time your Shih Tzu reaches 4 months old, his/her baby teeth … Missing and crooked teeth are common. The Ultimate Shih Tzu Puppy Guide is written by a dog whisperer and lover of this wonderful breed, whose own Shih Tzu (Boris) is a working Shih Tzu and an integral member of her dog whispering team. If you have a puppy missing teeth, it maybe that he is just getting his permanent teeth in. Genetics. This may not be viewed as an ideal situation for a larger dog breed. Some dogs will have tighter nostrils than others and will snore and snort their entire life. By taking the time to educate yourself about the special dental health needs of toy-sized Shih Tzu dogs, you give your dog the best chance for lifelong health. If the soft spot is unusually large and never heals over then you do have to be careful with the puppies head, just like a human baby. Human toothpaste is specifically designed for humans to spit the paste washings out. lovable Shih Tzu companion. This is usually of little concern and can be very common in the smaller Shih Tzu. This bread is susceptible to dental problems. Similar to the French Bulldog, Shih Tzu has a flat face, where the air that would otherwise cool their lungs do not enter into their bodies as effectively. But just like for you, if one of your dog’s adult teeth gets damaged or lost, your Shih Tzu won’t be able to grow a replacement tooth. Feed a nutritionally balanced, species-appropriate, fresh food diet, and feed it raw if possible. Size. Tight nostrils and stenotic nares are not the same thing. Read More. An open Fontanel is the puppies soft spot on top of the head. These teeth will grow in starting around the same time the puppy teeth begin to fall out and should last your dog throughout life. This said, some puppies are early or late bloomers. There are […] Staying ahead of your Shih Tzuâs health issues is the best way to prevent genetic health problems. To keep your Shih Tzu interested, all you need to do is pack this toy full of treats. This can have far-reaching impacts not just to that tooth and the immediately surrounding teeth but to the integrity of the whole jaw bone. To keep Shih Tzu health conditions better, healthy foods will be needed. If your own dog is scared then you may want to consider a jacket that states the dog needs space, this way people should see the message on the jacket and leave your Shih Tzu alone. You can expect your Shih Tzu puppy to go through the teething phase for about 4 to 5 months. This is a serious condition but has nothing to do with a small open fontanel of a healthy puppy that just hasn't finished growing yet. See more ideas about teeth, dog teeth, shih tzu. Feb 16, 2019 - Explore Maura Fashjian's board "SHIH TZU TEETH", followed by 394 people on Pinterest. This can happen with tight nostrils too, but the pup is usually weaned by the time they are teething. A good place to go for general information and care of pups is This is a wonderful site full of all kinds of info on many different breeds of dogs. If the pup's stenotic nares are so severe that they can not breathe at all or very little through their nose and they exhibit lethargic behavior you should see your vet to decide if surgery is a good option. Very rarely are they a cause for concern. The average lifespan of Shih Tzu is from 10 to 18 years. Dry Dog Food Vs Wet Dog Food: What To Feed Your Shih Tzu. Sometimes not all 42 teeth will come in and teeth will be missing. BELOW IS A LIST OF COMMON ISSUES IN THE SHIH TZU BREED AND ARE OF NO CAUSE OF CONCERN (UNLESS THEY ARE SEVERE). As we pointed out earlier, the smaller the dog, the smaller the mouth. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fluffydogbreeds_com-leader-1-0')};You will want to keep a very close eye on this because sometimes not all the puppy teeth fall out. 61 talking about this. Your Shih Tzu will begin teething at around the age of 3 weeks and this will continue for months. It isn't common though that a soft spot is large enough to cause a concern. As long as they are active and eating and drinking normally there is no concern. Bite inhibition is what allows your dog to have a safe mouth, not to be a danger to you, other people and other animals. This can happen when a tooth is impacted because it grows sideways or at an angle instead of straight up. The Ultimate Shih Tzu Puppy Guide is the definitive, complete, The shih tzu is a toy dog breed, so it is meant to be a small dog. Shish Tzu dogs make excellent pets for many people while for others this dog breed can be a source of some issues and frustration. All Shih Tzu found here are from AKC-Registered parents. If it is large then it can easily be repaired when the puppy is spayed/neutered. This is the first and most common problem that Shih Tzu dogs can experience, as Hale Veterinary Clinic points out. Only the most dedicated pet owners insist on making sure their pets have the cleanest teeth. More than 85 percent of dogs two and older have periodontal disease, according to the American Shih Tzu Club. Unfortunately, some teeth may be lost in the process and you may have to make special adjustments to your Shih Tzu’s diet, providing softer foods that are easier to chew. By now all of your puppy’s baby teeth should have come in. Teeth Brushing. How Does the Shih Tzu Fit All Those Adult Teeth Into Their Mouth? The foods rich in these ingredients will make your dog develop stronger teeth and bones. Toothbrush: Using a toothbrush in its teeth will take some time for the Shih Tzu to get used to. Most will shrink and disappear as the pup grows. Find Shih Tzu Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Shih Tzu information. Find Shih Tzu Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Shih Tzu information. When a Shih Tzu is teething, they will have an uncontrollable urge … Itâs no surprise that Shih Tzu owners have been so delighted with this little âLion Dogâ for a thousand years. ... Brushing the Teeth. According to Edgemont Veterinary Clinic, the number of teeth your Shih Tzu has will change depending on the stage of life. For example, as Tooth Vet points out, the adult teeth may grow in front of other teeth. I can usually tell by 4-7 weeks old if a pup has one and I will let you know. The truth is, sometimes there isn’t enough room. Your dog will need your help to minimize the likelihood of bacteria getting trapped and causing an infection that can lead to periodontal disease.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fluffydogbreeds_com-leader-3-0')}; Your canine veterinarian can help you identify the best products to use with your dog to minimize tartar buildup and fight back against tooth decay. Feb 16, 2019 - Explore Maura Fashjian's board "SHIH TZU TEETH", followed by 394 people on Pinterest. Sometimes there are cost issues where the budget just won’t allow for a voluntary tooth extraction. As for you, you will soon get used to finding tiny shed teeth scattered around, especially after a good chewing session. However, try to redirect your puppyâs chewing. The Shih Tzuâs teeth come in a bit later than other breedsâ, and they often fall out earlier than other breedsâ. Umbilical hernias are of little concern and are very common in this breed. Hopefully you won't need to pay for extractions as to have them removed will be costly. After a Shih Tzu has their full adult coat, your grooming process will be vastly simplified, and brushing will be far less of a chore. All dogs should have their teeth brushed 2-3 times a week, their nails clipped monthly, and a full body inspection done every couple weeks. Take baby steps to introduce them to the idea and get used to the tools. Lifespan of Shih Tzu. SHIH TZU DENTAL CARE – OVERVIEW: SHIH TZU TEETH Like human beings, Shih Tzus and other dogs get two sets of teeth during their life — 28 baby teeth and 42 adult teeth. All Shih Tzu found here are from AKC-Registered parents. You also get rid of bad odors when you brush your dogâs teeth. This is a very important part of giving your Shih Tzu a comfortable long, happy, healthy life. An umbilical hernia is usually a small soft bump where your puppy's umbilical cord was (belly button) and for some reason the muscle never closed. Before you try to bathe a Shih Tzu puppy, lay a towel or non-slip mat in the bottom of your tub so the puppy doesnât slip. One of the most common times a Shih Tzu puppy will bite is when food is in the equation. The Shih Tzu is a rather popular breed in the U.S.A.- Ranked 20th most registered breed by the AKC for 2017. Like any other dog breeds, however, Shih Tzu are prone to certain health problems, as listed below. Some veterinarians that aren't familiar with small breeds will jump to conclusions just because they feel a slight open fontanel. And sometimes a new owner may rescue an adult Shih Tzu dog that didn’t get preventative dental care and some level of gingivitis or periodontal disease has already set in. While your Shih Tzu will definitely still need regular dental check-ups and teeth cleanings, toys like the Kong Stuff-a-Ball may be able to promote better oral hygiene while also helping to prevent dental-related diseases in your pup as well. These teensy puppies rely on their mom (or human surrogate) for everything and can only take in liquids for a number of weeks because they don’t have any teeth for chewing food. Teeth are growing in and falling out and then growing in again. Chewing is a natural thing for a puppy to do as its sharp little teeth come in. Somes the moms have a hard time biting the cord because of their flat faces and underbite so they will tug a lot. Most puppies stop teething around 6 months, but every dog is different. Shih Tzu puppies - Shih Tzu exibitor in Florida placing companion Shih Tzu puppies in exceptional homes, site offers photos and information about Shih Tzu. Shih Tzu Puppies for sale - The Puppy Palace CT ... Those big dark eyes looking up at you with that sweet expression! Your email address will not be published. Best of luck to you and your puppy. It is good to push the tissue back into the cavity a couple times a day. The biggest thing that will make brushing your Shih Tzu’s teeth easier is establishing a routine with your dog early. The former is a much less invasive and uncomfortable option for your dog and a much less expensive and stressful option for you. Sometimes (not always) surgery will be needed for stenotic nares. It is not always possible to be proactive about dealing with an overcrowded mouth in puppyhood. They are a true house companion and were bred for that purpose, so they are just happy to sit and cuddle with you. The owner explains her process step by step and even offers an overview of the products she uses with her Shih Tzu. ( It will seem like forever ). 6. Dogs cannot do that, so pick dog toothpaste that is safe enough for your Shih Tzu to swallow. Shih Tzu may also be more prone to dental problems than other dog breeds. By the age of six months or so, your Shih Tzu puppy should have a nice set of 42 adult dog teeth. Brush your poochâs Shit Tzuâs teeth once a week. Sometimes a breeder just knows based on years of experience. Unfortunately, nearly as quickly as the puppy teeth come in, they will start to fall out again. Common Dental Health Issues in Shih Tzu Dogs, Why Good Dental Hygiene for Shih Tzu Dogs Can Be Life-Saving. Puppies usually lose their deciduous teeth (baby teeth) around 6 to 7 months of age; this is a normal process. Retained baby teeth and tooth and gum problems are not unusual because the Shih Tzu's baby teeth may remain intact when the permanent teeth emerge. But over time, that tooth can cause a cyst to form and that cyst can cause degradation of the surrounding jaw bone. My seven year old dog (a shi tzu, yorkie, teacup, poodle mix) lost one of his front teeth while his teeth were getting brushed. When a Shih Tzu is teething, they will have an uncontrollable urge to get their teeth on anything and everything. According to Aubrey Animal Medical Center, if for any reason you don’t know or are not able to tend to your dog’s preventative oral health needs, this could reduce life expectancy by up to three years! So you will want to make sure you brush your Shih Tzu’s teeth at least three times per week. An inguinal hernia is the result of abdominal organs, fat or tissue protruding through the inguinal ring. Delayed closures are very common in the Shih Tzu breed. When your dog gnaws on raw meat, it acts as a kind of natural toothbrush and dental floss. In other words, If the Shih Tzu puppy has a baby canine tooth and an adult canine tooth, the baby tooth needs to be removed right away so that the adult teeth can grow correctly and not overcrowded in the mouth. We will talk more about those problems and what warning signs to look for here shortly. Human toothpaste is specifically designed for humans to spit the paste washings out. Cysts are often the first indication there is a tooth stuck in your dog’s gums. Never have surgery done on a puppy that simply has tight nostrils from teething (as it will eventually go away). Again, I don't recommend the pup going through a separate surgery for this. Limited breeder of gorgeous AKC Shih Tzu. They are delayed closures most of the time. Your Shih Tzu will begin teething at around the age of 3 weeks and this will continue for months. Puppy teeth begin to shed and be replaced by permanent adult teeth at about four months of age. Why buy a Shih Tzu puppy for sale if you can adopt and save a life? These teeth are temporary and may begin to dissolve and fall out as early as six months of age. Also, feed your puppy a high-quality dog food 3 times a day on a consistent schedule to establish a … Be sure to start brushing their teeth when they are a puppy. Personally I love the short "sheared" cut â it requires minimal brushing and makes a Shih Tzu look like a cute puppy throughout their life. Discuss getting your dogs teeth cleaned periodically. Don't worry if you don't see these teeth, because the puppy ⦠Brachycephalic or smushed-face dogs like pugs, Shih-tzus, and bulldogs along with small breeds like chihuahuas and Pomeranians are more likely to have baby teeth that don't want to leave. This is a very important part of giving your Shih Tzu … However, although not unheard of, it's unlikely your pup will teethe past 8 months of age. a working Shih Tzu and an integral member of her dog whispering team. Tight nostrils come on when a puppy is teething and will open up after the puppy is done teething. Shih Tzu Teeth: An Overview Like us, dogs get two sets of teeth in their lives 28 baby or deciduous and 42 permanent or adult teeth. If gingivitis or periodontal disease has set in, there are treatments for it that your veterinarian can apply. As the American Kennel Club (AKC) Shih Tzu dog breed profile points out, these are really tiny dogs! An unaddressed cyst is not always painful to your dog in the short-term but can cause long-term discomfort as it then causes bone malformation or disintegration. For most puppies, this can start as early as 12 weeks old (about three months) and may continue to lose teeth for up to six months. The gums swell and pinch off the nostrils, this should settle down by 6 months of age. A lot of "hernias" are actually delayed clsure of the umbilical or inguinal (groin) area. Look at pictures of Shih Tzu puppies who need a home. A Shih Tzu is a low energy dog breed. By the time, your puppy is about six months old or so, all of his puppy teeth should have fallen out, and his adult teeth should have grown in. According to Edgemont Veterinary Clinic, the number of teeth your Shih Tzu has will change depending on the stage of life. According to the American Shih Tzu Club, up to 85 percent of adult Shih Tzu dogs will eventually develop some level of periodontal disease. It is important to start brushing your Shih Tzu’s teeth in puppyhood so your dog gets used to the sensation and isn’t frightened. See more ideas about teeth, dog teeth, shih tzu. Ice cubes or special toys that can be frozen will help to relieve the pain of swollen gums, as will Nylabones and quality kibble. Around this time, the breeder will likely have already or … A Shih Tzu puppy will lose their teeth and enter into their teething stage. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), the puppy teeth may start to show themselves as early as two to four weeks but can take up to six weeks to fully come in. Shih-Tzus like many other small dogs (Yorkshire -Terriers, Chihuahuas, Papillons, Pekineses…..) are born with trouble in their mouths, they soon develop plaques and risk losing their teeth if not treated from an early age at least once a year. Squeal like a puppy (bite inhibition) When you see puppies playing together in their litter, they will … There are [â¦] Therefore, if you obtain a Shih Tzu puppy, you will need to deal with the issue of teething. Teach Your Shih Tzu Puppy Bite Inhibition There is a reason why puppy teeth are so sharp and that is because they need those sharp teeth to learn bite inhibition. To care for a shih tzu puppy, make sure you have plenty of hard, rubber toys lying around the house since shih tzu puppies tend to have rough teething periods. The most important action to take is just to start from wherever you find yourself. With a shih tzu puppy, you may deal with a lot of snuffles, snorts, and loud snoring as ⦠Stenotic nares are different and are present at birth. When all 42 teeth insist on coming in, this often causes intense overcrowding and odd tooth rotation in a tiny dog like the Shih Tzu. In this case, because the root is still there, the other teeth cannot make use of the extra space to grow in. Watch the Dental Care Routine for a Shih Tzu Dog. This buildup can lead to cavities, as well as gingivitis. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Check the puppyâs eyes, ear, mouth, nose, teeth, paws, and every other part you can see. SHih Tzu's are like most puppies. Despite what some breeders will tell you, Shih Tzus are not hypoallergenic dogs. From the very beginning, it is important to keep in mind a couple of health issues that every Shih Tzu comes with. From the time the pup is born they have trouble breathing through their nose and struggle with nursing due to the inability to breathe and nurse at the same time.
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